
  You are viewing list of articles posted on 15/Jun/2009  

No Politician Ready To Condemn Brahamdagh
Posted By: Noman On: 15/Jun/2009 Views:2244 Replies:1 
The so-called Balochistan Republican Army is part of a list of three or four terrorist groups that do not really exist on the ground but are the joint creation of CIA and Indian intelligence in Afghanistan, with Karzai's intelligence Click here to read Full Article
ڈرون پر شاخ زیتون ؟ سمیع اللہ ملک
Posted By: Sami_Malik On: 15/Jun/2009 Views:2021 Replies:0 
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ایران پر متوقع اسرائیلی حملہ ۔ روف عامر
Posted By: Malik_Rauf On: 15/Jun/2009 Views:1904 Replies:0 
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Cartoons 15-06-09 by Jadugar
Posted By: jadugar On: 15/Jun/2009 Views:5970 Replies:0 
1- KhudKush Bombar 2-Dhimakoon waalaa Channel 3-Zardari kaa Qaum say Khitaab (1) 4-Bomb blast kaa khauf 5-Mutihuda Kutta Front 6-Zardari’s speech (2) Click here to read Full Article
Dr Najma’s appointment as KIU VC By Dj Mathal
Posted By: Mathal On: 15/Jun/2009 Views:3077 Replies:0 
At last the Karakoram International University (KIU) has got an enlightened, moderate and above all a highly qualified woman Vice-Chancellor. The appointment of Dr Najma Najam, former Vice-Chancellor of the Ftaima Jinnah Women University Rawalpindi as head of the KIU should be welcomed by all in Gil Click here to read Full Article
People’s Democracy Wins in Iran - By Dr. Abdul Ruff Colachal
Posted By: abdulruff On: 15/Jun/2009 Views:1800 Replies:0 
Democracy in Iran has received a setback with the US inspired opposition deciding to take to streets violently disowning the poll outcome which they had expected to turn in their favor because of the US support. Crowds took to the streets of Tehran on 13 June when results were announced officially t Click here to read Full Article
Indo-US Directions to Pakistan -- By Dr. Abdul Ruff Colachal
Posted By: abdulruff On: 15/Jun/2009 Views:1764 Replies:0 
Recently, the Indian premier Manmohan Singh has said in Parliament that India was willing to go “more than half way” if Pakistan dismantled “militant infrastructure” on its soil and punished the perpetrators of the 26/11 Mumbai attack. India is infested with such secret infrastructures. Manmohan fai Click here to read Full Article
ابھی بھی وقت ہے ۔ اوریا مقبول جان
Posted By: Orya On: 15/Jun/2009 Views:2108 Replies:0 
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مولاے یثرب کے حضور ۔(2)۔ عرفان صدیقی
Posted By: Irfan_Siddiqui On: 15/Jun/2009 Views:1991 Replies:0 
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ّآپ کا مشن جاری رہے گا ۔ حامد میر
Posted By: Hamid_Mir On: 15/Jun/2009 Views:2577 Replies:3 
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پاکستان کو عراق بنانے کی سازش ۔انصار عباسی
Posted By: Ansar.Abbasi On: 15/Jun/2009 Views:1944 Replies:0 
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یہ وقت واپس نہیں آےگا؟ ڈاکٹر صفدر محمود
Posted By: Noman On: 15/Jun/2009 Views:1798 Replies:0 
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