"Let there arise out of you a band of people inviting to all that is good enjoining what is right and forbidding what is wrong; they are the ones to attain felicity".
(surah Al-Imran,ayat-104)
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User Name: Iqbal_Hadi_Zaidi
Full Name: Iqbal Hadi Zaidi
User since: 26/Aug/2008
No Of voices: 594
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In Jul I will be in Karachi 10-13 and Lahore 14-20 respectively and thus very humbly request to please get me interviewed at TV and newspapers in any of the two cities within the dates.

          Human needs human is nothing but very true

Undoubtedly whosoever differs can�t be true

Man needs woman and she needs him is true

Answer me how one can prove this is not true

Needs are common but yet differ that is true


4 minimum needed at death is absolutely true


4 fathers are common no one disputes is true

                          H U M A N

Having born you needed many others is true

Unlimited have helped you before is truly true

Many more will still be needed by you is true

And the process so continues is absolutely true

Now I reach you believing you are so very true



The President Responds

Category: Foreign

Iqbal Hadi Zaidi - Consultant | 24 Apr, 2005

My Most Respectful Known + Unknown Compatriot Mr or Mrs or Miss

Assalam o alaikum

At  the very outset I must tender my unconditional apology to send you such an unsolicited email but believe you me under the given situation I simply could not help it otherwise.

Honestly speaking in Feb 1991 when Kuwait was liberated our Pakistan Government was very desperate to immediately re open its embassy there and send back thousands of uprooted Pakistani back to their jobs. This was an unprecedented event and the task was much daunting and demanding but yet our Ambassador in Kuwait out of thousands of Pakistanis picked me and me alone for appointment as Diplomat to be posted in Kuwait to accomplish the task.

Why did Pakistan Govt ignore all those diplomats including CWAs who had been in Kuwait to meet the challenge? Needless to mention at that time CWA was real brother of MNA cum Parliamentary Secretary who had very close personal relations with PM but yet CWA was ignored simply because he like others could not match me. Alas! I was ignored for continuation and instead a cousin of a State Minister was posted as CWA in 1992 and please do check his ACRs in Islamabad to read as to what Ambassador had been reporting about him and how much he was thrashed when called back.

I am trying to be re appointed as Diplomat and in 2000 I even succeeded to the extent that Labour Ministry, Islamabad asked me to send my complete documents and justify as to why I be appointed. My papers were received by Labour Ministry in Dec 2000 but they are yet to appoint / reject me. Again in 2002 I had initiated but to no avail.

May be I am wrong, perhaps not, my merit is not taken into account simply because I have nothing but merit and merit alone whereas some push < contacts> and or pull is also needed which I utterly lack both.

Both time <2000 + 02> I have very openly written in my applicationS that I am the most suited diplomat to handle both Labour and Commercial activities but who bothers. Commercial section is closed since July 1990 whereas Labour section is headed by Community Welfare Attach sent from Labour Ministry, Islamabad. I had tried to convince Islamabad that CWA is only looking after Labour wher as I being in Kuwait since 1978 do qualify for Labour + Commerce. I had also written that CWA residence is much expensive than mine and I will continue living in the same flat where Ambassadors come but perhaps Islamabad is not toned to save money on rent and earn more through increased productivity.

It is not fiction but hard fact that on both occasions I had addressed my application to our 4 Ministers namely Foreign + Labour + Commerce + Finance and sent them faxes + emails and postal letters. I, in desperation had also sent the same to some other Ministers and Federal Secretaries and alike also but all in vain.

Dear Mr. Iqbal Hadi Zaidi,

Your query was forwarded to Overseas Pakistanis Division, Government of Pakistan. Their response is as follows:

Mr. Iqbal Hadi Zaidi cannot be appointed as Community Welfare Attach under the rules because he is not a Government servant and he has already attained the age of 61 years His date of birth is 21.12.1943).

Office of the Press Secretary to President

 Read this letter at Go to �Write to the President� then click to �Visitors Forum� & then to Choose a category. Select �Foreign� & scroll down till 24 Ap 05 to get me.


                                Who invites Ambassador at his / her house in Pakistan?

                   Pl name those Pakistani who cross, equal and or even near me world wide. 


Diplomats who had been to my house till Thu 24th April, 2008.

Category I:- AMBASSADORS (68 countries) 1. Algeria 2. Argentina 3. Austria 4. Australia 5. Azerbaijan 6. Bahrain 7. Bangladesh 8. Belgium 9. Benin 10. Bhutan 11.  Bosnia & Herzegovina 12. Bulgaria 13. Canada 14. Cuba 15. China 16.. Czech Republic 17. Denmark 18. East Germany 19. Egypt 20. Eritrea 21. Ethiopia 22. Finland 23. France 24. Georgia 25. Greece 26. Hungary 27. Indonesia 28. Iran 29. Iraq 30. Italy 31. Japan 32. Jordan 33. Lebanon 34. Malaysia 35. Mauritania 36. Morocco 37. Netherlands 38. Niger 39. Nigeria 40. North Korea 41. Oman 42. Pakistan 43. Philippines 44. Poland 45. Romania 46. Russia 47. Senegal 48. Slovakia 49. Somalia 50. South Africa 51. South Korea 52. Spain 53. Sri Lanka 54. Sweden 55. Switzerland 56. Syria 57. Thailand 58. Tunisia 59.Turkey 60. Ukraine 61. United Arab Emirates 62. United Kingdom 63. Uzbekistan 64. Vatican 65. Venezuela 66. Vietnam 67. Yemen 68 Yugoslavia.

Category II:- Charge d� Affaires (8 countries) 1. Afghanistan 2. Czechoslovakia 3. Czech Republic 4. Niger 5. Nigeria 6. Philippines 7. Peru 8. Poland.

Category III:- Other Ranks (42 countries) 1. Afghanistan 2. Bahrain 3. Bangladesh 4. Belgium 5. Bhutan 6. Brazil 7. Canada 8. China 9. Cuba 10. Cyprus 11. Denmark 12. Egypt 13. France 14. Hungary 15. Indonesia 16. Iran 17. Iraq 18. Italy 19. Japan 20. Lebanon 21. Libya 22. Malaysia 23. Morocco  24 Niger 25 Nigeria 26. Norway 27. Pakistan 28. Philippines 29. Poland 30. Russia 32. Senegal 33. South Korea 34. Sri Lanka 35. Sweden 36. Syria 37. Thailand 38. Turkey 39. United Kingdom 40. United States of America 41. West Germany 42. Yugoslavia.
Note: I do not invite US Ambassador simply because he does not come alone but with security officers who, as per my protocol, can neither sign my Invitees� Book nor be snapped with Ambassadors. I being a Pakistani do not invite Indian diplomats for very obvious reasons.


Iqbal Hadi Zaidi / MA Pol Sc 1966 + LL B 69 + D L L  72 + D T L  72-All as regular student, Punjab University, Lahore / In Kuwait since 1978 / MSN: / / Tel + Fax (00965) 23715102 / Mobile (00965) 66229897


(1) President Gen � Pervez Musharraf born in August 1943 is older to me yet he is holding the posts of COAS & President when my letter was replied by Press Secretary to President.

(2) I am presenting my candidature for appointment as Ambassador or Minister Plenipotentiary or Counselor on ad-hoc basis on purely merit basis and or certain cogent reasons and not otherwise.

(3) Which Ambassador, may I dare ask the name, who during the last 25 years, at his own, has either introduced any Pakistani contracting company in Kuwait or, for that matter, brought Kuwaiti investment to Pakistan?

(4) Pakistan Embassy is without an ambassador for over 9 months (HE. Mohammad Aslam perhaps left July, 2008) and my simple question is what loss Pakistan has suffered to be without H.E. or, for that matter, what Pakistan had gained had our ambassador been here?

(5) Dr Yaseen Rizvi (late)- a known journalist visited Kuwait in February 1995 upon the invitation of Kuwait government and during his stay he met cross section of people and on his return, he wrote an article flashed by Khabrain newspaper dated 28th Feb wherein he just hurriedly mentioned the name of those Pakistani he had met but captioned as 'unofficial ambassador of Pakistan' (copy attached)

(6) President Sardar Farooq Ahmad Khan Leghari paid an official visit to Kuwait in Sep 1994 and our ambassador H.E. Karamatullah Khan Ghori asked me to be with him to conduct the visit of the president. I manned the control room for monitoring the movement of our VVIP and stayed at the same floor where President stayed in Bayan Palace. The embassy then had fleet of officers including 2 counselors but yet I was needed and given the most delicate and important responsibility.

(7) Let me avail this opportune to remark that almost 90% I and our ambassador had been the only two Pakistanis invited at different diplomatic receptions and, if not annoying, I will quip that we two can not be compared with simply because that H.E. is invited in his official capacity and not otherwise. At different seminars, conferences and exhibitions also mostly we are the two representing our community prove my social entity.

(8) I can send photos showing me with members of Ruling Family Al Sabah including (i) Former Prime Minister and now Amir HH Sheikh Sabah Al Sabah (ii) Former Deputy Prime Minister cum Interior Minister and now Crown Prince HH Sheikh Nawaf Al Sabah (iii) Prime Minister HH Sheikh Naser Al Sabah (iv) Deputy Prime Minister cum Defence Minister HE Sheikh Jaber AL Sabah (v) Former Deputy Prime Minister cum Interior Minister now Advisor to Amir HE Sheikh Muhammad Al Sabah (vi) Former Oil cum Energy & Information Minister now Chief of Security HE Sheikh Ahmad Al Fahad Al Sabah (vii) Former Health Minister and now Oil Minister HE Sheikh Ahmad Al Abdullah Al Sabah (viii) Former Asia Olympic Chairman HE Sheikh Talal Al Sabah (ix) Governor HE Sheikh Ali Al Sabah (x) Under Secretary Prof Dr Sheikha Rasha Al Sabah.

(9) I am also with (i) Former Labour Minister HE Talal Al Ayyar (ii) Former Commerce Minister HE Wahab Wazzan.

(10) I know (i) Former Labour Minister HE Ahmad Al Kulaib (ii) Former Finance & Planning Minister and now Advisor to Amir Prof. Dr Yousuf Al-Ibrahim.

(11) I know Sheikh Ameer Fahad Malik Al Sabah, Chairman & Managing Director, Kuwait Support Services Company.

Teaching English at Secretarial and Office Administration Institute (Boys), Public Authority for Applied Education and Training (PAAET).

Earlier during September-December 2006, I had taught English Course 106 (Reading + Writing + Listening & Presentation), College of Business Administration, Kuwait University. I often help students of higher education institutions namely Gulf Science and Technology University, Maastricht Business College, Kuwait University, American University of Kuwait, Arab Open University and Australian College.  At times I have reviewed and improved thesis of Kuwaiti students studying in UK / USA at post graduate and graduate level.

I, after passing MA in 1966, had opened my own institution named Zaidi Educational Academy, Lahore, Pakistan teaching Degree & Pre Degree classes but, due to paucity of funds, I had to close it on completing 1966-67 academic year. I had taught Degree & Pre Degree classes at Seven- Seas English Academy, Lahore during 1968-69 and lastly I, as Instructor Civil Defence, had conducted classes in ministries, university, colleges, schools, and factories in capital Islamabad during 1973-74.

I being a Pakistani citizen pen letters (mostly articles in fact) on different subjects ranging from politics to fashion, economy to sports, social to humanitarian encompassing local, regional and global spectrum which can be read in Pakistani newspaper Frontier Post (, The Post (, Daily Times (, Dawn (, Nation (, The News ( and Pakistan Observer (, Pakistan World Tribune (,  Make Pakistan Better (,

(, Pride News 

At times I am composing poetic news as well.

My pen has been published in Arab Times ( and Kuwait Times ( as well for well over 3 years and it is my sheer bad luck that since Sep 07 the two dailies have ignored me for reasons best known to them.

With my honest and solemn prayers.

                                  R E S U M E

Iqbal Hadi Zaidi       Age: 65 years           Nationality: Pakistani

Tel + Fax 23715102 / Mobile 66229897 /

                              Academic Qualification

1981 Arabic Language Course, Kuwait University

1966 M.A. Political Science, Pol Sc Dept, Punjab University, Lahore, Pakistan.

1969 Law Degree (LL. B.), Punjab University Law College, Lahore.

1972 Diploma Labor Laws (D.L.L.), Punjab University, Lahore.

1972 Diploma Taxation Laws (D.T.L.), Punjab University, Lahore.

Professional Qualification

1975 Attended Sales Management Course, Pakistan Institute of Management

1962-65 Qualified 6 Officers� Courses, Civil Defence Academy

1963-64 Qualified 3 Instructors� Courses, Civil Defence Training School

1962-65 Qualified 3 First Aid Courses, Saint John Ambulance Brigade

                                      30+ years Experience


( i)  March 08- till now, Executive Manager, Al Eman Central Air Conditioning &      Life Maintenance Company (65 work force)

(ii)   Feb 07-Feb 08 Analyst Scholarships, KPC Petroleum Training Center

(iii) Mar 05-Jan 07 Finance Manager, Legal Translation Bureau

(iv) Feb 99-Feb 05 Marketing Manager, 1st Al Seham General Trading 

(v) Nov 97-Jan 99 General Manager, Universal Supports Office

(vi) Aug 95-Oct 97- Business Development Manager, Baaj International

(vii) Jan 93-Jul 95 Senior Administrator, China Petroleum Construction &

Engineering Corporation (work force 1,050)

(viii) Feb 91-Oct 92 Business and Manpower Advisor, Pakistan Embassy

(ix) Aug 89-Aug 90 (Iraqi invasion) General Manager, Zahab General Trading & Contracting

(x) May 87-Jun 89 Administration Manager, Kuwait Refinery Engineering & Maintenance Company (work force 1,400)

(xi) Feb 83-Apr 87 Administration Manager, Epic Instruments Inc of USA (work force 1,750)

(xii) Oct 78-Jan 83 Manager Personnel & Administration, National Construction Company Pakistan Ltd (work force 5,500)

                                      Saudi Arabia

Aug 76-Aug 78 Accountant, Fluor Arabia Limited of USA, Dahran


Jun 74-Aug 76 Head Sales & Production Control, Hashimi Can Company Limited, Lahore

Feb 73-Mar 74 Instructor, Capital Civil Defence Organization, Islamabad.

Oct 69-Aug 71 Accountant, Fluor Middle East of USA, Lahore

Jun 68-Jun 69 Lecturer, Seven Seas English Academy, Lahore.

Sep 66-Jun 67 Owner, Zaidi Educational Academy, Lahore




       I'm not loud mouth, but yet can bet, that you must have not read, heard and even thought of such a novelty

is one of the most important days in everybody�s life- male or female and therefore, from time immemorial, knowing or unknowingly at least some, if not all brides and bridegrooms, had tried their best to celebrate the day in the most fascinating manner. Of course, one way or the other, some of them did succeed in their venture to get their marriage reckoned and recognized by others.

I�m also a human, exactly like you he or she for that matter, and therefore, quite but naturally, I had felt some extra heat when ultimately at the age of 42, I decided to marry in 1985. I was Administration Manager, Epic Instruments. Inc (USA Co), Kuwait when I was marrying a completely unknown compatriot named Miss Suhail Fatima in Islamabad, Pakistan. She was a Teacher, Islamabad Model College & School for Girls.

Truly speaking I had long thought to solemnize my marriage not only a bit differently but very much exclusively too and, touch wood, I did succeed in my mission. I wished to marry on 30.6 (30th June) and hence booked Room 306, Holiday Inn, Islamabad (the then only 5 star in the city) so that the wedding date equates with the hotel room number. One can imagine how much joyous I had been to synchronize the date and the room. However, a fortnight before my departure to Pakistan, EPIC Chairman Mr. Edward K Mills II called me and asked that I must come back two days earlier than the original plan and I had to agree to the instructions of my employer. I phoned Holiday Inn, Islamabad explaining that now I may marry on 28th or 29th and resultantly Room 286 or 296, whatever applicable, may kindly be booked accordingly but, very much regretfully, none of the two rooms could be booked. I explained the newly developed dilemma to Mr. EKM and requested that, under the changed situation, I be allowed to return one day before and not two days and he instantly agreed to my request.

The greatest compromise of my life is that now I had no option but to stay in Room 306 and marry on 29th June afternoon which, after the lapse of some hours, still had some relationship between the room and the date but 28th June and Room 306 were miles apart in any case. I wedded Miss Suhail on 29th June, 1985 in Islamabad and we both lived in Room 306, Holiday Inn. On the wedding day, I very solemnly promised with Shireen that each year on the wedding date, we will stay, jointly or individually, in Room 306, Holiday Inn wherever we are. After 6 days stay at Holiday Inn, Islamabad we flew to Lahore where my mother was staying and we both stayed in Rom 412, Hilton Hotel, Lahore l till I flew back to Kuwait,

Let me quip that in 1991, I was Business and Manpower Advisor, Pakistan Embassy, Kuwait but ever since Iraqi forces had lit fires in oil wells, I didn�t feel prudent to call my wife and daughter Areej (then two and half year old) to join me in the smoke polluted environment. Quite naturally, on our wedding date (29th Jun) I wished to be with my family in Islamabad and as a diplomat I had flown on discounted air ticket but my official diplomatic obligations did not permit me to go even for two days. I had no option but to stay here all alone by myself in Room 306, Holiday Inn, Kuwait, whereas, my wife and our daughter stayed in Islamabad in Room 306, Holiday Inn, not only to commemorate our wedding anniversary but also to maintain our annual tradition.

I simply can not help telling you that I have nick named her as Shireen (meaning sweet) and since then she is mostly known as Shireen though her official name is still Suhail.  It is very much customary that the wedding document is signed by the couple, witnesses and the official clergy man (maulvi) and this, as such, necessitated that I must buy pens for the signatories. Here again I have slightly drifted away in sense that I bought two new pens to be used by the official and the witnesses. I had bought a Cross 18 karate gold pen and got our names (Iqbal & Shireen) engraved on it and had decided that not even a single letter, what to talk of a word, will be written with this pen by me and or Shireen except to sign the wedding document, and since then the matrimonial pen is in a bank locker in Islamabad.

We were in Kuwait in 1986 when we had our 1st Wedding Anniversary and I deputed Shireen to go to all the hotels and book the banquet hall she likes the best. She opted for Kuwait Marriot Hotel (ship converted into hotel) to host Wedding Anniversary at its Al-Mirage Hall. I must pen that Marriot GM was extra nice person who got me a nicely furnished and decorated complimentary room for us to stay on the day. I thanked the gentleman from core of my heart, but I apologized for the simple reason that my matrimonial promise binds me and Shireen that on our wedding anniversary (29th June) we must stay only in room 306, Holiday Inn, so how can we stay in Marriot Hotel room. As per the tradition, we stayed in Room 306, Holiday Inn and drove from there to Marriot to host the reception and after the function we came back to Holiday Inn to sleep in our matrimonial room on the day.

In 1993, my younger sister in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia wished that we should visit her and stay at her expense in Holiday Inn, Riyadh on our wedding anniversary and, honestly speaking, I liked the idea. I faxed Holiday Inn, Riyadh to book us in Room 306 for 29th June but, as the bad luck had it, the hotel did not have room 306 and instead suggested that we live in some other room which will be very cozy, comfortable and luxurious but how could I break my life long matrimonial promise

How pleased I am to mention that on our 20th Wedding Anniversary (29 Jun 05), Mr. Hani Kafafi, GM, Crowne Plaza, Kuwait, at his own, had very kindly arranged an exclusive interview with me and Shireen on the day. CP�s Guest Relations Manager along with photographer came to our room and asked different questions to complete the interview. CP had sent the interview text coupled with the photo taken in our room to all the local dailies of Kuwait which very prominently flashed the same in their newspapers.

Awfully traumatized and shocked I was, but for none of my fault. On 9th April, 2008 I had sent email to Mr. Hani Kafafi, GM, Crowne Plaza, Kuwait requesting him to kindly reserve hotel Room 306 for me for 29th June to commemorate my 23rd Wedding Anniversary. Same day Ms. Rodela Bantayan, Resevations Manager, Crowne Plaza sent me the good news confirming that the room has been booked. But very much unluckily on 8th May, the same lady from CP sent me email saying that due to refurbishment of the room, regretfully the room will not be available to me. She had however sent my request to its sister organization Holiday Inn, Salmiya to book its Room 306 for me for the day. On 13th May, Ms. Nette, Reservations Manager, Holiday Inn emailed me happily confirming that its Room 306 has been booked for me for 29th June but, honestly speaking, I am not at all happy to live elsewhere than Crowne Plaza.

Don�t you realize that on 29th June, 2010, God willing, I will be staying in the same room, same hotel for 25th consecutive year (perhaps Guinness Book of Records)? In sheer desperation, on 13th May, I hurriedly met Mr. Anwar Jawad Bukhamseen, local partner and sponsor of CP at one of his National Assembly election tents and explained that the room may kindly be rebooked for me and he very kindly called Mr. Atif, Director Human Resources of CP to look me after. Mr. Atif was too nice and sympathetic to me and realized as to how touchy I am on the issue. He promised to use his official influence and try to get me back the room, provided, I give in writing that I am accepting the room even if there is some noise or disturbance around and or the room is short on some facilities & comforts. I have sent him the undertaking stating that I, at my own free will, accepting the room to live in on the day. I was too very pleased to pen that eventually I succeeded in my efforts and on Thursday 5th June, 2008 CP confirmed the availability of the room and hence on Sunday 29th June, 2008, I and Shireen stayed in Room 306, Crowne Plaza.

This year 2009, I placed my request for the room on Thursday 5th February and it was next Thursday 12th February when fortunately, I received the confirmation from the hotel of the room and resultantly this time I will be staying for the 24th year consecutive in the room to commemorate my 24th Wedding Anniversary. ( / Tel (00965) 24742000 + 24732100 Fax 24732020 + 24720449

Next year, Allah willing, it will be my Silver Wedding Anniversary and I will be staying for 25th year in sequence without any gap in between and may I very humbly request you to kindly do pray for my long life since I am already 65+ (15 Dec 1943).


With my honest and solemn prayers

Iqbal Hadi Zaidi/ Kuwait / Mobile (00965) 66229897 / Tel + Fax (00965) 23715102 /


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 Reply:   You must be kidding
Replied by(Noman) Replied on (19/Jun/2009)

If you really think Zardari Govt wil appoint you as what you think you should be, on the basis of MERIT, then i think you must be kidding.
I can tell you the real mean of getting any post, as per job requirement, arrange solid cash, hand over that to Mr rehman Malik/Zardari and then only it will be done.
There are other means also but i dont think any respectable person can do those. Those other means can be any or all of them.
1-present them with girls/alochol.
2-lick the boots of Americans
Please send your suggestion/submission to
Long Live Islam and Pakistan
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