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news 08-12-2010 by Hafiz Khalil Ur Rehman
Posted By: HafizKhalil On: 8/Dec/2010 Views:1931 Replies:0 
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PTI Press Release 08-12-10
Posted By: Anjam On: 8/Dec/2010 Views:2154 Replies:0 
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‘Kashmir dispute was created by Pakistan’, Nasir Ansari
Posted By: drshabir On: 8/Dec/2010 Views:3221 Replies:0 
Nasir Ansari is a son of Khaliq Ansari, who is regarded as a nationalist Kashmiri writer, thinker and ideologue, who sacrificed his career for the sake of United and Independent Jammu and Kashmir. Maqboo Butt is the leader of nearly all Kashmiri nationalists, but it is Khaliq Ansari who was the leader of Maqbool Butt. Click here to read Full Article
WikiLeaks - The Source of Humanity Hopes: Combating Terrocracies by Dr. Abdul Ruff
Posted By: abdulruff On: 8/Dec/2010 Views:1591 Replies:0 
WikiLeaks has done yeomen service to humanity that even the Nobel peace laureates have failed so far. Fortunately for him, Assange is not a Muslim - otherwise the US-UK terror twins could have named him also a terrorist and sent him to Guantanamo torture cell to end his life a victim to western state terror syndicates. Obviously, Muslims do not have this courage and commitment and US-UK-India-Isra Click here to read Full Article
Thank you profusely Mr. Assange by Ibn-e-Hallaj
Posted By: Ibn_e_Hallaj On: 8/Dec/2010 Views:1956 Replies:0 
Since when reporting truth has become a crime? The people of the world should profusely be thankful to Mr Julian Assange for exposing the ugly faces and shady characters of the policy makers of all sizes and caricatures across the globe. If the reflections in the mirror are ugly it’s not Mr Assange’s fault and yet the unscrupulous so-called leaders, powerful as they are, have managed to issue orde Click here to read Full Article
Year 1431 is on, Hijri Year Begins by Agha Tanveer Iqbal
Posted By: aghappp On: 8/Dec/2010 Views:2281 Replies:0 
Year 1431 is on, Hijri Year Begins with the memory of Greatest Battle between right and wrong in which righteousness showed under the guideness of Hazrat Imam Hussain (May Allah be please with him), that very little strength is as well able to defeat the the wrong doers. they showed that people who have fear of Allah, ...Who Love Allah, no hurdle or difficulty can stop them to keep Allah’s name Click here to read Full Article
JUP News 08-12-10
Posted By: JUPAkbar On: 8/Dec/2010 Views:1727 Replies:0 
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استحکام پاکستان میں طلبہ کا کردار ۔ اظہار اللہ
Posted By: IzharUllah On: 8/Dec/2010 Views:3061 Replies:0 
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ان سادگیوں پہ کون نہ مر جائے ۔ مدثر فیضی
Posted By: Mudassar_Faizi On: 8/Dec/2010 Views:1892 Replies:0 
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عورت اور طوائف ۔ ڈاکٹر عصمت حيات علوی
Posted By: dr._asmat_hayat_alvi On: 8/Dec/2010 Views:2365 Replies:0 
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وکی لیکس کے حمام میں ۔ ۔ ۔ محمد احمد ترازی
Posted By: tarazi On: 8/Dec/2010 Views:1920 Replies:0 
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سازشوں کے جال ۔ یاسر عمران مرزا
Posted By: mirza_yasir4 On: 8/Dec/2010 Views:2742 Replies:0 
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Videos of my activities alongwith JI, PTI and Human Rights Orgs in Pakistan
Posted By: Shakil_Ahmad On: 8/Dec/2010 Views:3129 Replies:0 
Pl find below the links for footage of my involvement in activities alongwith Pak Tehrik-e-Insaf, Jamat-e-Islami, Sir Syed society, +Pak, Human Rights, etc. Click here to read Full Article
Wikileaks, NGOs and the future of press freedom
Posted By: Ibn_e_Hallaj On: 8/Dec/2010 Views:2118 Replies:0 
The so-called defenders of press freedom as well as freedom of thought and expression be it journalists' organizatins, human rights champions including that fiery foreign-decorated champion Asma Jehangir, Abid Hassan Manto have conviniently choosen to remain silent. What their silence simply means is that they talk and act only to defend the interests of their masters. Freedom of press, thought an Click here to read Full Article
WikiLeaks cables: Saudi princes throw parties boasting drink, drugs and sex
Posted By: Ibn_e_Hallaj On: 8/Dec/2010 Views:2261 Replies:0 
Like elsewhere rules, laws and regulations apply only to the ordinary people even in Saudi Arabia that all of we Muslims respect not beause of the Saudi Royal family but beacuse of the sacred cities where the religion of all peoples took root. Thanks to Wikileaks for showing the ugly faces of the corrupt and immoral Saudi elites. Click here to read Full Article
America considers Pakistan as a nightmare by Asif Haroon Raja
Posted By: Asif_Haroon_Raja On: 8/Dec/2010 Views:2044 Replies:0 
Till Pakistan’s nuclear tests in May 1998, Pakistan was the sworn enemy of India. After the tests, USA and Israel ganged up with India and became the avowed enemies of Pakistan. Nuclear weapons with a Muslim state having missile power, conventional military strength and reasonable technological and industrial base and above all strong Islamic streaks and Jihadi fervor was unacceptable to the trio. Click here to read Full Article
ضمیر فروشوں کی عالمی منڈی ۔ اوریا مقبول جان
Posted By: Orya On: 8/Dec/2010 Views:1871 Replies:0 
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اچھی خبر ، برے اندیشے ۔ عبداللہ طارق سہیل
Posted By: AbdullahTS On: 8/Dec/2010 Views:1780 Replies:0 
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