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User Name: Infomashriqi
Full Name: Infomashriqi
User since: 26/Aug/2010
No Of voices: 53
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Allama Mashriqi& the 1943 Bengal Famine by By Nasim Yousaf
Posted By: Infomashriqi Created On: 10/Jun/2020 Views: 1154 Replies: 0 
Allama Mashriqi was aprominent reformer, revolutionary, and humanitarian from the Indian sub-continent. One of the reasons for Mashriqi’s popularity was that he and his Khaksar Movement worked tirelessly to serve the masses. This article discusses the Bengal Famine of 1943, when the Khaksars played a laudable role in providing social services to the people in a time of great need. This time period Click here to read Full Article

His Majesty’s Opponents: Allama Mashriqi & Subhas Chandra Bose by Nasim Yousaf
Posted By: Infomashriqi On: 30/Aug/2019 Views:1613 Replies:0 
Allama Mashriqi (Sage of the East) and Subhas Chandra Bose (Netaji) were two prominent leaders of the Indian sub-continent (now comprised of India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh). Both were His Majesty’s intransigent opponents and fought against the British Raj in their own ways. However, credit for India’s freedom is being given to Bose (and a few others), whereas Mashriqi’s paramount role in the free Click here to read Full Article
Remembering the Khaksar Martyrs of British India – Rare Photos Released by Nasim Yousaf
Posted By: Infomashriqi On: 18/Mar/2019 Views:2013 Replies:0 
On March 19, 1940, alarge number of Khaksar freedom fighters were massacred while marching in protest of restrictions imposed on their activities (which were meant to bring freedom to the Indian sub-continent). In order to mark this historic day, rare photosof the Khaksar Movement(Khaksar Tehrik), which were part of a historic Khaksar album, have been made available from my collectionatthe followi Click here to read Full Article
Open Letter to South Asian Research Institutes, Pen America, Asia Society by Nasim Yousaf
Posted By: Infomashriqi On: 4/Mar/2019 Views:1443 Replies:0 
Recently, Pakistan and India engaged in a conflict that nearly escalated toa nuclear-armed war. This ongoing animosity between the two nations is nothing new and dates back to the time of partition in 1947. Supporters of partition falsely led the people to believe that Muslims and Hindus could not live together in one nation and that partition was the only solution. Meanwhile, the views of those l Click here to read Full Article
Posted By: Infomashriqi On: 20/Nov/2018 Views:1503 Replies:0 
As-salamu alaykum. I hope you are doing well and congratulations on assuming office as the 22nd Prime Minister of Pakistan after a long struggle. The nation’s hopes are high for the Naya Pakistan you have promised, and I hope that people will finally see change in Pakistan. I am writing today to urge your action on an important topic that I believe is crucial to helping Pakistan learn from its pas Click here to read Full Article
AllamaMashriqi on Democracy and the Poor by By Nasim Yousaf
Posted By: Infomashriqi On: 14/Nov/2018 Views:1963 Replies:0 
AllamaMashriqi, a world-famous mathematician and Islamic scholar, was a humanist, reformer, and a revolutionary. Instead of following a more academic path, he chose to enter politics in British Indiato empowerand liberate the suffering masses. Mashriqiinfluenced millions of his followers and supporters and his admirers could be found around the world – from Asia to Europe to Africa and America. Ma Click here to read Full Article
Inayatullah Khan Asghar: The Last of Allama Mashriqi’s Freedom Fighter Sons Passes Away by Nasim Yousaf
Posted By: Infomashriqi On: 17/Apr/2018 Views:1992 Replies:0 
In the early hours of April 12, 2018, Allama Mashriqi and Wilayat Begum’sson, Inayatullah Khan Asghar,died.He was 84 years old.He wasthe last of the unsung freedom fightersfrom Mashriqi’s family; he was arrested at least twice during the independence movement of the Indian sub-continent (now Pakistan, India, and Bangladesh).During his lifetime, he crossed paths with all levels of society – from th Click here to read Full Article
Allama Mashriqi &Allama Iqbal: The Pride of Asia by Nasim Yousaf
Posted By: Infomashriqi On: 13/Apr/2018 Views:1770 Replies:0 
Allama Inayatullah Khan Al-Mashriqi and Allama Sir Mohammad Iqbal are regarded as legendary personalities of Asia.The two men have much in common;both graduated from the University of Cambridge and were illustrious thinkers, philosophers, writers,intellectuals, and politicians. They reached the highest pinnacles of fame and prominence in their respective fields.Both were also not without their con Click here to read Full Article
Khaksar and JallianwalaBaghMassacres: The Bloodbaths that Ignited the Freedom Movement By NasimYousaf
Posted By: Infomashriqi On: 20/Mar/2018 Views:1786 Replies:0 
The cold-blooded massacre of Khaksarsin Lahore and the JallianwalaBagh incident in Amritsar took place on March 19, 1940 and April 13, 1919 respectively. The two tragediesoccurred in cities in Punjab that are only 31 miles (50 km) apart.The Khaksar and JallianwalaBagh massacres not only broughtcountry-wide resentment against the British Raj, but also sparked the Indian sub-continent’s (now compris Click here to read Full Article
Khan AtaMohammad Khan MentoredAbul Kalam Azad By Nasim Yousaf
Posted By: Infomashriqi On: 18/Feb/2018 Views:1734 Replies:0 
“[Translation] In 1903, Maulvi Shibli Nomani…sent therespected Abul Kalam Azad…to Qibla-au-Kaaba [Khan Ata] in Amritsar so that he could shape his [Azad] future. Therefore he [Azad] stayed with him [Khan Ata] for five years and was part of the editorial team of the…Vakil.” -Allama Mashriqi, Dahulbab Allama Mashriqi’sfather, Khan Ata Mohammad Khan (1846-1925), was the ownerof The Vakil(Amri Click here to read Full Article
Allama Mashriqi Foretold of theBreakup of Pakistan by Nasim Yousaf
Posted By: Infomashriqi On: 12/Dec/2016 Views:1907 Replies:0 
In 1947,the British partitioned India and Pakistan into two wings, East and West Pakistan,which were separated by about 1,400 miles (about 2,200 kilometers). The people of Bengal played a vital role in the creation of Pakistan. However, only about 24 years after Pakistan’s creation, the Bengalis in the East Wing fought the War of Independence to obtain a separate homeland for themselves; Banglades Click here to read Full Article

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