"Let there arise out of you a band of people inviting to all that is good enjoining what is right and forbidding what is wrong; they are the ones to attain felicity".
(surah Al-Imran,ayat-104)
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User Name: abdulruff
Full Name: Dr.Abdul Ruff Colachal
User since: 15/Mar/2008
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A Free Kashmir: Random Thoughts-58


  Is Kashmir Changing?-III


As per the extended Indian Doctrine, the entire South Asian region should be brought under the direct control of New Delhi, by adopting diplomatic, establishing and terror tactics and unexpectedly emerging support of USA could be handy in asserting Indian influence in the region. In the name democracy and anti-terrorism India could make the region obey Indian dictates without any suspicion. Spread of soft Hindutva is just one aspect of India Doctrine by using "Islamic fundamentalism" and Nepal is an ally that way. Indian strategist believe already Bhutan, Nepal are under Indian control and Bangladesh is being coerced to fall in line. With the appointment of a Bengali as Indian Ambassador to Dhaka, India is almost settled down there and the media repots and analyses clearly indicate Bangladesh is moving towards Indian as a junior partner.


The appoint of a Bengali Hindu as Foreign minister, new  premier Hasina has indicated that her country would play second fiddle to New Delhi and she has already called to fight "terrorism" together. Bangladesh hopes to settle the border and dam issues with "Bengali" playing their roles. But whether both Hindus would worry more about Indian interests than Dhaka's remains unclear right now. Many there feel that Indian agencies won't let Bangladesh to be a "normal" and strong state. The Pakistani media show the Pakistan's intension to be a junior partner to India besides to US-led nations.

 When Indian Muslims behave like their Hindu counterparts over decades of "socialization" process, engineered by Indian political outfits, the Kashmiris Muslims are just beginning feel Indianness with the entry of BJP as a major political outfit to reckon with in JK.

The US ambassador-designate of the Obama Administration to the United Nations Susan Rice identified Kashmir as one of the hot spots and bracketed it with conflict-torn regions, including the Balkans and Golan heights. In the past too Rice has identified Kashmir as one of the conflict zones of the world. During Rice's testimony before the Senate foreign relations committee, which held a nomination hearing for her on 15 Jan, she recalls: "From the Balkans to East Timor, from Liberia to Kashmir, from Cyprus to the Golan Heights, the United Nations has, for more than six decades, played a critical role in forestalling renewed fighting, helping to resolve conflict and repair war-torn countries, providing humanitarian aid, organizing elections, and responding to threats to international peace and security. However, the fact remains that in spite of all UN efforts, the Indian genocides in Kashmir kept on increasing because, apart from using the UN as a forum for concluding weapon trade agreements with other nations, India cares a boot for the UN.


Funnily, India does not think Kashmiris have the right to defend themselves from Indian terrorism and Indian holocaust in Kashmir is good for them. Once annexed Jammu Kashmir some how in 1947 and militarized the zone, Indian leaders have been insincere to Kashmir people who reclaimed their lost sovereignty. India, for the sake of fooling the world led by USA, keeps announcing "zero tolerance" of human rights violations. But India unleashes terrorism and evades in every manner the HR; the protests across the Valley against the human rights abuses proved that the commitment was not honored. But India has zero tolerance to Kashmir freedom movement as they demand sovereignty back now. Indian premier Manmohan, too eager and keen to occupy and stay on in power is only keen to implement the policy of zero tolerance of "state terrorism" with total commitment. Look how Indian mindset works against Kashmiri Muslims, and Muslims in India and Pakistan and else where! If I call Indian behavior cowardice on Manmohan's part, many Hindus and their Muslim associates would object, but the truth should not be hidden. Palestine is burning and thousands of innocent people are killed and seriously wounded, but he pretends he is not aware of that ghastly fascism of Israel. Will he admit, then, that Indian terror forces have also killed over a lakh Muslims in Kashmir?

Indian occupiers think their right to infiltrate into purely Islamic domains of Kashmiris. Bent upon evading Human Rights in
Kashmir, Indian strategists seem to have worked out a fresh plan of religious aggression in Kashmir by flowing both blood and liquor and prohibiting Muslims to adhere to their Islamic faith. India and its henchmen in Jammu Kashmir have resorted to worst kind of human rights violations, rather they evaded HRs altogether by secretly creating graveyards for those Kashmiri Muslims who were killed by brute forces form India.. The state terrorist actions are mostly anti-people in essence.


Rapes by India


On the night of 3 and 4 December at around 12:00 A.M. Indian troops of 36 RR and 146 Battalion CRPF barged in the house of Mohammad Abdullah Khatana in south Kashmir village at Dandipora, Kokernag in Kashmir . After locking him in one room they took the victim in one room,  "the four troops gang raped the 17-year girl for an hour, while other two were guarding us. The screams of my daughter made us restless, we stood up and wanted to see her but the two guards did not allow us to do that then we started shouting, after hearing our shouts the neighbors started assembling outside our house and starting shouting against the evil act of the forces. On seeing the situation getting ugly forces ran away from the scene. The troops flee from the scene. Then we entered in the room where Fahmeeda was lying naked. Her whole body bruised and bleeding profusely. An FIR to this affect was lodged number 137 / 08 U/S 354 and 456 RPC, 27 Arms Act." The candidates for the JK Assembly were disallowed to come to the house or make sympathetic words about the victims.


Liquor Awards by India


Perhaps as part of jubilations by India at the first ever Muslim CM-Hindu Dice in Kashmir politics and in anticipation of opening of the illegal Amarnath land scam, Indian military has gifted liquor bottles to Kashmiri Muslims s and their children so that they drink and forget the past.  On Jan 10 Indian Army sparked off a major controversy by distributing wine bottles as "˜gift' to the school children including girls, who had participated in the "National Anthem Singing Competition" on the Raising Day of 43 Restrain Rifles at Hammond in Pooch district. Some of the students invited by the military to participate were engaged by the army to participate in Ring Competition Game in which a student had to aim on "˜wine bottle' from the ring. "The successful students, who managed to hit the target, were handed over the same bottle as reward for their performance. Some students were given packed wine as an award for participating in the event. The students, who won "National Anthem singing competition" were also given wine bottles as reward by the army officers. "At total of 20 students including 11 girls were given the wine bottles. Even some citizens, who were invited as guests, were also given wine bottles by the army.


Liquor production & trade in Kashmir by India ?


Some liquor barons are the usual visitors after the JK polls that brought a puppet regime of India in Kashmir . The Chairman and CEO of Kingfisher Airlines Limited disclosed Indian plans to revive his long abandoned business of hop cultivation in Kashmir with the help of incumbent government. The plan will be a prelude to the maiden liquor bottling plant in Kashmir . "My father Vital Mallya who was Sheikh Muhammad Abdullah's friend actually started cultivating hop plants for manufacturing beer in 1973 at Shilwath. It was a successful venture but after turmoil in late 80s we wound it up. Sheikh Abdullah inaugurated the enterprise those days," Mallya who is in the Valley said addressing a press conference. Mallya, who is also the Chairman of  United Breweries Group (UB Group) based in Bangalore that manufactures beer and other alcoholic beverages said his family had been friends with Abdullahs for several decades and the company will soon ask Chief Minister Omar Abdullah to help restart hop cultivation in the Valley. "Now that people have voted the young leader to power, I'll propose the government to allow us restart cultivation of hop". "A special team is with us to survey and determine on how we can grow hops again. We also aim to establish a processing unit in the Valley," the Indian liquor strategist said.


Religious processions opposed by India



Continuing with the 20 year-old-ban, the authorities on Monday disallowed the Ashura processions in many areas of Srinagar and detained more than 100 people in the process. Many Shia organizations had decided that they would be taking procession from Abi Guzar. However, the security agencies laid barbed wires and stationed police and paramilitary CRPF personnel to prevent planned processions from the place. Early morning policeman and paramilitary CRPF were deployed in strength at Lal Chowk, Regal Chowk, Exchange Road , Badshah Chowk, Dalgate and Abi Guzar to scuttle the Ashura processions.   Although a procession led by Aga Syed Mujtaba tried to break the cordon, but the bid was aborted. Four people including Mujtaba were injured during the ensuing cane charging. Later, Mujtaba along with his dozens of Ashura devotees were incarcerated by police in different police stations across the city.

By using the ban the Indian government has pursued its on hidden agenda. The administration has imposed ban on the Ashura processions citing security concerns after militancy broke out in valley two decades back. Following the ban, the police had already placed nakas at Lal Chowk, Residency road and Radio colony in the civil lines areas to prevent people from taking out processions. The procession which ended at Imam barah Magam was led by senior Hurriyat leader, Agha Syed Hassan. In
Srinagar , the biggest Ashura procession was taken out from Hassanabad Rainawari. Thousands of mourners participated in the procession. The Ashura processions were also taken out at Sandi Pora, Badgam, Islamabad , Pulwama, Magam, Pattan, Gongoo, Balhama, Devsar, Kulgam Delina, Haigam, Sopore and Beerwah besides other places.    


Manmohan Singh, a premier belonging to a national minority supports state terrorism because he has to cling on to power as long as it is possible. Perhaps he can claim ignorant of what is happenng in Gaza. But is he not aware of the nefarious actvities affecting the Kashmir Muslims? About terror operations by Indian forces there? About Israeli particiaption in Inidan nasty actions in JK? Can Kashmiris seeking re-Independence from an arrogant India trust this man to help them regain their sovereignty? Can Kashmiris trust the new regime if it cooperates with New Delhi in terrrizing Mulsims as before?  


Yours Sincerely,


Columnist & Independent Researcher in World Affairs, The only Indian to have gone through entire India

South Asia.

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