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User Name: shamal_news
Full Name: Gul Fraz Jadoon
User since: 12/Sep/2009
No Of voices: 2
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مسجدسےملحقہ کیبن بھتہ نہ ملنےپرمسمار ۔ شامل نیوز
Posted By: shamal_news Created On: 30/Mar/2010 Views: 2886 Replies: 0 
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Abbottabad police attack on Daily Shamal correpondent
Posted By: shamal_news On: 12/Sep/2009 Views:14263 Replies:0 
To curb journalists who are fairly reporting about dark acts of Abbottabad police, naked use of power by Abbottabad police revealed when some unidentified persons attack on City reporter of Shamal in Mezial Chowk Mandian. Arshid Swati was seriously injured in attack. To day back Asif Ali Ghor House Click here to read Full Article

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Abbottabad police attack on Daily Shamal correpondent
Views:14263 Replies:0
مسجدسےملحقہ کیبن بھتہ نہ ملنےپرمسمار ۔ شامل نیوز
Views:2886 Replies:0

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