"Let there arise out of you a band of people inviting to all that is good enjoining what is right and forbidding what is wrong; they are the ones to attain felicity".
(surah Al-Imran,ayat-104)
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User Name: Shumaila
Full Name: Shumaila Farooqui
User since: 21/Oct/2007
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Dear All,
May God Almighty Bless everyone with a safe & secure , joyful & fortunate New Year 1429 !
May the new year bring Unity, Peace & Justice for all Pakistanis & the Muslim Ummah ! (Aameen).
Another year has passed leaving behind very sad & troublesome memories, we all are well aware of how the year was, its all but history now , people & nations only progress & prosper when they only learn from history & create a present & future by eliminating the past mistakes, taking positive constructive measures to move forward & progress, not getting stuck in the rutt.
The countries that we know of as the "Developed" world ,also have a dark & disturbing past, these are the countries that are centuries old with periods of total barbarism , lawlessness , illetracy & poverty.
They were only able to get out of the dark ages by learning from the strategies & principles of the powerful & successful Empires like :
The Empires of Rashiddun & Ummayyad - Damascus & Spain
The Empire of Abbasid - Iraq
The Empire of Ottomon - Turkey
But most of all the Principles of governance as set by Hazrat Umar (Razi-Alllah-Tala-Unho ) !
These are the same principles that got Europe, America & Australia etc.,out of their barbaric past.
Now in these countries there exists ooportunities, justice & peace for all.
Surely it is still not Utopia, they have problems and corruption of a different nature & that also pertains to their promiscuous behaviour, alcoholism, drugs etc., but in general even if a dog or a kitten is abused , it is reported & the culprits are found & punished duly, therefore even animals are safe & cared for by their laws.........Now where have we heard this same type of story , it was surely in the Great era of Hazrat Umar RA , when the governors/leaders were selfless & uncorruptible & lead by example!
It is never too late to take account of ones actions, attitudes & strategies, we all desperately need to get out of the rutt, the new year can be the perfect time to make amends & strategies for a better year & years ahead !
It is election time soon, look for & vote for candidates who have NO contradiction between their words & actions.
Open ones eyes, ears , hearts & minds to understand how we have really been at fault , we must stop finding faults in others, instead concentrate on overcoming our own faults, inadequacies & shortcomings.
If every educated person can only teach & educate another one in his life he would have done a great service, as an uneducated society is the main roadblock to progress.
Read the Holy Quran everyday atleast one page with meanings & understanding ,what held relevant almost 1500 years ago is relevant & important even today, as even today we have threats from enemies within us who are Munafiq & the Non-believers also, even today black magic prevails, corruption prevails, crimes against women & humanity prevail,etc,etc., these are all the topics of the Quran with important laws for our guidance, learn & understand yourself & dont be misguided by those who have made a profession of religion. 
Abide by basic good character,basics rules & principles of religion.
Create caring ,meaningful & true friendships not the kitty party/golf club style ones only & keep good family ties.
Avoid excessiveness in marriage functions, clothing , jewellery, home decorations etc., as that builds social competitiveness leading to many wrong doings.
Leading a simple life & finding joy & contentment in little things, if parents show such attitude then their discontented & restless children may also learn from example that one does not need a million rupees to enjoy life & feel great, furthermore the servants in your own home would not feel soo disadvantaged & inferior.
These are some very simple ways of paving the way to a better future, we all know them & it is possible.
Whats required is individual effort which then brings about a collective change , its not rocket science BUT these are those things that we have stopped doing, so getting back to basics & turning every single leaf is the need of the day !
It wont happen over night but InshAllah it will happen !
Best Regards:
Shumaila Farooqui
'A Sense of Purpose'
Sydney - Australia
 Reply:   One way of interpreting future
Replied by(fairy) Replied on (13/Jan/2008)

I hope we understand the importance of History and start a new era with knowledge of the previous. Only then we will avoid repeating bad history and make some promising good future.
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Long Live Islam and Pakistan
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