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User Name: abdulruff
Full Name: Dr.Abdul Ruff Colachal
User since: 15/Mar/2008
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Unstoppable Western Fascism in Afghanistan-III

Dr. Abdul Ruff Colachal




Enemy Within


According to the widely publicized Neocon theory, Osama bin Laden, the strongest individual and the destroyer of America is in Afghanistan hiding between the mountains along with the WMDs inherited from some rogues. with such big criminal still evading the NATO's high precision eyes, NATO should be busy tracking all his movements by using the most advanced remote technology. (I am not impressed by NATO’s intelligence networks. What I am doing right now is known to some rogues who live even thousands of miles away, but USA could not locate one Osama, is it not their shame?). Is it because Osama has been an active CIA agent? But why did USA and “willing strategic allies” cross from Afghanistan to Iraq against the UN stipulations and now to Pakistan? A Jewish American strategist Henry Kissinger a known master of cold-blooded foreign policy upon invasion of Afghanistan said the North Atlantic Terrorist Organization (NATO) should go beyond Afghanistan, “because Afghanistan was not enough." Energy resources and energy routes cannot be controlled without Iraq and Iran.


Western media campaigns are indeed fabulous: they make the entire world a deep, fenced well of big fools who would trust whatever the Western media say. Upon the September11, the pentagon-CIA issued a statement accordingly to which three Osama planes found their US targets. This was used for making a horrible wake-up call for the world and, above all, for America- a serious threat to capitalism after communism's collapse. President Bush Jr. and his vice president summoned their advisers to countless meetings to hammer out a strategy against terrorism and Cheney came to take the centre state, acting with “prudence and determination” to continue the strategy of containment during an age of intense rivalry between the US and the Soviet Union. Then they issued threats to the “terrorists” led by Osama bin Laden. Initially the "Delta of Terrorism" was restricted to a triad that includes Saudi Arabia and Egypt, among America's main allies in the Middle East for several years, the two countries where most of the 19 hijackers supposedly came from; the third country is Iran. After this, Obama the Great took another US flight to reach Afghanistan. All powerful America was watching these shows on their remotes and enjoying life. So, the Americans and westerners are good story tellers. Still, Cheney's terror doctrine found widespread support and appeared increasingly plausible for a while.



Then the theme of “regime change” was propounded by the Neocons. Then they unleashed a mischievous campaign that the “mullahs” were ambitiously pursuing nuclear weapons. Pre-finally, Saddam was found to be the most menacing, active and unavoidable threat and finally Iran and Pakistan were also found to be are abetting terrorism. In order to fool the international community at large, they claimed Saddam could do any thing including producing weapons of mass destruction and passing them on to terrorist groups.  Everything NATO decides now and terror act accordingly. And so America fights the "war on terror." There is none to check the illegal military advances of the NATO.



The crude fact is all this media gimmicks was necessary to finally control the energy resources of the Mideast. US Neocons have an extremely strong supporter in White House in the name of Dick Cheney. After 9/11 state terrorism, Dick Cheney, a highly secretive man notorious for keeping a tight lid on things and responsible for America's strategy in the 21st century, took the reins in America and shared more power than president Bush Jr. on terror matters. As a strong Neocon strategist, he has been the ultimate insider and decider in White House-- and someone who places little value on recognition from the general public. As the top Neocon strategist on anti-Islamism The 'war on terror' was his idea, and it led to real wars in Afghanistan and Iraq killing over 1.5 innocent Muslims in Afghanistan, Iraq and Pakistan. It is indeed accurate to say that Bush Jr. served as president under his running mate Cheney, only looking after the routine matters and signing the secret documents, while Cheney took care of the big picture concerning the terror wars. Dick silently listened and took notes after many meetings in the White House, at the Pentagon and at CIA offices.



Americans now know about Cheney’s fondness for expanding presidential powers, the joy he takes in manipulating intelligence agencies and his support for using methods of torture like waterboarding. People, rather voters who give mandate to rule over them, know that Cheney is convinced that people like him should never admit errors or mistakes and believes that such people would be wise to give no explanations for their actions. He advanced his idea that 19 attackers of 9/11 had hijacked three airplanes and fly them into the Twin Towers, the Pentagon and Capitol Hill -- that is, right into the heart of America and asked the people to support NATO terror wars against Islam and Muslim nations now and always.



Since the murderous attacks on Islamic world by ISTs led by NATO-US eight years ago on fictitious pretexts of Osama , democracy and WMD, the Neocons propound theories to substantiate their terror ideas. They say if there is even a remote possibility that individual countries or groups could pose a danger, the US must act as if this threat were already firmly established and US must attack and control their resources. The war on terror which in fact is an anti-Islamic terror war was Cheney's idea. He spread the rumours about the terrorists getting their hands on nuclear weapons. Cheney is deadly disappointed that his ideas proved to be false and ill-fated and the war on Iran's nuclear facilities has never materialised. Now he is busy defending his creation.



September11 has, undoubtedly, guided America's energy security domains and helped USA form a formidable anti-Islamic coalition with the rest of the world. After reverses in Afghanistan, Cheney pushed relentlessly for the war on Iraq as well and invade Iran too and manipulated the justifications for military interventions. Living conveniently in Virginia, located near Washington, DC, Dick Cheney’s outmanoeuvring power has raised some eyebrows in America, though pretty late. Cheney now blames the unfortunate turn of events of the past few years on George W. Bush, the man who greatly “disappointed” him during his second term in office by ignoring his advice on extensive terrorism in Islamic world. Bush it seems showed moral weakness and failed to realise that the focus of all considerations needed to stay on the "war on terror."



Western joint hidden agendas and related conspiracies with active support from regional fascist outfits like Israel and India, against Islam and Mideast now stand fully exposed and it is the American flaw if they refuse see the actual picture. is USA and its NATO have made the Mideast a dangerous region where state terrorism and private ones have become parts of everyday life in this part of Asia and made this volatile region less safe than it has ever been. The entire energy cum terror mission continues to stagnate while death toll of Muslims on the rise and the Obama administration may have to consider withdrawing US troops. Bushes and Cheney and all Neocons failed, but millions of innocent Muslims have been already slaughtered by the bloody thirsty NATO terrorists. The hawkish Neocons claim any US withdrawal would complicate Pakistan 's anti-jihadist task, undermining the progress of recent months. NATO terrorism in Afghanistan has been viewed as a good and just war but USA is upset that it hasn't lead to the desired results in complete holocaust of Muslims in the occupied nations. Now the Neocons hide behind Pakistan, instructing them to “do more”. 

 ( To continue...>)



Dr. Abdul Ruff Colachal

Specialist on State Terrorism

Independent Researcher in International Affairs, The only Indian to have gone through entire India, a fraud and terror nation in South Asia.

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