"Let there arise out of you a band of people inviting to all that is good enjoining what is right and forbidding what is wrong; they are the ones to attain felicity".
(surah Al-Imran,ayat-104)
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User Name: baba23
Full Name: Muhammad Hanif
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Why Pig Fat is not mentioned but code(s) are printed??
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By Dr M. Amjad Khan

Research by Dr Amjad Khan (Medical Research Institute, United States) has proved that many products of multinational firms including, but not limited to -


have PIG FATS in them as ingredients.
This is shown in the form of E-Codes printed on the packs of such products. So we must try to avoid items with the following E Codes:
E100, E110, E120, E 140, E141, E153, E210, E213, E214, E216, E234, E252,E270, E280, E325, E326, E327, E334, E335, E336, E337, E422, E430, E431, E432, E433, E434, E435, E436, E440, E470, E471, E472, E473, E474, E475,E476, E477, E478, E481, E482, E483, E491, E492, E493, E494, E495, E542,E570, E572, E631, E635, E904.
Lately We found the code E631 printed on the wrapper of
The following images clearly show code E631 printed in the ingredients of LAYS POTATO CHIPS as flavour enhancers. Pig is HARAAM for Muslims. SO we MUST avoid eating it. These idiots are playing with our beliefs and making us eat whatever has been rsetricted by Allah and His Apostle (PBUH). We must be raise our voices against this crime. 


These two web sites have some more information about this topic as well. n search there & also
This is what writtena bout Lays n wikipedia.
Pork Enzymes

Some Frito-Lay brand seasoned products, including some flavors of Lay's, contain pork enzymes in addition to herbs, cheese and other seasonings. Frito-Lay's web site[1] states that they use enzymes from pigs (porcine enzymes) in some of their seasoned snack chip products to develop 'unique flavors'. The presence of pig-derived ingredients makes them haraam for Muslims to eat. Spotlight Halal has compiled a list of Lay's flavor varieties[2] to identify which Lay's flavor varieties contain pork enzymes.


 Reply:   classic salted lays
Replied by(shubhgarg22) Replied on (1/Nov/2011)

classic salted lays contain pig
 Reply:   Lays Chips is 100% Halal (Reply for Brother Ali)
Replied by(ushafique) Replied on (23/Jun/2009)

D ear brother Ali,
I welcome your remarks but dear could you please also read this statement form

I think after reading this you are fully satisfied

"Regarding the issue of E631 in Lays products in Pakistan we would like to refer to the Lays Pakistan Statement and the certification of Halal of Lays products. The inosinate is made from tapioca starch and no animal products are involved in the production."

So my Dear brother and sisters LAYS is 100% HALAL so please don't say haram to halal food it is great sin

 Reply:   ALi
Replied by(immhot) Replied on (13/Jun/2009)
There's a Strong Possibility and Reason to Avoid.


Sir I really wonder why so many people are out there to prove that Lays are Halal. May be this has become a mindset in many Muslims to prove themselves moderate and tolerant even at the cost of important religious beliefs and cultural values.

I would like to reply to Mr. ushafique's reply to the letter. Sir you have written in a forceful and confident manner but, perhaps, in haste for reason better known to you. Please take a moment to read the information you have given references and addresses here and you will find out that although it is not confirmed that the particular taste enhancers used in Lays supplied in Pakistan are made from Pig meat yet there is a strong possibility for the same. Your claim that E631 ( Sodium Inosinate) DOES NOT involve any animal products is proved false by the source you referred to i.e.

While you write the following:

 E631 : Sodium inosinate

Regarding the issue of E631 in Lays products in Pakistan we would like to refer to the Lays Pakistan        Statement and the certification of Halal of Lays products. The inosinate is made from tapioca starch and no animal products are involved in the production.

Link is

So my dear brothers and sisters LAYS in Pakistan is 100% HALAL and approved by international Food info


The website you referred to provides the following information:

Sodium salt of inosinic acid (E630), a natural acid, that is mainly present in animals. Commercially prepared from meat or fish (sardines). May also be produced by bacterial fermentation of sugars.


Dietary Restrictions:
Inosinates are generally produced from meat, but partly also from fish. They are thus not suitable for vegans and vegetarians, and in most cases not suitable for Jews, Muslims and Hindus, depending on the origin of the product. Only the producer can provide information on the origin.


Please read the information yourself before spreading it and do not pass on misleading information that can result in harm to others religious practices. It is not allowed in any religion to whatever extent moderate it is.


 Reply:   Important Information Regarding 100% LAYS
Replied by(ushafique) Replied on (2/Jun/2009)

My dear brother and sister,
I have an important information regarding 100% HALAL authentication of LAYS Chips
Please visit given below link which stated that

E631 : Sodium inosinate

Regarding the issue of E631 in Lays products in Pakistan we would like to refer to the Lays Pakistan Statement and the certification of Halal of Lays products. The inosinate is made from tapioca starch and no animal products are involved in the production.

Link is

So my dear brothers and sisters LAYS in Pakistan is 100% HALAL and approved by international Food info

My Dear Brother and sitters i also strongly recommend to read given below email from Dr. Ralf's proving that E631 is commercially being produced from plants and Dr. Amjad's email is grossly incorrect

Subject: RE: [Fwd: RE: Questions to Food-Info]
From: "Hartemink, Ralf"
Date: Tue, May 19, 2009 1:42 pm

Dear Abdul,

I received this mail from my colleague.

Well, it is a very strange and absolutely false e-mail. It is a classical case on how you can misuse some facts to scare people.

It is true that worldwide a lot of pigs are being held and these are obviously not halal. The same for any other meat slaughtered in a non-Islamic fashion. But then it starts about a conspiracy on the use of pig fat. And that is not correct.
If pig fat is used as an ingredient it has to be labelled in most countries (at least in Western countries, I don't know about all
countries) as animal fat or pig fat. There is no cover-up for that.

It is also true that fats, including possibly animal fat, can be used to produce some additives, mainly the emulsifiers, as well as cosmetics.
Many soaps are derived from fat, which may include animal fat.

The E-numbers as such are not a European idea, the numbering system is a UN-based list of all additives that may be used in human and animal food. This is done by the WHO/FAO. In the EU the laws are more strict and not all numbers on the list are approved. Only those that are approved for use in the EU get an E before the number. Australia, Canada, India and more countries use the same numbers, but, of course, without an E. The number simply is a shorter name for the often very complex chemical names of the additives. It has nothing to do with a cover-up or similar.

The companies do not even have to mention the number, they can also use the name, or the combination of name and number. But either the name or the number has to be mentioned. As all numbers are clearly defined, it is also clear what additive is actually used.

The number of additives that contain fat is very limited, and many of the list below do not. E 100, 110, 120, 140, 141 and 153 are food colours. E100 is the yellow colour from turmeric, or the yellow colour of curries. Obviously no fat is used there. E110 is a completely synthetic yellow colour made from petroleum-derivates. No natural components or fat are being used. E120 is haram, but because it is made of insects, it has nothing to do with fat. E140 and E141 are the green colour of leaves and is made from grass. It does not exist in animals and obviously has nothing to do with it. E153 is normally made from burned plants, but in some countries animal material may still be used.

E210-E219 are all benzoates. These are made synthetically and no animal fats are being used. They are also present in berries. All have the same origin, so it is quite strange that some numbers are not in the list and some are !

E234 is an antibiotic produced in cheese by a micro-organism. It has nothing to do with animals.

E252 (and also E251) are nitrates, normal minerals and not derived from any living organism.

E270 is an acid made by bacteria from sugar, 325-7 are salts from the same acid. No animal material involved. The same for E280.

E334-337 are made from by products in the wine production. They may thus be haram for that, but have nothing to do with animals or pigs.

For the E400 and 500-series, see for the specific on these.

The E631 (and actually that should be the E626-635 as they can all have the same origin) can be made from meant, although this is not commonly done, as it is too expensive.

E904 is made of insects and thus indeed haram, but has nothing to do with animals.

So the list mentioned is absolutely incorrect and some numers are missing, whereas some are absolutely wrongly on the list (sucha s the lactates).

A completely different discussion is actually whether additives derived from pig fat, but in which the pig origin is not detectable, is actually indeed haram. This is not my speciality, but we have had a longtime discussion with some imams and islamic scientists that had quite different opinions. What we do is provide facts, where does it come from and how can you know 9or not) and leave the actual use to the individual consumer based on his/her beliefs.

I hope this clarifies the situation for you and it would be nice if you could also spread this message in Pakistan, so people can get a better and true view on additives and which may be haram. So far all food scientists in Islamic countries that we have consulted, agree with the list at

Kind regards,

Ralf Hartemink

Dr. ir. Ralf Hartemink;;; Programme Director Food Technology and Food Safety Wageningen University Dept. Food Microbiology PO Box 8129 6700 EV Wageningen the Netherlands
fax : +31-317-484978


Dear Sir/Madam,

i thank you for your reply,

could you please reply after reading this email.

Here is the most pertinent part in case you are in a hurry:
So, I request all MUSLIMS or non pork [meat] eaters to check the ingredients of the ITEMS of daily use and match it with the following list of E-CODES. If any of the ingredients listed below is found, try to avoid it, as it has got PIG FAT; E100, E110, E120, E 140, E141, E153, E210, E213, E214, E216, E234, E252,E270, E280, E325, E326, E327, E334, E335, E336, E337, E422, E430, E431, E432, E433, E434, E435, E436, E440, E470, E471, E472, E473, E474, E475,E476, E477, E478, E481, E482, E483, E491, E492, E493, E494, E495, E542,E570, E572, E631, E635, E904.
The full email is below:
FW: Why Pig Fat is not mentioned but code(s) are printed?? read In nearly all the western countries including Europe, the PRIMARY choice for meat is PIG. There are a lot of farms in these countries to breed this animal. In France alone, Pig Farms account for more than 42,000.
PIGS have the highest quantity of FAT in their body than any other animal.
But Europeans and Americans try to avoid fats.
Thus, where does the FAT from these PIGS go? All pigs are cut in slaughter houses under the control of the department of food and it was the headache of the department of food to dispose of the fat removed from these pigs.
Formerly, it was burnt (about 60 years ago). Then they thought of utilizing it. First, they experimented it in the making of SOAPS and it worked.
Then, a full network was formed and this FAT was chemically Processed, Packed and Marketed, while the other manufacturing companies bought it.
In the meantime, all European States made it a rule that every Food, Medical and Personal Hygiene product should have the ingredients listed on its cover. So, this ingredient was listed as PIG FAT.
Those who are living in Europe for the past 40 years know about this.
But, these products came under a ban by the ISLAMIC COUNTRIES at that time, which resulted in a trade deficit.
Going back in time, if you are somehow related to South East Asia, you might know about the provoking factors of the 1857 CIVIL WAR. At that time, Rifle Bullets were made in Europe and transported to the sub-continent through the Sea.It took months to reach there and the gun powder in it was ruined due to the exposure to sea.
Then, they got the idea of coating the Bullets with fat, which was PIG FAT. The fat layer had to be scratched by teeth before using them. When the word spread, the soldiers, mostly Muslim and some Vegetarians, refused to fight.Which eventually lead to the Civil War. The Europeans recognized these facts, and instead of writing PIG FAT, they started writing ANIMAL FAT.All those living in Europe since 1970?s know this fact. When the companies were asked by authorities from the MUSLIM COUNTRIES, what animal fat is it, they were told it was COW and SHEEP Fat. Here again a question raised, if it was COW or SHEEP Fat, still it is HARAAM to MUSLIMS, as these animal were not SLAUGHTERED as per the ISLAMIC LAW. Thus, they were again banned.
Now, these multinational companies were again facing a severe drought of money as 75% of their income comes from selling their goods to Muslim Countries, and these earn BILLIONS OF DOLLARS of Profit from their exports to the MUSLIM WORLD.
Finally they decided to start a coding language, so that only their Departments of Food Administration should know what they are using, and the common man is left lurking in the dark.Thus, they started E-CODES.
These E- INGREDIENTS are present in a majority of products of multinational firms including, but not limited to - TOOTH PASTE, SHAVING CREAM CHEWING GUM, CHOCOLATE, SWEETS, BISCUITS, CORN FLAKES, TOFFEES, CANNED FOODS, FRUIT TINS, Some medication Multi-vitamins Since these goods are being used in all MUSLIM Countries indiscrimately, our society is facing problems like shamelessness, rudeness and sexual promiscuity.
So, I request all MUSLIMS or non pork [meat] eaters to check the ingredients of the ITEMS of daily use and match it with the following list of E-CODES. If any of the ingredients listed below is found, try to avoid it, as it has got PIG FAT; E100, E110, E120, E 140, E141, E153, E210, E213, E214, E216, E234, E252,E270, E280, E325, E326, E327, E334, E335, E336, E337, E422, E430, E431, E432, E433, E434, E435, E436, E440, E470, E471, E472, E473, E474, E475,E476, E477, E478, E481, E482, E483, E491, E492, E493, E494, E495, E542,E570, E572, E631, E635, E904.
Now dears it is proved that LAYS IN PAKISTAN IS 100 % HALAL Regards, Muhammad Umar Shafique
 Reply:   Ummat is a liar!
Replied by(sabz) Replied on (29/May/2009)
Truth about Lay's
@Umer: Hey Umer that was a good one. Our people (and media is no exception) just know how to spread false. They can never counter attack neither provide with any logical proofs to prove that they are right. Ummat publication is the best example. On one hand they publish a feature about Lay's and its ingredients and on the other hand they publish a paid placement saying that Lay's is halal. Isn't this hypocrisy? I would say it isan idiocricy"¦.an extreme one dear mate! So for all those out there who want to believe one side of the story, I suggest go for Lay's proofs and certificates. They have taken one stance since day one and have not been exhibiting any childish attitude as this Ummat daily has taken. Moreover, the proofs have been open to all and sundry. I have questioned in my previous post about the authenticity of the research report of Dr. Amjad, his whereabouts and professional details. I believe voice of one anonymous individual cannot become voice of millions and millions of Muslims. I question again the authenticity of this fake report published in Ummat. It is for all you to see for yourself the joke they have made of themselves.
 Reply:   Umaat is a big blackmailer (Proved)
Replied by(ushafique) Replied on (29/May/2009)

Yes Noman I agreed with you as
i have made great research on Daily Umaat and also Syed Ahmad Abbasi he is a big balck mailer and asking a big money from Lays company for stopping this false propaganda

May Allaha Show us right path and save us for these kinds of money makers those have no care about we Muslims and shaking our EMAN to saying HARAM to HALAL Food
Please Read this
The South African National Halaal Authority (SANHA) is an internationally recognized organization, and an acknowledge authority on all matters pertaining to the general application of the term Halaal with specific reference to Islamic dietary laws.
SANHA has been established as a representative authority, which promotes professionalism and excelled in developing systems for the certification of Halaal food and other related products. SANHA is committed to standardizing Halaal procedures internationally thereby rendering a tangible and credible service to both the consumer and the industry. Indeed, this strategy does not only prove beneficial for the Muslim consumer but it is also a means of promoting trade.
SANHA is among the founding members represented on the World Halaal Council and enjoys global recognition from both Muslim and Western Countries.
SANHA has over the past several years rendered assistance to the Halaal industry in Pakistan and has issued Halaal certification of several Pakistani companies: some of whom are listed below:
"¢ Dawn Bakeries
"¢ Youngs Foods (Pvt) Ltd
"¢ Shangrila (Pvt) Ltd
"¢ Candyland
"¢ Bisconni
"¢ Snack City
"¢ Leiner Pak
"¢ Haleeb Foods Ltd
"¢ Freshmate Ready Meal
Halaal certification authorities, food technologists and industry professionals who are au fait with E-additives and food ingredients will bear testimony to the fallacies and baseless claims of the said email.
Recently, Lays Pakistan has regrettably been bearing the brunt of various emails and consumers have been mislead into believing that E-631 used by LAYS, Pakistan, is a derivative of animal fat.
SANHA, an International Halaal certification authority has investigated the ingredients used by LAYS Pakistan and can confirm that their ingredients are Halaal complaint. Infact the E-631 used by LAYS Pakistan is derived from TAPIOCA STARCH, a plant based raw material which has been certified Halaal.
Consumers are advised to be wary of such malicious emails and urged not to circulate any such mail until the information has been verified and confirmed by a reputable expert authority.
For all Halaal related queries, you may contact the Halaal Helpline on
Remember the Islamic Rule, "Verify Before You Amplify"!
For South African National Halaal Authority
M.S. Navlakhi (Moulana) M.Y. Seedat (Mufti)
Theological Director Theological Representative
 Reply:   Dual Standard by Ummat, May be need money...?
Replied by(Noman) Replied on (18/May/2009)
in its 16 may newspaper..
on front page they have displayed half paper advertisement showing Lays is halal
and in inner pages displaying the full story about Lays is Haram....
wah ray wah
Now what to believe or what to not....
i like Ummat news paper, but i think instead of spreading so much confusion they should take one stance and then should stand beside that.

 Reply:   Pepsi Co agreed for pork fats in Lays - Ummat Article
Replied by(Noman) Replied on (18/May/2009)

 Reply:   Lies vs. Lays
Replied by(sabz) Replied on (17/May/2009)

Pepsi-Cola International Pakistan (Private) Limited is a subsidiary of PepsiCo, US. PepsiCo operates in over 80 markets across the world, including Egypt, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Lebanon, Syria and UAE. PepsiCo values and respects the beliefs of all communities that it operates in. How could it then go astray in betraying the values and sentiments of a huge market like ours??? I question.


The Pepsi Cola International says in its media report: We assure our consumers and customers that Lays Snacks Pakistan uses only 100% Halal ingredients in all its food products. Pakistan Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (PCSIR), an established government body, has verified that Lays is free of all animal meat fat (i.e. it only contains vegetable fats). Jamia Ashrafia of Pakistan has also declared Lays as 100% Halal. E631 is also certified by the raw material supplier, as well as the Central Islamic Committee of Thailand, as Halal (and the latter has also specifically endorsed the use of the legend "Halal" for such flavor).


I won't comment any further on the ingredient debate going on. All of you can very well follow the proofs, certificates and documents presented and further evaluate. Let me be more direct to a layman in his/her understanding of the issue.


Media, both new and traditional have been emphasizing on just one report by some Muslim doctor in the West. I question the authenticity of the report. Does one report by some anonymous individual has more weightage than several proof certificates of registration, verification by the Pepsi-Cola International Pakistan (Private) Limited?

Is the stated research and the arguments presented in its favour based on truth or is it mere propaganda?


How true is this halal haram debate? Is the debater aware of the encoding process and the nature of ingredients? And if yes, can he/she actually prove and counter-attack the several reports presented to prove the "˜guilt-free' ingredient?

I expect the respected members of this forum to come forward and exhibit their logical and practical thinking. I would .on my part like to shed light on the economic consequences of this false propaganda circulating about the Lays chips and its ingredients all around.


Pepsi Cola international says in its media statement: Lays Snacks are sold in many other Muslim countries including Saudi Arabia, Egypt, UAE and Malaysia. In Pakistan, we employ over 1000 people in the fields of agriculture, production and distribution and are contributing to various social causes like education and health.


Let's speak about Pakistan first. 1000 employees mean 1000 families. If this baseless debate keeps on circulating will not the future of these 1000 families be at stake? Of course labour makes the most important part of any organization and it is the labour who suffers in the end if and when work stops. Can a developing country like ours, already at the verge of bankruptcy with weak economic indicators afford such a mass level of unemployment?


And to speak of the Muslim world, where Lays chips is the number one brand with a huge distribution and consumption and a large work force in different capacities, will not such rumours bring down the already withering state of economy?


And on what cost? Rumours, falsehood and unauthentic sources.





 Reply:   Amjad
Replied by(Outlawz1984) Replied on (14/May/2009)

I think i have to finish the discussion on this topic.. because i have research it and post it here what i got.. and some one don't do any effort and just give the statement that its fake or whatever.. Pepsi Cola or Lays are not owned by me.. if you are not agreed by that you can stop eating these product but don't misguide the people Thanks
 Reply:   GooD JOB!
Replied by(kamranahmed_05) Replied on (14/May/2009)

Salam to everyone!
Now it is clear from these certificates provided by pepsico that it's halal. If, for instance, these certificates r false or cooked up, then Allah is most merciful. We have tried our best to confirm it and I think its true!
Some people here who can check by them-selves or by some means the authenticity of the certificates, please do n tell others too!
 Reply:   To Amjad And Nadeem
Replied by(Noman) Replied on (14/May/2009)

Dear Nadeem
I appreciate your effort and after the documentary proof you have provided, i am in no position to deny you but you also are missing one point here. Dr Amjad, i think is from USA and his research is based upon USA based Lays or other E631 products.
In America, from my uncle also, i have confirmed that many these kind of products are lab positive for the pig enzymes. So, i believe that you and Dr Amjad both are correct on the basis of documents, you provided.

If those are fake or paid one then this is another scenario. But i am not denying them right now and i will urge others too, either they should take initiative and go to some other lab and do the test themselves and let us know with their findings or believe your docs.

Without any thing in hand, no one should deny or put allegations on the documents you provided.

So, Mr aamjad88, either you please goto SKH for lab test your self and tell us with your findings or believe the documents provided by Nadeem.

Replied by(aamjad88) Replied on (14/May/2009)



 Reply:   Nadeem
Replied by(Outlawz1984) Replied on (14/May/2009)

Yes ofcourse. These are some tricks of other brands who publish the wrong information so that people leave that brand and convert to the alternative.. I think Dr M. Amjad Khan have to do more research on product..

 Reply:   Thank you Outlaws (Nadeem)
Replied by(Noman) Replied on (13/May/2009)

I think after the certificates attached by Nadeem, one can eat lays atleast in Pakistan and GCC with comfort.
 Reply:   LAYS IS 100 % HALAL
Replied by(ushafique) Replied on (13/May/2009)

Lays is produced in Pakistan by MUSLIM employees who make the potato chips in VEGETABLE OIL. The company has confirmed that E631 used in Lays is obtained from Cassava PLANT and is CERTIFIED by CENTRAL ISLAMIC COMMITTEE AND JAMIA ASHRAFIA as 100% HALAL. Pakistan Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (PCSIR), an established Government body has also verified that Lays contains ONLY Vegetable Oils. See "HALAL" seal on its pack. Inform our Muslim brothers who are misinformed. Wassalam

 Reply:   Nadeem : According to Saima Arshad, R&D Manager, these certificates are aut
Replied by(Outlawz1984) Replied on (13/May/2009)
[NOTE: According to Saima Arshad, R&D Manager, these certificates are authentic and indeed from Pepsi Pakistan.

UPDATE: A new certificate from Pepsi Pakistan has been added below. Click on the image to enlarge.]

I have received a number of forwarded emails regarding E631 being presentin the Lays Masala which is a product of Pepsi. Disapprove It is highlighted thatE631 is produced from pig fat. E631 is present in other Pepsi products as well like Cravys andKurkure. It is also said to be an ingredient of Kolson Slanty.

Some googling tell that E631 can be generated in 3 different ways:

  1. It can be obtained from sardines (fish).
  2. It can be made from brewer yeast extract which is a by-product of beer making process.
  3. It can be extracted from pig meat.

Ifmethod #1 is used then it is Halal. If method #2 is used then it is notHaram but it is better to avoid it. However if method #3 is used thenmost certainly it is Haram.

One of the readers Mr Umar Shafiquegathered the certificates proving that E631 being used by Pepsi inPakistan is from Halal source. According to these certificates there isno pig fat or any other haram animal fat. I am attaching thecertificates here with his permission. So thanks to Umar we can nowrelax and enjoy Lays, Cravysm, Kurkuray and Slanty.

See below the certificate from Pepsi Pakistan ensuring that E631 used in Lays is from Halal Source:

The Central Islamic Committee of Thailand ensures in the certificate below that Masala Magic PC, the product of IFF, is Halal.

E631 is actually present in the flavoring masala used in Lays. Thismasala, called Masala Magic PC, is bought from International Flavorsand Fragrances (IFF). The following certificate from IFF guaranteesthat E631 present in Masala Magic is Halal:

See below the certificate from Pepsi Pakistan ensuring that E631 used in Lays is from Halal Source:

I think its Enough to Prove that Thats the wrong statement.


 Reply:   What to do?
Replied by(kamranahmed_05) Replied on (13/May/2009)

Once a doubt is made, we shoud confirm it by any means not just sit n talk about it. Because it is very important to us as we r all muslims and believe in here-after.
Talkig about multi-national companies, its not necessary that these big multi-national companies (providing us with so-called quality food n jobs) are here to serve our nation, infact, these r here for making huge amounts of foreign exchange revenues. These companies have conquerred our small n immature market in Pakistan by flowing huge amount of investments n leaving our bussinessmen nothing.
So my point is that some of us praising these companies don't know that they r looting our money from our markets into their reserves and label them-selves as quality food and job providers.
 Reply:   Same Product from two differen origin can have different source of ingredie
Replied by(Noman) Replied on (12/May/2009)
What ever you said i am completely agree with apart from one thing. Dr Amjad's research is America based Lays. and it is clearly mentioned in his Identity above. But the person who posted this article here thought the same for Pakistan which i also believe is not correct thing. Because the standard and ingredients of multi national products varies from country to country.
An example i have given of Pizza hut & KFC.
I am in UAE and we ate KFC, Lays, cheetos etc without any fear as long as they are from GCC countries.
But it is not permissible to ate same thing with same ease in European and American countries. Because in America many of these products have been tested positive for pig/pork parts.
In the end i will once again repeat one example
if you goto KFC uk web site  and ask customer service for its Halal/Haram nature, they will say it is not Halal but if you go to  site and ask the same they will certify it halal.
It is not the contradiction in their statement OR bluffing at their part. This is correct in both scenario.
So i will once again say to my brothers in faith, same law/test can not and doesn't apply for the same product from two different origins.
 Reply:   Lays
Replied by(ushafique) Replied on (12/May/2009)

Dear brothers and sisters,
One thing i want to give into your kind notice that email address i provide to you all is not attached with any single employee of company but it is belongs with customer service center of Lays Company.
So any kind of comments and any kind of knowledge you want to get more regarding lays and its ingredients please write directly on this email address
And i hope that lays will help you defiantly

But if you not trusting anyone even on company statements and certificates then i never write any comment for you peoples. Because these companies or much much strict in their quality policies this we all knows better as compared by our locals business mans which only suck the blood of innocent peoples of Pakistan by providing poor quality products on heavy prices but never try to beat these companies by producing good quality products and then they try to creates these kinds of fake things into our Muslims minds using our religious emotions.

You all well aware that same kind of fake stuff are created for Coca-Cola ,Nestle, Tang and many other multinationals companies but single one never proved yet.

So please clear your minds by thinking cool
Could anyone among you try to contact with originator of this fake propaganda (Dr Amjad) never i think you people only want to create more hype for lays consumers in lieu of nothing.

Kindly first you search for Dr Amjad and get some solid proof that E631 (Flavor enhancer) used by lays Pakistan in its Masala Flavor is derivates from Pig fat

But i challenge you all that you never can succeeds to get in touch with Dr Amjad which is a fake character of lays local competitors.

My dear brother and sisters hopefully you all think from your minds not from your hearts and it is better for us to think from our minds

So please search for Dr Amjad and find some solid proof please

It is easy to point out some one without any proof but it is not easy to present truth

Dears please for god sake don't create misunderstands and hypes in innocent Muslims minds by only beating drum of this fake propagandas against multinational companies which provide us good quality stuff on an affordable prices and playing a vital role to make Pakistan better. Many of you also search career in these multinational companies instead to join local why? I think you can answer better and many of you presently serving these companies and well aware of their policies regarding quality and productions.

Please offer prayers and recite holy Quran daily (it is my request to all Muslim brothers and sisters and save our EMAN)

May Allaha shows us right path

Remember me into your prayers
Regards, You're Brother Umar Shafique
 Reply:   A great sin
Replied by(aiqbal) Replied on (12/May/2009)

Eating Lays chips after having knowledge of pig fat ingredients is like sitting in a bar and hoping the drink served by the bartender is just water. Lays has NOT YET been proven guilty, that doesnt mean you can enjoy the chips, it means you enjoy the chips later once proven innocent. I dont know about you, but i will refrain from Lays till such time i know that i am not committing a sin. Well offcourse it is not a sin if you do not know, but it is a sin if you are doing the act while being suspicious.
 Reply:   kamran
Replied by(kamranahmed_05) Replied on (12/May/2009)

Lays n other multi-national companies in pakistan r not following rules n regulations here, because of lack of isalmic regulatory authorities in pakistan.
In saudi arabia, there is a strict checking of food n other consumables by islamic regulatory authorities there. So multi-national companies don't use haram or otherwise illegal raw materials in their products.
These same companies widely use haram raw materials in non-muslim countries, but not in countries that have banned these products.
In Pakistan, there should be clear law for haram products and this law should be implemented strictly so muslim people of Pakistan remain satisfied.
 Reply:   But i think after the Lays Customer service confirmation, we can close this
Replied by(Noman) Replied on (12/May/2009)

But i think after the Lays Customer service confirmation, we can close this discussion. Becuase if Govt and the manufaturer both are assuring us that it is halal, then we should take their word. Or if any one still have some doubts then he should go one step further and should take the product to lab to see from where this substance coming.
But i will strongly urge my Pakistnai brother to take the word of Lays customer service other wise we should not eat Sniker, Pizza Hut, Mars, Colgate and many other international products, because all have such substances and in america most are tested positive for pig/port fat.
 Reply:   kamran
Replied by(kamranahmed_05) Replied on (12/May/2009)

Lays n other multi-national companies in pakistan r not following rules n regulations here, because of lack of isalmic regulatory authorities in pakistan.
In saudi arabia, there is a strict checking of food n other consumables by islamic regulatory authorities there. So multi-national companies don't use haram or otherwise illegal raw materials in their products.
These same companies widely use haram raw materials in non-muslim countries, but not in countries that have banned these products.
In Pakistan, there should be clear law for haram products and this law should be implemented strictly so muslim people of Pakistan remain satisfied.
 Reply:   From:
Replied by(abdul0346) Replied on (11/May/2009)

"Pak, Customerservice {PI}"

Dear Abdul Wahid,
Thanks for your query.
We hereby assure that our all products including Lays Masala are halal, we have all relevant halal certificates as well. The list below you mentioned is already controversial among muslim scientiest community as almost all of ingredients can be extracted from Halal sources.

Would you require any further information, please feel free to contact us again.
regards Usman
 Reply:   From:
Replied by(abdul0346) Replied on (11/May/2009)

"Pak, Customerservice {PI}"
Add sender to Contacts
Dear Abdul Wahid,
Thanks for your query.
We hereby assure that our all products including Lays Masala are halal, we have all relevant halal certificates as well. The list below you mentioned is already controversial among muslim scientiest community as almost all of ingredients can be extracted from Halal sources.

Would you require any further information, please feel free to contact us again.

regards Usman
 Reply:   Lays is Halal
Replied by(ushafique) Replied on (11/May/2009)

My Dear Brother Usman,

Why you shake your EMAN by saying HALAL Food HARAM without any proof dear it is great sin and ALLAHA never forgive us for this kind of act.

My dear brother if you don't like lays then you stop eating but saying Halal food HARAM produced by GOD is not good

So kindly straighten your way

If you need any kind of prove regarding lays please write an email directly to lays company on given below email address and find the truth

Attn: Saima Arshad (Head of R&D Dept lays)

or visit given belwo site

just for your information lays is No 1 potato chips in saudi arabia and if some thing haram is used in manufacturing of lays then definitely saudi government block this company to do business but dear it is only a fake propaganda created by lays competitors and you are becoming a part of it

So kindly first investigate whole story then write such kind of comments

May god bless us and show us right path

Regards, Your Brother Umar Shafique
 Reply:   This is what written about Lays & Pork on wikipedia
Replied by(Noman) Replied on (11/May/2009)
This is what writtena bout Lays n wikipedia.
Pork Enzymes

Some Frito-Lay brand seasoned products, including some flavors of Lay's, contain pork enzymes in addition to herbs, cheese and other seasonings. Frito-Lay's web site[1] states that they use enzymes from pigs (porcine enzymes) in some of their seasoned snack chip products to develop 'unique flavors'. The presence of pig-derived ingredients makes them haraam for Muslims to eat. Spotlight Halal has compiled a list of Lay's flavor varieties[2] to identify which Lay's flavor varieties contain pork enzymes.


 Reply:   You are right Usman
Replied by(Noman) Replied on (11/May/2009)

As i have mentioned below as well, about Lays,cheetos and other similar products, it is almost confirmed that pig fat is there. Those who says that pig fat is expensive to use must be lying. Pig is widely farmed only because among all animals it contains many times more fat.
Secondly, some time these multi nationals just to make more profits can bypass any undertaking an example of it is, 2-3 year's back incident of pizza hut in India. Where Pizza Hut India confirmed initially that they are using every thing oil etc pure Veg. but when some one test the product in lab, animal substances found as well. and later Pizza hut apologized and accepted as well.
But in short, if there is a governing body taking responsibility then i think we can eat with less care. Because physically and logically, it is not possible to test each and everything.
 Reply:   What if you are wrong
Replied by(usman_ghani) Replied on (11/May/2009)

The reply by "Akhusro" uses a lot of scientific words without saying anything. It looks like the reply of someone from Lays who wants us to think that what they are selling is Halal without actually saying it.

I have read on the net that Disodium inosinate (E631) can come from pig meat, fish or some chemical. It may or may not be halal. We can't be sure unless we are assured otherwise that it is halal. Since we are talking about potato chips and not some life-saving drug, why take a chance. Why not eat some other brand of chips and protect ourselves from sin. Is a brand of chips now more important to us than our religion and heritage?

Replied by(akhusro) Replied on (11/May/2009)

The code E631 that has been referred has nothing to do with PIGs ...
Disodium inosinate (E631), chemical formula C10H11N2Na2O8P, is the disodium salt of inosinic acid. It is a food additive often found in instant noodles, potato chips, and a variety of other snacks. It is used as a flavor enhancer, in synergy with monosodium glutamate (also known as MSG; the sodium salt of glutamic acid) to provide the umami taste.

In the US, comsumption of added 5'-ribonucleotides averages 4 mg per day, compared to 2 g per day of naturally occuring purines. A review of literature by an FDA committee found no evidence of carcinogenicity, teratogenicity, or adverse effects on reproduction.[1]

As it is a fairly expensive additive, it usually is not used independently of glutamic acid; if disodium inosinate is present in a list of ingredients but MSG does not appear to be, it is possible that glutamic acid is provided as part of another ingredient or is naturally occurring in another ingredient like tomatoes, Parmesan cheese or yeast extract. It is often added to foods in conjunction with disodium guanylate; the combination is known as disodium 5'-ribonucleotides.

 Reply:   M.usman
Replied by(M.Usman) Replied on (10/May/2009)

i think that as dead muslims we don't want to hear the implications of reality.we just want to eat what these super multinational offer us , and for your kind information Mr. Muhammad Umar Shafique these multinationals are like octopus capture a huge amount of pakistanis hard earned money. we are very happy to buy their products. with out considering that what are buying is Halal or Haram .every one knows that what these companies do under the umbrella of Ethically responsible.
i am thankful to Dr.Amjad to aware us. thank you
 Reply:   Most Probably, Lays in Pakistan and Islamic Countries are Halal
Replied by(Noman) Replied on (10/May/2009)
Most Probably, Lays in Pakistan and Islamic Countries are Halal and in non-islamic countries are haram.
these two web sites have some more information about this topic as well. n search there & also

 Reply:   are you sure?
Replied by(BUSTLAYS) Replied on (10/May/2009)

Dr. Amjad,I am absolutely sure that you might not be lying but please swear it to God that this is the truth,because I wrote down the e codes you mentioned so that I could avoid them because I have no intention of eating haraam but nearly all the products(snacks etc.) have these codes on them.E110 is most common.But my elder brothers and sisters keep on eating them even when I showed this web page to them,and they say that in pakistan ,these are made of simple masalas because no body in Pakistan has enough income to buy pigs and get their fats t put in these products..Please tell me what to do at
 Reply:   Who Dr M. Amjad Khan?
Replied by(abdul0346) Replied on (9/May/2009)

My name is Abdul Wahid Munshi, Director of Islamic Society of Greater Houston in US. Please identify yourself, with your city, email address, telephone number, etc. so that I can contact you to verify your article.. I like to verify before forwarding your information any further.. I can be contacted at eight 3 two - 6 four 6 - five 6 eight 1 and you can send me mail at all lower case one word: first name that starts with a followed by numbers zero 3 four 6 at very famous email company starts with Y and ends at double o.. Jazakumallah khairun
 Reply:   Every one is almost 50% right
Replied by(Noman) Replied on (9/May/2009)

Please read my below reply again, No one seems to be 100% right or wrong. Because in certain countries Lays is Haram and in certain it is halal, as per their (Lays) saying.
But some time these multi national cheat also. As if you remember in India there was famous case in recent days, where as per Pizza hut declaration they use vegetable oil but lab test proved that they were using animal fat. In the end Pizza hut accepted and apologized as well.
So, now its up to every one to decide what to eat and what to not. But if under govt umbrella some one is saying that he is selling Halal then we should accept that because things beyond that are not in every one's control.
This is like, when we buy chicken from shop, we can't be 100% sure that the person who is selling chicken has done the proper halal or not.
In USA, i am damn sure Lays, cheetos, KFC, pizzahut etc are not halal and this is what actually Dr Amjad's research is saying.
 Reply:   lays is haram
Replied by(asdfgh) Replied on (9/May/2009)

i am thankful to mr amjad khan who give us this guidence and i m also thankful to god
 Reply:   Pig fat in Lays
Replied by(usmankah) Replied on (8/May/2009)

If you see on wrapper there is no tag like "Halal". So it is possible that Lays can contain some disputed ingredients. Do not fight with each other, listen to everyone's point of view and then follow what your heart accepts or what your elders do or say.
 Reply:   Atleast Research correctly before making such a herendous post.
Replied by(Chelsentus) Replied on (8/May/2009)

My dear friend,
If you had ever bothered to look up Disodium inosinate AKA E631 you would have clearly found out that it is not obtained from pig fat yet it is quite simply made from the mixture of Disodium Salt with Inosinic Acid both of which happen to be naturally occuring and not requiring anything regarding a Pig. For further information please look at this page:

And please, Stop spreading these stupid rumours without any real research.
 Reply:   I think i can tell, how and why there is confusion
Replied by(Noman) Replied on (8/May/2009)
Actually same brand is available in different countries and on the basis of different countries these multinationals add different ingredients i.e in case of Saudi Arabia E631 can be from some other animal and in case of USA it is from pig.

Umar is right and Dr Amjad is right as well. In America E631 represent Pig fat.

The Lays in UK & America are not Halal but the case is different for Lays in Muslim countries.
Another Example of such things is KC. If you goto KC UK web site, you can easily find that they re saying there products are not halal. But if you go to KFC Pakistan site, you will notice Halal certificate.

So, i am quite confident that Lays available in Muslim countries are halal and available in non-Muslim countries are not halal. About Cheetos i am quite sure because one of my uncle came from America and bought hell of cheetos from UAE for their kids because of the above said reason.

I hope my answer will help.

 Reply:   waleed ahmed
Replied by(waleedahmed) Replied on (8/May/2009)

I think Syed Ansaar Hussain is right so plz Dr. first u identify your identity. and give a solid prove about this and by the way apne sirf lays ko hi show kia hai koi solid prove dain warna ye faltu ka propegenda hata dain yahan se.
 Reply:   Syed Ansaar Hussain
Replied by(ansaar99) Replied on (7/May/2009)

Dr Amjad Khan Sahab...! You didn't carefully red this label. It's flavor enhancer E631. For your kind of information, E631 is not only the pig fat. These Multinational Companies First certifies their product from BOI (Board of Investment) of Pakistan. They make research on cultural traditions before launching their product. Kindly Read ingredients once again very carefully, give some solid prove about it & prove your Dr's identity in detail as well. Otherwise remove this propaganda. Thanks.

 Reply:   Syed Ansaar Hussain
Replied by(ansaar99) Replied on (7/May/2009)

Dr Amjad Khan Sahab...! You didn't carefully red this label. It's flavor enhancer E631. For your kind of information, E631 is not only the pig fat. These Multinational Companies First certifies their product from BOI (Board of Investment) of Pakistan. They make research on cultural traditions before launching their product. Kindly Read ingredients once again very carefully, give some solid prove about it & prove your Dr's identity in detail as well. Otherwise remove this propaganda. Thanks.

 Reply:   Flame
Replied by(ushafique) Replied on (7/May/2009)
Pig Fat in lays

Dear publisher of this fake topic off pig fat in Lays masala potato chips

Please provide me your e mail address so that i can send you halal certificates from Saudi Arabia regarding lays chips ingredient E631 and please avoid posting such kind of propaganda only on the behalf of some miss information's


If any one other than this publisher need these certificates please write me on this email address I will provide you immediately


Please Muslim brothers and sisters kindly change our lives through some practical working not by only blaming others

My dear brother and sisters, Are you know that only due to these multinational companies a great number of Pakistani peoples getting good life standards and economy of Pakistan or becoming more strengthen day by day other wise you all well knows about Pakistani business mans what they provide to there employees and to this Pakistan only hide their incomes and making frauds in tax payments ( I am talking about major community not for all some business mans in Pakistan are doing well)


So please open your eyes and do the right things (May God bless us)




Muhammad Umar Shafique

 Reply:   well, here is some more info about E631, if anyone has any update, plz pass
Replied by(jumakhan) Replied on (5/May/2009)

E631 : Sodium inosinate
Sodium salt of inosinic acid (E630), a natural acid, that is mainly present in animals. Commercially prepared from meat or fish (sardines). May also be produced by bacterial fermentation of sugars.

Function & Characteristics:
Flavour enhancer. Inosinic acid and inosinates do not have the specific umami taste but strongly enhance many other flavours, thereby reducing the amounts of salt or other flavour enhancers needed in a product.

Used in many products.

Acceptable daily intake (ADI):
None determined. Inosinates may not be used in products intended for children under 12 weeks.

Side effects:
Asthmatic people should avoid inosinates. As inosinates are metabolised to purines, they should be avoided by people suffering from gout. However, the concentrations used are generally so low that no effects are to be expected.

Dietary restrictions:
Inosinates are generally produced from meat, but partly also from fish. They are thus not suitable for vegans and vegetarians, and in most cases not suitable for Jews, Muslims and Hindus, depending on the origin of the product. Only the producer can provide information on the origin.

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