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Cartoons 23-08 2013 by International Professor
Posted By: International_Professor On: 23/Sep/2013 Views:8962 Replies:0 
01. Baghdadi Topi, 02. Lal Haveli, 03. Lal Topi, 04. Unknown MQM Terrorists, 05. Babar Ghourii, 06. 2 Girl Friends, 07. Nadeem Hashmi Click here to read Full Article
Peace talks with TTP floundering by Asif Haroon Raja
Posted By: Asif_Haroon_Raja On: 23/Sep/2013 Views:1754 Replies:0 
While corruption, inefficiency and bad governance which were the hallmarks of the last regime have made our economy fragile, decade old terrorism has struck the severest blow to the economy. Not only over $100 billion has gone down the drain, over 40,000 people have lost their lives in this senseless infighting. Despite such huge sacrifices and economic losses, terrorism has not been bridled. It Click here to read Full Article
Some Historical Facts About Kashmir by Dr. Maqsood Jafri
Posted By: Dr.Maqsood On: 23/Sep/2013 Views:1678 Replies:0 
Kashmir is situated at the heart of Asia, with historical links to both South and Central Asia. It is surrounded by Pakistan, Afghanistan, china and India. Its' area is approximately 84,471 square miles. India did not have land link with Kashmir. It was only because of the conspiracy brewed by the RAd cliff award of 1947 that handed over Gurdaspur to India to provide her geographical contiguity. Click here to read Full Article
The Next Eleven!
Posted By: nrqazi On: 23/Sep/2013 Views:1606 Replies:0 
The study is presented to US policymakers to plan for the best and worst possible scenarios. It includes a Goldman Sachs list of “Next Eleven” consisting of Bangladesh, Egypt, Indonesia, Iran, Mexico, Nigeria, Pakistan, the Philippines, South Korea, Turkey, and Vietnam.Although America’s influence will reduce, it will remain the “first among equals,” adds the report prepared by the US National Click here to read Full Article
Over 10 million children are not attending schools in Pakistan by Shoaib Habib Memon
Posted By: Shoaib1 On: 23/Sep/2013 Views:1965 Replies:0 
Over 6.5 million children are not attending primary schools and another 2.7 million are not enrolled at lower secondary level.The gender difference is fairly stark, with 3.6 million girls not attending primary level education as compared to 2.9 million boys. An out-of-school children study reveals that more girls than boys are out of school - 38.9 per cent of primary age girls are not attending Click here to read Full Article
Chairman NAB by Col. Riaz Jafri (Retd)
Posted By: Riaz On: 23/Sep/2013 Views:1534 Replies:0 
The important post of the Chairman NAB has been lying vacant for the past four months since 28 May 2013 when the Supreme Court ruled that Admiral Bukhari’s selection was in violation of the constitution. For all practical purposes the functioning of the NAB has come to a standstill because as per the law, NAB cannot take decisions on any pending cases unless the chairman signs off on them. There Click here to read Full Article
APL condemns the church attack by Amjad Malik
Posted By: APL On: 23/Sep/2013 Views:1635 Replies:0 
APL (association of Pakistani lawyers) has condemned the terrorist attack at the church in Peshawar which has taken dozens of lives and scores have injured. Click here to read Full Article
Bilawal turns 25 and the Aerial Firing: by Col. Riaz Jafri (Retd)
Posted By: Riaz On: 23/Sep/2013 Views:1498 Replies:0 
What a shame for the authorities as to how their orders not to resort to aerial firing in jubilation were flouted brazenly and blatantly by those celebrating Bilawal Zaradi Bhutto’s attaining the age of 25 years? Would the SHO, the DPO, the DIG, the IGP or even the Home Minister of Sindh show some moral courage and strength of character to book the perpetrators of this crime for violating the law Click here to read Full Article
Peshawar Church Blasts by Col. Riaz Jafri (Retd)
Posted By: Riaz On: 23/Sep/2013 Views:1486 Replies:0 
Tragic beyond words as it is the worst part of it is that it is one of the poorest minority communities that the cruel savages have targeted. It is, however, laudable that apart from other immediate measures to succour the community Rs 5 lac each for a dead and Rs. 2 lacs each for a wounded have been announced both by the govts. of KPK as well as Sindh. That will come to Rs 10 lacs for each dead Click here to read Full Article

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