"Let there arise out of you a band of people inviting to all that is good enjoining what is right and forbidding what is wrong; they are the ones to attain felicity".
(surah Al-Imran,ayat-104)
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User since: 18/Apr/2010
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تعمیر پاکستان - شارع فیصل-ٹیپوسلطان روڈ فلائی اوور
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Himayat Ali Shayer Talks to You
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ÍãÇیÊ Úáی ÔÇÚÑ:  Óÿ ˜áÇã ˜ÑÊÿ ÀیŸ

Himayat Ali Shayer Talks to You


JustujuTv Proudly Presents for You . . .





1- This is a bi-lingual, Urdu / English Program. Urdu audio and English sub-titles. A PC sound system is required to listen to the audio and music

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3- This program accompanies a detailed article about this show. Please read that too. Due to YouTube's restrictions on the text's size here [strange though, as you can upload 2GB video, but you cannot use a few Ks of Text space ;-) ], you cannot see the full version at YouTube. But you might read it at, or at your favourite website

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5- Please do not forget to write your comments and feedback, and your letters to this lovely Pakistani Legend ... who has spread unforgettable melody and poetry even through his songs written for Pakistani film industry




ÍãÇیÊ Úáی ÔÇÚÑ:  Óÿ ˜áÇã ˜ÑÊÿ ÀیŸ

Himayat Ali Shayer Talks to You


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Mr. Himayat Ali Shayer is a very lovable person. An Urdu poet of distinction. His melodious poetry has won him accolades, and many awards, and the hearts of his readers and listeners since early 1960s. Famous French philosopher, Voltaire (1694-1778), says that to me a real poet is who touches the soul, and gives it a spirit. Poetry is capable of describing more in a few words than the prose. So, the credit of introducing a new genre in Urdu poetry goes to Mr. Himayat Ali Shayer, who introduced "Trinity", a 3 lined poetry form in Urdu poetry.

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A winner of Pride of Performance of Pakistan Award, Mr. Shayer (his poetic alias) was born circa 1927 in Aurangabad, a historical city in the cetral-western region of undivided India. This city is in the north west of Hyderabad. He migrated to Pakistan in 1951. He came to Karachi, and soon found a writer's refuge in Hyderabad Sindh, the calm of which suited his intellectual inclinations.

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He got his early education in a high school founded by none other than the legendary Baba e Urdu, Maulvi Abdul Haque. Later he was lucky to again study in Urdu college, Karachi, also founded by Maulvi Saheb. He later did his Masters in 1964 from Sindh University.

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He married early, with his childhood love, Mairaj Naseem. She passed away in 2002 in Toronto, where she is buried at Pickering graveyard. She had developed liver cancer, which became un-treatable by the time it wad diagnosed.

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Himayats have 4 sons and 4 daughters. They all are highly educated, married, and well placed in their respective professional fields.

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Mr. Himayat Alis Shayer is well known for his highly melodious poetry, romantic songs, national songs, his films, his plays, and above all his everlasting Urdu poetry.

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He introduced a new genre in Urdu poetry, called "Thulaathi" ËáÇË
ی . He originally named it "Trinity" but owing to its religious connotations, he changed it to Thulaathi, which means 3 lines, or a poetic 3 liner stanza. This new genre is compared with Japanese Hyko, and Punjabi Mahiya. But technically Thulaathi is different. It can use any rhyming scheme that suits the mood and subject.

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He has also set a new milestone by writing his complete biography in classical poetry genre. It is called Ayena Dar Ayena ÂÆ
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Now over 80 years of age, he is by grace of god in good spirits and health. He says his creative journey continues and he has set for himself a new target: he is translating Sindhi Folk Stories into Urdu poetic drama. This is his way of paying back for the love and respect that he got from the land of Sindh, Pakistan, and its natives.

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He has not only written songs for the Pakistani movies, but also wrote their stories, directed and produced some until the fall of East Pakistan in 1971. The market became too narrow and unprofitable then, says Mr. Himayat Ali Shayer. Then he started teaching at Sindh University, Jamshoro.

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His sons and daughters are settled in North America, and he often travels to and from those places. He has received honorary citizenship of Chicago, USA.

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His books:
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More info is under compilation and editing phase. Please come back soon.

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His movies:
More info is under compilation and editing phase. Please come back soon.

Çä ˜ÿ ãÔÀæÑ äÛãÿ:

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His popular songs:
Info is under compilation and editing phase. Please come back soon.

Pakistan, Film industry, LollyWood, JustujuTv, PTv, Himayat Ali Shayer, Urdu Poetry, Unforgettable songs, Best Friend, Living Legend, Pride of Performance Pakistan, Waheed Murad, Sohail Rana, Pakistani Music, Aurangabad, Baba e Urdu, Sindh University, Hyderabad Sindh, Love Story

Very Questly Yours,

Justuju (Quest) International Web Tv
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Beyond All Dimensions

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