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(surah Al-Imran,ayat-104)
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User Name: Iqbal_Hadi_Zaidi
Full Name: Iqbal Hadi Zaidi
User since: 26/Aug/2008
No Of voices: 594
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Bravo! Air Marshal Asghar has raised the curtain

At this point of time when Supreme Court is hearing the case about public money dished out in millions to various political figures it is very much pertinent that those whose names have been exposed along with the figures they have received, I wish that not only in the name of justice but Pakistan as well they must be called immediately to either confess and refute as the case may be before SC.

There is certainly much truth in it if not the whole truth meaning that it is neither a fiction nor an airy fairy story but a serious case of corruption wherein not only prestigious entity like ISI is dragged in but also many of our political leaders are very much directly involved. The figure of Rs 160 million dished out during the time of President Ghulam Ishaq Khan to defeat PPP in 1990 general elections cannot be legalized to be pocketed by our various political leaders in any case. All those who received the money must 1st must be asked by SC to immediately return the money with some reasonable annual interest from the date when they received the money till now and then they must spend time behind the bars also depending upon the figures they have received as a political bribe. Higher the amount higher the punishment should be the guiding principle. I am sure that all we agree with me when I say that since very long we have been hearing about house trading and vote buying etc but we never had facts and figures like what Younus Habib has quoted which proves in black and white as to what we are and to what extent we can go. The amount so received is not in three, four, five or even six digits but in millions.  Power addiction is so strong in Pakistan that the interested parties and the individuals go to any length and resort to all sort of practices without caring the least whether those are legal or illegal, moral or immoral. Regretfully personal interest is the only interest for them.


Isn’t it shameful that person like Mian Nawaz Sharif who is publicly portraying himself none but ‘Mr Clean Slate’ has been paid 3.5 million by Younus Habib himself who then headed Mehran Bank?  There is a long list of people who also have been paid the money and not just Mian alone but I have singled him out simply because he claims and boasts of being the only suitable person to govern us even for third time. Shouldn’t he and all those who have pocketed such money must 1st look at mirror to see their inner self before talking about others? Incidentally all of those who have taken the money are not paupers or bankrupts rather they already had lot of money but yet lust of money awed them to the extent that they stooped so low to sell themselves as against money and do exactly the same what the money giver wants them to do. They lost their own will and choice and instead subjected themselves to the tone and wishes of those who stuffed their pockets with hard cash. Ironically speaking all those who accepted the money have automatically separated and excluded themselves from being human beings and instead turned themselves as goods which only can be purchased and not the persons. 


The principle of equity demands that all the beneficiaries are to be punished accordingly. No one whosoever be exempted from punishment but if we resort to pick and choose policy which regretfully we often practice whereby somebody is punished and someone is let lose then we ourselves become laughing stock which must be avoided under all circumstances whatsoever. All Pakistanis whether living inside the country or overseas are very keenly watching as to what is going on in SC about this loot and we have placed blind confidence in our highest judiciary and time itself will prove that all those who received ill gotten money will be suitably punished accordingly which as such will be a life remembering lesson for others. Once the whole lot who pocketed the money doled by ISI as per the instructions of President Ghulam Ishaq Khan has been properly taken to task then the rest of those who may also be aspiring alike will not even dare to think to take any money on this account unless and until they are themselves their own dead enemies.


Bravo! Air Marshal Asghar Khan you have done a big job by exposing and showing us the faces of those who received in million of rupees as political bribery but never ever admitted of receiving even one rupee.  

Undoubtedly you have done what none has done so far. Shame nothing but shame rather utter shame on them.


Iqbal Hadi Zaidi / Kuwait
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