Mr. Shabbir, you have rightly said that Prime Minister of India Dr. Manmohan Singh wants to remove trust deficit between India and Pakistan which is the main hurdle in restoring peace between the two nations. But, your narrow mindedness once again puts a question mark on the seriousness of India to improve its relations with Pakistan. You have raised the issue of Kashmir to prove your point. You are wrong when you say that 7 lakh forces of India are involved in atrocities on Kashmiri people for 63 years. You should know that it was Indian armed forces which protected Kashmiri people from Pakistani attacks in 1947. If you think that 'freedom' for Kashmiris means to go with Pakistan, then you are totally wrong as in a recent survey in both sides of Kashmir, conducted by the son of Libya's President Moammar Gaddafi, it has been revealed that only 4% Kashmiris want to go with Pakistan. In my opinion, 'freedom' for Kashmiris means to get rid of security forces. But, the question still remains who will protect them from the attack of Pakistani militants if Indian Army withdraws. People of Kashmir know that in 1947 when Pakistani tribal attacked Kashmir and started kidnapping their girls and women and damaging their properties it was Indian Army which came for their rescue. In my opinion 'freedom' for Kashmiri means autonomy within Union of India. They want more powers and Prime Minister Manmohan Singh is also ready to give them autonomy if there is consensus among political parties. But he has also said that people of Kashmir will have to maintain peace and normalcy in the state and will have to come forward for talks then only their problems can be solved. But, Pakistani government and its ISI do not want to see Kashmiri living a better life that is why they have always misguided them on the name of so-called 'Azadi'. They are still sending mercenaries to fight with Indian soldiers. But, they will never succeed in their plans as Kashmir is, and will always remain an integral part of India.
You have also said that Prime Minister Manmohan Singh considers Maoists as the 'biggest threat to the internal security of India'. Yes, it is and India is able to overcome this issue. Why are you afraid of it? Don't give advice to India, instead help you country to combat terrorists of Sipah-e-Sahab, Jama'at-ud-Dawah (JuD), Lashkar-e-Jhangvi, Tahreek-e-Taliban Pakistan, Lashkar-e-Taiba, and so on.
it is not true
Replied by(
Replied on (14/Sep/2010)
Mr. Shabbir, you have rightly said that Prime Minister of India Dr. Manmohan Singh wants to remove trust deficit between India and Pakistan which is the main hurdle in restoring peace between the two nations. But, your narrow mindedness once again puts a question mark on the seriousness of India to improve its relations with Pakistan. You have raised the issue of Kashmir to prove your point. You are wrong when you say that 7 lakh forces of India are involved in atrocities on Kashmiri people for 63 years. You should know that it was Indian armed forces which protected Kashmiri people from Pakistani attacks in 1947. If you think that 'freedom' for Kashmiris means to go with Pakistan, then you are totally wrong as in a recent survey in both sides of Kashmir, conducted by the son of Libya's President Moammar Gaddafi, it has been revealed that only 4% Kashmiris want to go with Pakistan. In my opinion, 'freedom' for Kashmiris means to get rid of security forces. But, the question still remains who will protect them from the attack of Pakistani militants if Indian Army withdraws. People of Kashmir know that in 1947 when Pakistani tribal attacked Kashmir and started kidnapping their girls and women and damaging their properties it was Indian Army which came for their rescue. In my opinion 'freedom' for Kashmiri means autonomy within Union of India. They want more powers and Prime Minister Manmohan Singh is also ready to give them autonomy if there is consensus among political parties. But he has also said that people of Kashmir will have to maintain peace and normalcy in the state and will have to come forward for talks then only their problems can be solved. But, Pakistani government and its ISI do not want to see Kashmiri living a better life that is why they have always misguided them on the name of so-called 'Azadi'. They are still sending mercenaries to fight with Indian soldiers. But, they will never succeed in their plans as Kashmir is, and will always remain an integral part of India.
You have also said that Prime Minister Manmohan Singh considers Maoists as the 'biggest threat to the internal security of India'. Yes, it is and India is able to overcome this issue. Why are you afraid of it? Don't give advice to India, instead help you country to combat terrorists of Sipah-e-Sahab, Jama'at-ud-Dawah (JuD), Lashkar-e-Jhangvi, Tahreek-e-Taliban Pakistan, Lashkar-e-Taiba, and so on.