"Let there arise out of you a band of people inviting to all that is good enjoining what is right and forbidding what is wrong; they are the ones to attain felicity".
(surah Al-Imran,ayat-104)
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User Name: nasir1973
Full Name: Abdul Nasir Mughal
User since: 2/Oct/2007
No Of voices: 47
 Views: 30554   
 Replies: 2   
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This boy was sleeping,
so they killed him like this
More than Fifteen million US dollars
given by US taxpayers to Israel
each day for their military use
4 billion US dollars per year
The face and head of this person was melted away
by the new American weapons which Israel is using
More than Fifteen million US dollars
given by US taxpayers to Israel
each day for their military use
4 billion US dollars per year
He was probably running away,
so they shot him thru the head
More than Fifteen million US dollars
given by US taxpayers to Israel
each day for their military use
4 billion US dollars per year
 Reply:   شرم ھم کو مگر نھین آتی
Replied by(Noman) Replied on (7/Mar/2008)

ھم سب لوگ کبوتر کی طرح آنکھین بند کر کے سوچ رھے ھین کہ بلی ھماری طرف نھین آئے گی، حالانکہ شعور والے کہتے ھین یہ تو گھیرا ھی پاکستان اور ایران کے گرد ھے
 Reply:   مسلمان کے خون کی کو ءی قيمت نہں ہے
Replied by(nasir1973) Replied on (6/Mar/2008)

ساری دنيا کےليےصرف مسلمان کے خون کی کويء قيمت نہں ہے- جبکہ تمام اسلامی ممالک کو عيساءيوں اور يہوديوں نے اقتدار کی جنگ اور عياشی کے نشے ميں مدہوش کيا ہوا ہے۔

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