ACCESS English Lessons
The Noun
Nouns are five kinds (types).
The kinds of NOUNS.
1. Common
2. Proper
Collective Noun
4. Material
5. Abstract
Common Noun. A common noun is a Name Given in common to
every person, place or thing of the same class or kind. Examples; river, city,
island, country, man, woman, chair, room, building.
Proper Noun. A Proper Noun is the Name of some
Particular Person, Place or Thing. Examples; Adam, Eve, Ibrahim, Chan, Lau,
Wong, Benson, Hilton, Conrad, Swire, Hong Kong Tramways, MTR, Star Ferry.
Collective Noun. It denotes a group of persons or things,
spoken of as one whole. Examples; Assembly, Administration, Army, Board,
Cabinet, Council, Committee, Flock, Jury, party, Team.
Material Noun. It is the name of a matter or substance of
which anything is made (things we can see and touch). Examples; Clay, Milk,
Plastic, Rubber, Steel.
Abstract Noun. It is the name of some quality, state or action considered a part from the object to which
it belongs.
Quality: honesty, truth, bravery, kindness, wisdom.
State: childhood, oldies, death, sickness, slavery.
Action: smile, anger, hate, love, consideration.
Created by Dr. Asmat Hayat ALVI Manager
ACCESS to Education H.K., Pakistan