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User Name: nasir1973
Full Name: Abdul Nasir Mughal
User since: 2/Oct/2007
No Of voices: 47
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تمام موبا ءیل کمپنیز بلیک میلر ھیں۔ناصر
Posted By: nasir1973 Created On: 29/Dec/2009 Views: 4699 Replies: 0 
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Inspired by Javaid CH.... Tusi Samajh Tey Gayi Ho Gay... by MAN
Posted By: nasir1973 On: 21/Jul/2009 Views:6114 Replies:0 
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itni aasaani sey tu Qasaab b nahi maana tha... MAN
Posted By: nasir1973 On: 21/Jul/2009 Views:5302 Replies:0 
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Sooya Howa Pakistan...??? by Mirza Abdul Nasir
Posted By: nasir1973 On: 14/Jul/2009 Views:5582 Replies:1 
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Miss Farzana police ko he tu aap ney room main lock kia howa tha.... by MAN
Posted By: nasir1973 On: 14/Jul/2009 Views:5525 Replies:1 
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Koi b "qanoon" sey balater nahin, siwaye Zardari K...
Posted By: nasir1973 On: 9/Jul/2009 Views:5261 Replies:5 
SC tried to give relief to the People but again like old times, American planted agents woke up and did what they want to do to make things worse in Pakistan. Click here to read Full Article
Shame On Muslim World...
Posted By: nasir1973 On: 21/May/2009 Views:7895 Replies:2 
Bar with Named "Apple Macca" Click here to read Full Article
اللہ، مولانا عبدالرزاق عابد کو اس نیک کا اجر دے۔۔۔
Posted By: nasir1973 On: 7/Apr/2009 Views:6147 Replies:0 
مشرق سے أبھرتے ھوےء سورج کو ذرا دیکھ۔۔ Click here to read Full Article
Taliban Lashing A Lady... Reality...!!! by MAN
Posted By: nasir1973 On: 4/Apr/2009 Views:11698 Replies:11 
From The Qurran it is clear that for a woman lashing sentence exist. But may be the way this sentence handled publicly, created the fuss. But this sentence is not anti-islamic. here is the reference Click here to read Full Article
Moula'na Diesel-Khuda in ko hadayat dey.... by MAN
Posted By: nasir1973 On: 12/Mar/2009 Views:5416 Replies:0 
Islaam Sirf Apni Mazi ka... Click here to read Full Article
Bus Driver Is Eligible For Sitara-E-Jura't by MAN
Posted By: nasir1973 On: 7/Mar/2009 Views:3880 Replies:0 
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