"Let there arise out of you a band of people inviting to all that is good enjoining what is right and forbidding what is wrong; they are the ones to attain felicity".
(surah Al-Imran,ayat-104)
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User Name: voiceofaa
Full Name: Syed kashif Ali
User since: 7/Aug/2007
No Of voices: 49
Hum Dekhein Ge - Video
Views:4663 Replies:3
Lahore Railway Station - Back in the 1880s
Views:4696 Replies:0
Iranian President Ahmedi Najad Life Style
Views:8290 Replies:6
Video: Western Media Propaganda Against Masjid Al-Aqsa (Bait-ul- Muqaddas)
Views:3393 Replies:1
The Fake Profiler flees to Middle East
Views:3994 Replies:14
We Need 1948 Pakistan
Views:3255 Replies:1
Tareekh Ka jabr
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Maulana fazlur Rehman ki Iltija
Views:3449 Replies:2
Nawaz Sharif ki Wapsi
Views:4804 Replies:7
An interesting Autobiography
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While browsing through google, I found this rare picture of Lahore Railway Station, back in the 1880s.

The surroundings look all deserted giving the Station building an impressive elevation. I only wish if I could turn the time back and have a Buggy ride from Railway Station to Flattei's Hotel on the Mall...

"This is a low-resolution and cropped (down to 40% of original size) version of Photograph of the Railway Station at Lahore, Pakistan, taken by George Craddock in the 1880s, part of the Bellew Collection of Architectural Views. Oriental and India Office Collection. British Library."

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