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(surah Al-Imran,ayat-104)
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User Name: aghappp
Full Name: Agha Tanveer
User since: 6/Jun/2007
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Faryal Talpoor will be caretaker of Shaheed Benazir's children & Property: SHC

Agha Tanveer Iqbal

London PPP: Sindh High Court (SHC) has accorded responsibility of children and property of assassinated Shaheed Benazir Bhutto on President Asif Ali Zardari' s sister, Faryal Talpur.

According to details Faryal Talpur (Sister) President Asif Ali Zardari has lodged an application in Sindh High Court quoting Shaheed Benazir Bhutto' s will stating that (late) Benazir Bhutto had willed to give the responsibility of her children and Property's care to their aunt Faryal Talpoor.

Approving the application lodged by Faryal Talpoor in this connection a bench of SHC headed by Justice Muneeb Ahmed announced their decision in favor of Faryal Talpur to be the caretaker of assassinated Benazir Bhutto' s entire property and her three children Bilawal Bhutto Zardari, Bakhtawar Bhutto Zardari and Asifa Bhutto Zardari.

The Court further notified in its decision that Faryal Talpoor will play her responsibility as caretaker for Shaheed Benazir Bhutto' s children until they attain the age of 25.

Agha Tanveer Iqbal
Secretary Information PPP Greater London
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