"Let there arise out of you a band of people inviting to all that is good enjoining what is right and forbidding what is wrong; they are the ones to attain felicity".
(surah Al-Imran,ayat-104)
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User Name: aghappp
Full Name: Agha Tanveer
User since: 6/Jun/2007
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Pakistan Peopels party greater London organised a seminar  on SHAHEED BENAZIR BHUTTO and her role for democracy in pakistain,The meeting was held in the Britain” House of Lords.

Lord Nazir Ahamed ,Ex minister Ameer Haider Kazmi ,Mushtaq Lashari  Third world solidarity, Riaz Khan acting secretary general PPP Uk,. Raja wajid acting presidentPPP greater London ,Agha Tanveer Iqbal information secretary ,Mohsin bari secretary general, Haider Ali Khan  Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Assembly member (ANP) , Mirza Aftab Ahamed Baghi President east London, councillor Ch Parvez,  councillor   Zahida Noori, Raja Akram , Dr Ayub Mirza,

The speakers paid rich tribute to Shaheed Benazir Bhutto and said that Shaheed Bhuttos strengthened the federation and democracy in the country through their democratic politics and even sacrificed their lives for the people.

 The meeting was chaired by a PPP veteran and former federal minister,Ameer      Haider Kazmi and the chief guest was Lord Ahamed .And also featured a film on the life of shaheed Benazir Bhutto .

 Ameer Haider Kazmi who called for brining to justice those behind Benazir’s murder. He said Shaheed Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto was a great visionary leader and a caring sister.

Lord Nazir Ahamed   points out that Shaheed Benazir Bhutto was very aware of the threats against her life. "But she faced a dilemma. She could have ensconced herself behind high walls and armoured vehicles, but that would mean losing touch with ordinary people. She decided she would take the risk." In taking that risk, Bhutto must have been confident that Pakistan could find its own way, even without her, toward becoming a more stable, peaceful nation. "I think her death is a body blow to democracy,"He said report did not reveal the names of Bhutto’s killers and it failed to give any clues about them,” he complained. UN Commission did not take witness accounts of the people who were accompanying her on the day of her assassination in Rawalpindi’s historic Liaquat Bagh. He said if the government was sincere with Benazir’s vision then it should arrest her killers without any delay.

Information Secretary of the PPP UK Agha Tanveer Iqbal   paid rich tributes to Shaheed Benazir Bhutto on and said that the PPP would continue to pursue its mission of restoring real democracy in the country despite the hurdles being created by anti-democracatic forces.  ‘’The reconciliation policy and promotion of democracy are being pursued for the welfare of the masses.’’ He also said that the PPP is still following the legacy of Shaheed Benazir Bhutto to flourish democracy, alleviate poverty, redress the grievances of the downtrodden people and raise education standards. Shaheed Bhutto family has rendered a lot of sacrifices for the sake of democracy, people and country which have been widely hailed worldwide. No other family in this county has rendered greater sacrifices.

Riaz Khan, acting secretary general, He had known her for over 35 years. "There is not a single eye that is not weeping," he says. "Even her political opponents in this country are crying. Bhutto was a symbol of unity. She was the only leader who could unite all Pakistan's four provinces.

Haider Ali Khan  Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Assembly member and an Awami National Party activist claimed that Benazir was a national leader who gave her life for Pakistan and its people. The PPP was the only party that could curb terrorism because it was the only party with the support of the common man.
Raja Wajid acting president PPP greater London  Benazir Bhutto who was martyred for the nation and given sacrifice of her life. They said that our opposite groups talking about midterm election but we will complete our tenure of five years

Mirza Aftab Baghi The death of Benazir Bhutto Shaheed is being mourned by millions of Pakistanis. There is no doubt that Shaheed Benazir Bhutto had many enemies. After her rhetoric against Taliban and other Islamic fundamentalists, her list of enemies grew phenomenally. He said there are also black sheep’s in our party and soon the true faces of these enemies come on screen.

Councillor Zahida Noori  Benazir Shaheed had also fought for women’s health, social and discrimination issues. She had plans to set up police stations of women, banks and also courts. She always spoke against abortion. She was one among the forefront to form the council of women world leaders.
Mushtaq Lashari As a politician, wife and mother, Benazir fulfilled her responsibilities to the fullest. The assassination of Benazir Bhutto has left a huge vacuum in Pakistani politics at a juncture where her presence was vital to the transition towards democracy.

The seminar was attended by a large number of both male and female party activists.

The house also pray Faithia for the late mother of Habib Jan, Son of Ali Ahamed Syed and also late brother of Ayub Olyia .


Agha Tanveer Iqbal

Secretary Information PPP


 Agha Tanveer Iqbal
Secretary Information
Pakistan Peoples Party

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