"Let there arise out of you a band of people inviting to all that is good enjoining what is right and forbidding what is wrong; they are the ones to attain felicity".
(surah Al-Imran,ayat-104)
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User Name: wasis
Full Name: wasi siddiqui
User since: 20/Oct/2006
No Of voices: 25
The Muslim World by Wasi Siddiqui
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The Muslim World


The Muslim has forgotten the teaching of

The holy Quran and Prophet Mohammad saying

As a result they are suffering

Not realizing what they are doing

They forgot what Allah said

They are on path of defying

In his last address, Prophet Mohammad urged Muslims to be unite

Alas! It is now very difficult to find

They are divided and in total disarray

Their mission is Hate, Divide and Fight

They became traitors for the sake of money

Even if this takes fellow Muslim’s life

Even the Muslim leaders became dangerous and corrupt

It is difficult whom to talk and whom to trust

These so-called leaders are worst face of hypocrisy

They are greedy, unreliable, dangerous and untruth-worthy

May Allah‘s curse be on those Muslim leaders

Who are trying to break the Muslim Unity?

The world has became the place of uncertainty

Your own shadow might say “I have been bought” I am sorry

The most heartening and harsh reality is

One Muslim is another Muslim’s enemy

No one is responsible for their downfall

It is Muslims who black-painted the face of Islam

Now everywhere in the world

They are known as “Muslim Terrorist”

Is this what they should be called?

Once, they were the Master of Science

Allah provided them with so many resources

They left their work and fall behind

Their unity is far from reality

Result is, they are dying in Pakistan, Iraq, Kashmir and Palestine

If they have any chance for being coming together

They must follow Islamic teaching & have their path re-define

It is very sad and embarrassing to admit

The true Islam lost its face and didn’t survive


Wasi Siddiqui (Copy right 2011)

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