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(surah Al-Imran,ayat-104)
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User Name: Iqbal_Hadi_Zaidi
Full Name: Iqbal Hadi Zaidi
User since: 26/Aug/2008
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              For Zardari and Gen Kayani, if not annoying

Before I pen even a letter what to talk of a word I must elucidate quite categorically that though it could be bitter for both of them to read me but nevertheless I am not writing anything at my own and instead quoting the ground realities so if they or anyone else feels annoyed then he or she should just put his or her hand on heart to feel its beat while reading me and I am sure such litmus test will tell you black as black and white as white. Try it alike as I have suggested so that you at least do not condemn me if do not appreciate. I must very clearly remark without any shadow of doubt whatsoever that from the core of my heart I have full respect for both of them and therefore resultantly I very sincerely wish that they must upkeep the honor and prestige attached to both the posts.


Today Monday 9th April, 2012 PM Syed Yousuf Raza Gillani will be the Chief Guest at energy meeting being hosted by CM Punjab Mian Shahbaz Sharif which is an appreciable gesture on part of both the leaders. Needless to mention that just two days back Shahbzad has said in public in Burewala that he will never ever welcome Zardari come what may because he does not recognize him as President of Pakistan. He had said so from UK as well just four days back which I heard myself at Geo News where he said that since he does not take Zardari as President so the question of greeting him does not arise at all. My simple submission is that when Zardari was in Lahore about a year ago, Shahbaz had left the city for the period Zardari stayed in Lahore very boldly proving in black and white that he does not recognize Zardari as Head of the State. What surprises me the most is that Shahbaz being provincial CM speaks out so loudly against none but President of Pakistan and yet why President could not do anything against the junior subordinate? What deters President not to trim such CM and that too since so long is not at all understandable at least by me, if not you? Isn’t CM succeeding in ridiculing President who is the boss of PM whom the same CM will salute today at energy conference?


Needless to mention it is not like Shahbaz vs Zardari rather CM vs President which as such demands that the subordinate should not and cannot be allowed to publicly belittle the authority of the top most VVIP of the country to be honest.


Since yesterday I am seeing the photos of our Army Chief Gen Pervez Kayani visting Siachin where 135 troops have been trapped under heavy snow since Saturday early morning hours. It is not moral boosting effort on the part of the general as you may think or others may give you such an impression rather it is quite insulting to be honest. Our brave troops who were posted in such coldest hell to keep off our enemy were hit hard on early hours of Saturday 7th instant and the simple courtesy demanded that Army Chief should have flown to the site on the same day and not a day later. This is an undeniable fact that whether the general flew there or not, the fate of those who are trapped will not change even a bit so practically speaking his trip even in Saturday had not brought any tangible results but nevertheless simple moral courtesy if not official obligation demanded that Army Chief should have been the very 1st person on Saturday to land at the site and not so late as Sunday. Yesterday while standing on snow the general said that the morale of our troops should not be lowered because of the sad tragic incident and I fully agree with him quite unconditionally but at the same time his delayed visit has already demoralized troops’ morale because they could see that their chief boss comes so late and that too on such a grave tragedy so how can the troops honor him in the same gear and esteem as they respected him on Friday 6th Aril, 2012. It is very touchy subject when one comes to deal with human in general and those trapped alike in particular. As a matter of fact he should have announced some heavy compensation for those ill fated 135 who are believed to be buried under 80 feet snow but alas he did not say even a word about it. 


Why did Army Chief expose himself? Did he realize what he did and on what occasion?


Iqbal Hadi Zaidi / Kuwait
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