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User Name: AliSyed
Full Name: Ali Syed
User since: 7/Jul/2013
No Of voices: 22
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Posted By: AliSyed Created On: 8/Oct/2014 Views: 1805 Replies: 0 
When Imran Khan started asking for a recount of votes in four constituencies, the view of many was that he was certain he will be able to prove rigging in these, but because the number of constituencies was so small, his aim was basically symbolic--a self-redemption of sorts, which will loom so much larger if only because it will simultaneously displace four PML-N heavy weights as it validates th Click here to read Full Article

Will Pak judiciary succeed in removing tag of ‘Sharif Courts’? by Raza Ruman
Posted By: AliSyed On: 18/Sep/2014 Views:1807 Replies:0 
Islamabad (Pak Destiny) Will Pak judiciary manage to prove at some point of time that it is ‘not pro-Sharifs’. Click here to read Full Article
Mother of all scams
Posted By: AliSyed On: 13/Sep/2014 Views:2069 Replies:0 
The Sharif brothers and their closest confidante Khawaja Mohd Asif are all set to squander away an astronomical sum of 3 Billion Us Dollars.which will put to shame all scammers in the past such as Mr 10 Percent and his cronies…All other scandals such as Swiss accounts OGRA Hajj Ephedrine scams will be dwarfed if the script is executed. Click here to read Full Article
Myth & Reality about Devaluation of US Dollar
Posted By: AliSyed On: 28/Mar/2014 Views:1953 Replies:0 
The inherent motive behind lowering value of the US dollar against the Pak Rupee. When Nawaz's younger son Hasan launched Flagship Holdings in London in 2002-03 (it is closed down now)--it also introduced establishment of a 'hedge fund' with an investment of £300 million ($500 million). The Flagship thrived unprecedentedly, during the past ten years, on the strengthen of: 1) Cash flow of £300 mill Click here to read Full Article
6 Billion USD Corruption per Annam -LNG: An Expose` How tragedy became an opportunity for Sharifs? Save Pakistan
Posted By: AliSyed On: 7/Mar/2014 Views:2594 Replies:0 
In the precarious world of politics, might is usually right. For Pakistan’s young 66 years, the country has faced a turbulent history of a ping-pong game of democracy and dictatorship. Elected governments rule in uncertain situations, stacking up policy decisions like a house of cards, afraid of the unexpected breath of military rule blowing it all away. Click here to read Full Article
Posted By: AliSyed On: 15/Feb/2014 Views:1911 Replies:0 
The regressive fiscal measures taken by the PML-N government in its first nine months in power make it abundantly clear that PM Sharif’s ‘most experienced’ team has no interest in citizen welfare when taking important economic decisions. Click here to read Full Article
Don't dig…. by Shahzad Chaudhry
Posted By: AliSyed On: 21/Jan/2014 Views:1924 Replies:0 
When in 1999 Nawaz Sharif dithered inexplicably on sacking Musharraf following Kargil, he began a series of actions that only blighted this nation and his personal self. A stand-off pregnant with the possibility that either man may strike against the other ensued. Nawaz Sharif procrastinated endlessly and provided Musharraf the opportunity to regain his balance. Musharraf struck on October 12, in Click here to read Full Article
No more Chaudhry Maulajat dialogues: Petition moved in SC to stop broadcasting judges’ comments during hearing
Posted By: AliSyed On: 12/Jan/2014 Views:1834 Replies:0 
Islamabad, Dec 13 (Pak Destiny) As Iftikhar Chaudhry is no more heading the axpex court, a petition has been filed in the Supreme Court seeking an order to retrain any person standing within the premises of this Court and its Registries, whether a litigant, a lawyer or from any other occupation including media, “from amplifying the spoken words of any Judge or circulating such words until the ruli Click here to read Full Article
Basic Fives’ key to our uplift by Basic Fives’ key to our uplift
Posted By: AliSyed On: 10/Dec/2013 Views:1949 Replies:0 
Nothing has changed for the better for the people of Pakistan since the Independence irrespective of the regimes – elected or military. The foremost reason is that basic issues have not been addressed deliberately or due to incompetence, lack of vision and sincerity on part of the ruling elite. All efforts had been made, and are still being made, to maintain the status quo to benefit the already Click here to read Full Article
‘Norouz Baloch is dead, not Balochistan’
Posted By: AliSyed On: 6/Dec/2013 Views:1905 Replies:0 
My day on December 2 (2013) started with a heart wrenching news. Norouz Jan Baloch, my friend, my brother from Balochistan, has been martyred by the BLA, who have claimed the responsibility. Ina Lillah wa inna elaih e raji'oon. Norouz was very much active against the so called Balochistan Liberation Army goons. He started exposing the terrorists through the “Alternative Media” at Click here to read Full Article
canaImran warns against misadventure by centre by KHAWAR GHUMMAN
Posted By: AliSyed On: 6/Dec/2013 Views:1613 Replies:0 
ISLAMABAD, Dec 5: Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf chairman Imran Khan warned on Thursday that there would be no government at the centre in the event of any misadventure against his party’s government in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. Click here to read Full Article

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