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User Name: drshabir
Full Name: dr shabir choudhry
User since: 5/Jun/2007
No Of voices: 115
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Plight of Kashmiri militants in ‘Azad Kashmir’ by Dr Shabir Choudhry
Posted By: drshabir Created On: 1/Nov/2010 Views: 2277 Replies: 0 
Story of Kashmiri struggle is a long and tragic story of suffering of human beings on both sides of the forcibly divided State of Jammu and Kashmir. During our study tour of Azad Kashmir and Gilgit Baltistan, I met a ‘leader’ of Kashmiri militants who still live in Azad Kashmir. Before giving details of their plight it is imperative to give short summary to the on going armed struggle. Click here to read Full Article

Can Pakistan produce one Arundhati Roy to speak truth?
Posted By: drshabir On: 29/Oct/2010 Views:1887 Replies:0 
Arundhati Roy, a famous Indian writer and human rights activist has, once again, made headlines and won minds and hearts of the people of Jammu and Kashmir. She said what she believed – Kashmir is not legally part of India. Kashmir is not part of Pakistan either, although both countries control State of Jammu and Kashmir and have no desire to relinquish their control over these areas. Click here to read Full Article
KNP leaders meet British Foreign Office by Dr Shabir Choudhry
Posted By: drshabir On: 11/Sep/2010 Views:1947 Replies:0 
Kashmir National Party leaders Abbas Butt and Dr Shabir Choudhry had a detailed meeting with senior officials responsible for issues related to Kashmir and South Asia at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office in London.Issues discussed by the Kashmiri leaders included human rights abuses, terrorism, extremism, communalism and militant infiltration. They also emphasised that there was no military Click here to read Full Article
They are angry because I promote a pro Kashmir agenda by Dr Shabir Choudhry
Posted By: drshabir On: 13/Aug/2010 Views:1904 Replies:0 
Agents of Pakistan and those who represent forces of extremism, communalism, violence and hatred have, once again, on instructions of their handlers and pay masters started a nefarious campaign against me after the Press TV Kashmir debate in which I also participated.As they have different agenda to that of mine, they ought to be angry, frustrated and demoralised. They don’t want anyone to promote Click here to read Full Article
Kashmir survey was designed to achieve desired results by Dr Shabir Choudhry
Posted By: drshabir On: 11/Aug/2010 Views:2161 Replies:0 
Dr Robert Bradnock’s survey, ‘Kashmir – Paths to Peace’ made headlines when it was made public in May 2010 in a seminar held at Chatham House, a prestigious British Think Tank. The survey was commissioned by Dr Saif al Islam al Qadhafi and designed by Dr Bradnock and Ipsos Mori.Before analysing this important survey, first of its kind, it is important to point out that no survey could be Click here to read Full Article
Joota Khapay – shoe rule by Dr Shabir Choudhry
Posted By: drshabir On: 10/Aug/2010 Views:3749 Replies:2 
After callous murder of former Prime Minister of Pakistan Banazir Bhutto, people of Pakistan in general, and people of Sindh in particular were extremely angry and they raised certain voices which indicated break up of Pakistan. It was at that time Asif Zardari, husband of the deceased requested people to calm down and coined the phrase, ‘Pakistan Khapay’ – which in Sindhi means continuation of Click here to read Full Article
Colonial designs on Kashmir by Dr Shabir Choudhry
Posted By: drshabir On: 5/Aug/2010 Views:2058 Replies:0 
Text of Dr Shabir Choudhry’s speech made in a seminar arranged by UKPNP on 02 August 2010.Mr Chairman, friends and colleagues aslam o alaykam.It is pleasure to be among friends once again - friends who have a similar agenda to ours, friends who believe in human values, friends who believe in democracy and fundamental human rights for all; friends, who, like us, strongly oppose forces of extremism Click here to read Full Article
Jihad is back on agenda - it is official by Dr Shabir Choudhry
Posted By: drshabir On: 22/Jul/2010 Views:2213 Replies:0 
It might be terrorism elsewhere, but it is still ‘holy jihad’ in Kashmir. Despite being an important partner in so called ‘war on terrorism’, this is the real policy of Islamabad; and they make no attempt to even hide that.This message was reiterated in very aggressively in a public rally held in Muzafarabad, Pakistani Occupied Kashmir, which was organized by United Jihad Council, a coalition of Click here to read Full Article
India and Pakistan in a legal battle over Kashmiri water by Dr Shabir Choudhry
Posted By: drshabir On: 8/Jul/2010 Views:6227 Replies:2 
India and Pakistan could not reach consensus over use of water of Neelam River and have decided to fight it out in a court of arbitration which will cost millions of Dollars to both countries. The process of arbitration is not only expensive, but it is also a lengthy one. Whatever the outcome of the arbitration, the legal battle will surely embitter the relationship between the two countries. Click here to read Full Article
Ideology of Pakistan by Shabir Choudhry
Posted By: drshabir On: 28/Jun/2010 Views:2279 Replies:0 
Pakistan emerged as a new State on the map in August 1947, and more than 53 years on still there is a debate as to what is the ideology of Pakistan. Should Pakistan have been an Islamic state or a Muslim state? Did Pakistan's founder, Mohammed Ali Jinnah, envisage a liberal democratic state or a theocratic one? We all know his demand for Pakistan was on Two Nations Theory, Click here to read Full Article
Neelum Jhelum Hydroelectric Project - an environment disaster. by Dr Shabir Choudhry
Posted By: drshabir On: 27/Jun/2010 Views:5130 Replies:3 
At a time when different provinces and politicians of Pakistan were arguing with each other whether to construct the Kala Bagh Dam or not, puppet leaders of Islamabad in Pakistani Administered Kashmir said: for sake of Pakistan we will build 100 dams in Azad Kashmir. Click here to read Full Article

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