"Let there arise out of you a band of people inviting to all that is good enjoining what is right and forbidding what is wrong; they are the ones to attain felicity".
(surah Al-Imran,ayat-104)
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User Name: Iqbal_Hadi_Zaidi
Full Name: Iqbal Hadi Zaidi
User since: 26/Aug/2008
No Of voices: 594
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Thrown off from his throne

Each one of us irrespective of gender; nationality; age; religion; education; profession; location and status etc has self respect which of course varies from a person to person but yet undisputedly none is without respect and this principle is applied to Col Muammar Qadafi as well who is the top ruler of Libya for 41 long years. However, for about six months, 17th February  2011, to be exact, Libyans have stood up against him and are demanding him to quit the post but he is not listening to them at all. The world at large led by USA has also asked Col Qadafi to hand over power to those whom people want but he is very much adamant in his approach and he did not bulge even an inch what to talk of resigning. Hundreds have been killed, incapacitated and injured whereas thousands have been rendered homeless since the upheaval started and the devastation is still going on but Col Qadafi is not pushed at all. People have come on the streets throughout the country scolding him openly; throwing stone at his portraits; tearing off his photographs etc and asking for his immediate resignation without caring the least that they can be picked up and punished but those who are still loyal to Qadafi but to no avail. Bulk majority of Libyans including men and women alike have flatly and openly voted against him for many months.

Col Qadafi should realize that when he is no more respected by his own people whom he has governed for many decades there is no prudence to stick to power. He is secluded from his own people and cannot move freely like before so what type of ruler he is now. NATO forces have bombarded Libya time and again not only incapacitating his capabilities but also killed his own son in air raids which very clearly signals that he is no more wanted. As a father, leaving apart that he is president, he must have felt the pinch of losing his own son which is the lifelong treasure for every father but it is really very strange and incomprehensible to know that instead of saving his life and the lives of his family members, he is endangering his and others’ lives by sticking to the throne. How come he being the top leader of an independent and sovereign country is being attacked both by Libyans and NATO forces? What type of ruler is he who is neither respected within his country nor outside his country? How can be the leader of the country when he is firing scud missiles on his own countrymen? Which seat he is sticking to when his own life in endangered and anytime he can be killed either by some Libyan or external forces? Enough is enough and he must leave now when in reality he is already thrown off from his throne.

Iqbal Hadi Zaidi / Pakistani in Kuwait /
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