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User Name: PressMediaCPP
Full Name: Press Media of CPP.
User since: 2/Sep/2010
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The press statement on the subject CPP on 30-8-2010 Filed Petition against Altaf Hussain, Quaid-e-Tehreek MQM in Supreme Court of Pakistan and move Supreme Court for trial of Altaf Hussain with Musharraf on High Treason Charges under Article 6 of the Constitution of Pakistan, 1973 as issued by the Central Secretariat of the Communist Party of Pakistan (CPP) for the information of public, electronic and press media is as under:-


Communist Party of Pakistan (CPP) on Monday morning moved the Supreme Court for trial of Altaf Hussain, Quaid-e-Tehreek of Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) on the charge of High Treason under Article 6 of the Constitution of Pakistan, 1973.


The High Treason case against Altaf, Chief of MQM was filed in Supreme Court by CPP through its party Central Chairman, Engineer Jameel Ahmad Malik.


Communist Party in its petition said that on August 22, Altaf Hussain, while addressing his workers had urged patriotic generals to initiate martial law-like steps against corrupt politicians and feudal. Hussain said that he and his party would support a martial law or steps similar to martial law against corrupt politicians and feudal system if it was imposed in the country.


Engineer Jameel said that in our history, 4 generals abrogated and subverted the Constitution and ruled for 36 years but none of the patriotic generals had abolished corruption and feudal system. It is only the Socialist Revolution, which would abolish corruption and feudal system.


He said that in the opinion of Altaf and MQM, one who abrogate and subvert the Constitution is a patriotic general but in the eyes and opinion of Communist Party of Pakistan, any general who abrogate and subvert the Constitution is a Traitor General and that general should be trailed under Article 6 of the Constitution.


CPP Chairman prayed the Supreme Court to take notice of Altaf public statement under Article 6 for trying him to sabotage and act against the spirit of Constitution of Pakistan for inviting the military openly by him to intervene in politics.

Engineer Jameel vehemently urged that Altaf address and public statement of 22nd August comes within the purview and four corners of Article 6 of the Constitution.

Engineer Jameel said that his earlier petition against General (Retd) Pervaz Musharraf and others under the Article 6 and Section 2 (b) of the High Treason (Punishment) Act, 1973 is still pending for adjudication and decision by the Apex Court and the next date of hearing has not been fixed so far.


It may be recalled that CPP in its earlier petition maintained and stressed that former Chief of Army Staff General Musharraf was not alone, who abrogated and subverted Constitution by imposing emergency of Nov 3 but it includes former President General (Retd) Pervaz Musharraf, former Prime Minister Shaukat Aziz, former Governors and Chief Ministers of four provinces, former Speaker Amir Hussain and former Chairman Senate Mianmohammed Soomro, 75 former Federal Ministers, 245 former Members of National Assembly, 97 former Senate Members, 65 former Judges of Apex and High Courts including former Chief Justice of Pakistan Abdul Hameed Dogar, full three Generals including Musharraf and current Chief of Army Staff Ashfaq Pervaz Kiani and Tariq Majid, Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff Committee, 12 Corps Commanders headed by Lieutenant Generals, one Major General and sole Brigadier Aasim Salim Bajwa, 5 Chief and Home Secretaries, 5 Inspector Generals and DPOs, 4 Federal Secretaries, Sharifuddin Pirzada and Malik Qayyum.


Besides above named persons, the CPP also cited and nominated Director Generals of Inter Services Intelligence (ISI), Military Intelligence (MI) and Intelligence Bureau (IB) for trial on the charge of abetting and aiding in the abrogation and subversion of Constitution with usurper General Musharraf.


Engineer Jameel demanded the Supreme Court for immediate trial of Altaf, Musharraf and others on the charges of High Treason under Article 6 so that justice should not only be done, but should be seen to be done, he vehemently concluded his petition with these remarks.   



(Press Media of CPP)

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