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User Name: Iqbal_Hadi_Zaidi
Full Name: Iqbal Hadi Zaidi
User since: 26/Aug/2008
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34th Wedding Anniversary of Iqbal & Shireen

Iqbal Hadi Zaidi, former Business and Manpower Advisor, Pakistan Embassy, Kuwait accompanied by his wife Shireen Iqbal Zaidi were chauffer driven by Holiday Inn Al Thuraya City from their residence to the hotel on Saturday 29th June, 2019 to commemorate their 29th Happy Wedding Anniversary.

Upon arrival the couple was welcomed by hotel officers. Anan El Kady, Cluster Markting Communications and Director Marketing and Public Relations hugged Shireen and presented her bunch of red roses. The guests were escorted to the VIP Lounge to complete check-in formalities. They sipped coffee and exchanged happy pleasantries of the day with the hotel staff and both were photographed also in the lounge.

Later on they moved to Crowne Plaza Auditorium where Iqbal and Shireen sat on the stage adorned with their 34th Wedding Anniversary logo. Hotel Manager Mr. Raffi Torikian on behalf of the hotel management and staff very warmly and heartily welcomed the distinguished guests and said that it is itself a unique record unknown to human history that that Mr Iqbal and Mrs Shireen are staying with us each year in our room 306 since their 1st Wedding Anniversary falling on 29th June, 1986. He assured the couple that Holiday Inn is fully committed to extend their fullest cooperation with warmth, respect and love till Golden Jubilee and thereafter. He then presented commemorative memento to the couple bearing their 34th Wedding Anniversary logo to mark their annual day. Iqbal in his speech not only thanked the hotel for the beautiful memento but went on to say that undoubtedly each year Holiday Inn takes so much pains and interest as if it is hotel anniversary and not that of Iqbal and Shireen. Iqbal was very vocal to say that he married Miss Suhail Fatima on 29th June 1985 and we stayed in Room 306 Holiday Inn, Islamabad and on the day I promised Suhail renamed as Shireen (sweet in Urdu & Persian) that now each year on 29th June we will stay together or individually in Room 306 Holiday Inn wherever we are. He was too pleased to say that today he will be staying the in the same room of the same hotel on the same date for 34 years in continuity which is unknown to human history. Lastly he said that he has met many unknown men and women in Bahrain, India, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Pakistan and UAE who one way or the other knew about my this lifelong matrimonial promise. Iqbal and Shireen jointly cut the huge commemorative cake decorated with their 34th Wedding Anniversary logo to mark end of the celebration. The guests were entertained before they left the hotel.

Ghana Ambassador HE Ahmed-Rufai Yahya IDDI sent perfume and sweets to room 306 and attended the ceremony at the auditorium. Engr Adeel and Engr Afsheen both UK citizens came from Saudia Arabia and presented a typical Saudi souvenir and fully enjoyed the function. Kuwait Ambassador to Venezuela HE Naser Bareh Al Enezi, as always, being outside the country sent handsome cash with perfume for me and Shireen together with chocolates. Greece Ambassador HE Andrea Papadakis sent flowers as he will be out of country on my day. MP Khalil Saleh confirmed to be present on my day but could not attend. Cuba Ambassador confirmed that he will be attending the event along with Ambassadors of Nicargua and Ambassador of Venezuela but the trio did not come. Couple of months back HE Dr. Khalid Ali Al Fadhel, Minister for Oil and Minister for Water and Electricity had confirmed to bless me in person if in Kuwait but he had to be in Cairo on my day so he could not attend and sent his best wishes. HE Dr Abdullah Maatouq Al Maatouq, Advisor to Amir greeted from London. HE Prof Dr Yousuf Hamad Al Ibrahim, Advisor to Amir also sent best wishes as he is outside. Former Minister Dr. Ali Saleh Al Omair wished to attend but limited to greetings as he will not be in Kuwait. Former Minister Dr Fadel Safar Ali Safar had other engagement but yet sent best wishes. Former Minister Dr Mohammad Barrak Al Haifi agreed to come in person but could not attend. HE Khalaf Bu Dhhair, Kuwait Ambassador to Sri Lanka greeted from Colombo. Major Sheikh Jarrah Al Sabah, Ministry of Interior sent his best wishes. Brig (retd) Nasimul Ghani sends prayers from Dhaka. Ambassadors of Benin, Ethiopia, Georgia, Guyana, Kazakhstan, Liberia, Sierra Leone, Sri Lanka, Tanzania sent their warmest best wishes on my day.

Adala tv interviewed Iqbal while official photographer of the hotel and Al Nahar newspapers clicked their cameras to capture each and every moment.

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