"Let there arise out of you a band of people inviting to all that is good enjoining what is right and forbidding what is wrong; they are the ones to attain felicity".
(surah Al-Imran,ayat-104)
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User Name: Iqbal_Hadi_Zaidi
Full Name: Iqbal Hadi Zaidi
User since: 26/Aug/2008
No Of voices: 594
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Yet another feather into our cap

               I am a staunch Pakistani from each and every angle though living overseas since 1976 but yet, come what may, on principles I have never ever compromised and let me re-assure you once again that in future too I will never ever bulge even fraction of an inch so far as Pakistan in considered.

               I am sick to death reading and listening and that too since early 1950s when I was just a boy and schooling that USA is the mightiest of all and no country on the face of earth irrespective of its topographical situation can even be nearer to it, what to talk of superceding or even equaling it. Of all the countries shown on the globe, whether situated in east or west, south or north, developed or under developed, democratic or despotic, Islamic or secular, rich or poor, big or small, and hot or mild and one can expand the list to any extent one wants, but still the fact remains that only five countries namely China, France, Russia, United Kingdom and United States of America have been accorded the status of Super Powers. However, it must be known that all the five super powers are though equal as per their classification they are bracketed with but yet the remaining four simply could not match and catch with USA which proves its undisputed and unparallel superiority.


It is internationally reckoned and accepted that United Nations Organization is the supreme body and its decisions are binding on the member countries but here also US has singled out herself in a sense that time and again it did whatever it wanted ignoring the will of the other member countries. US stubborn attitude is known for quite many decades and not just years and months for that matter. USA has become symbolic in whatever field one may think of right from constitution to political parties, economics to logistics, security to warfare, manufacturing to trade, diplomacy to peace efforts, loans to human rights, justice to education and global warming to weather forecasting etc and far too many countries including my own beloved Pakistan has taken it granted that US is its mentor. It will very much immoral on my part not to mention that in sports too USA is at the top of the ladder and one can count as to which country got maximum gold medals in Olympics etc and this augments to my argument that US simply can not be beaten on any front by any country at any time of any day.


Let me quip that USA presence can be felt much far away from its territorial limits in many countries on many different pretexts and justifications. Some place Americana are busy digging trenches to combat the local warriors, at other places they are pitched against epic diseases, some places they are involved in charity, at other locations Americans are training local army and lastly they are also providing humanitarian services etc and this all put together burdens Washington DC still the more. Needless to mention, USA is not a country but a continent as a matter of fact and even an ordinary person with no schooling can very well imagine as to how many cabinet ministers must be needed by the super power to administer the country and shoulder the responsibilities spread over different territories.


Hold your breath and be still for a moment as I am all set to upset none but USA and that too by using Pakistani arsenal and I am sure you will also be awed and shocked like me that the country whose green passport I am using, has inducted four additional new ministers and now the total runs to just 59 numbers-41 Ministers and 18 State Ministers to look after already shrunk Pakistan. In all fairness I must clarify that here shrunk is not referring to loss of East Pakistan which is dead history but hinting towards Swat, Dir, Waziristan and some part in Balochistan where we have failed to enforce our writ and hence the brigade of 59 ministers under the leadership of Prime Minister and over all supervision of the President are to reign the shrunk Pakistan.


The present American administration is headed by President Barack Hussein Obama who has one Vice President and 15 Secretaries (equivalent to minister) namely for state, treasury, defence, justice, interior, agriculture, commerce, law, health & human services, housing and urban development, transportation,. Energy, education, veterans affairs and home land security responsible to administer the most powerful nation one can think of whereas Pakistan which has no comparison whatsoever in any field but yet has a full brigade of 61 people (President 1 Prime Minister 1 and ministers 59)




With my honest and solemn prayers

Sincere IQBAL HADI ZAIDI / Kuwait / 

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