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User Name: Zaheer
Full Name: Zaheerul Hassan
User since: 20/Jun/2009
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U.S. using UN Platform against Pakistan

By Zaheerul Hassan


After tabling resolution on Balochistan Issue on February 17, 2012, by US House of Representatives Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA) and supporting undercover NGO's mission at the occasion of 19th session of United Nation Human Rights Commission (UNHRC), have left no doubt that US and her ally India are making serious efforts to create an 'Independent Great Balochistan" (comprising of Iranian, Pakistani and Afghan territory).

In the sequel of efforts of launching propaganda campaign, on 4 March 2012 Baloch leadership disseminated an email message to Afghan friends of Balochistan. According to the "email" Baloch activists residing in different parts of world and their supporters are asking them (Baloch leadership) to contact US Senators through phone calls and fax messages to express their concern over alleged violations of human rights in Balochistan by ISI, MI and FC. People were advised to mainly target ISI and to urge the US Govt to seize the aid of Pakistan due to its human rights violations, Baloch genocide and support to Taliban. It was directed in the email to request the US Govt to open talks with prominent Balochistan leaders such as Hyrbyair Marri, khan of lakat, BD and Dr Allah Nazar Baloch copy of email message is as attached. Baloch sub nationalists have increased their activities after presenting the resolution by US senators supporting the supporting the Balochistan's independence struggle. The contents of the email indicate that Baloch leadership is building up pressure on Pakistan to perpetuate their nefarious designs which require adequate attention at all levels.

19th session of United National Council on Human Rights schooled from February 27 to March 23, 2012 held in Geneva. Some of foreign sponsored anti Pakistan Baloch nationalists lords: Hybrair Marri,Mehran Baloch, Munir Mengal, Noorud Din Menglal, Samand Baloach and Kashmir/Sindhi Sub Nationalists Abdul Hameed Khan, Hidyat Bhutto, Lakhu Lohana, Sange Hassan Sering, Nazir Ghilani, Mumtaz Khan, Muhammad Anwar and Arif Ajaika reached to Geneva and tried to sneak through aiming of carrying anti-Pakistan propaganda while using United Nations Organization(UNO) forums . It would not be wrong in saying that to put pressure on Pakistan for restoring of NATO supply and foregoing Pak-Iran Gas Pipeline Project, U.S. has launched an organized campaign against Islamabad while using local, foreign media and UNO's forum.

In this connection on March 8 tried to make an intervention demanding the rights of self determination for Balochistan under Agenda item3 in the session. On March 14 Neena Patek (Swiss national) made an intervention under agenda item 4 highlighted the rights of self determination for Balochistan, Gilgit Baltistan and urged Pakistan to respect human rights under the auspices of Indian NGO "World Environment and Resource Council". Pakistan delegate raise the point of order requesting the Vice President HRC not to allow the statement that pinch on the principles of sovereignty and territorial integrity of states as enshrined in UN Charter, therefore such remarks should expunged and speaker should not indulge in such remarks. U.S. meddling in Balochistan exposed when her delegation took the floor and supported the lady and requested the Vice President HRC that she should be permitted to speak. Consequently, Vice president HRC asked lady to complete her settlement. The so called human rights activists did not uttered a single to condemn the brutality of Indian security forces against minorities and moist in Kashmir, Maoists, East Punjab, Gujarat and Tamil Nado.

He was stopped to make intervention through own Pakistani delegates (UN Council).On the same day Mehran Baloch, Noorud Din Mengle, Richard Chariski, Member European Parliament Peter Thatchel, Human Rights Activists and Tariq Fateh, journalist voiced for free Balochistan. Om March 8, on the direction of US and Indian lobby sponsored Baloch and Kashmiri nationalists have staged protest near the broken chair outside the UN. They were carrying placards of free Balochistan, Right of self determination in the inalienable Right of the Baloch people and Balochistan forcefully occupied by Pakistan in 1948. On 9 March 2012, Nazir Gillani hosted a dinner of Kashmiri sub nationalists at hotel Intercontinental, Geneva. In this dinner, reliably has been learnt that Nazir Gillani tried to convince the attendees to prepare a paper covering agenda points; (One) Dr. Ghulam Nabi Fai was not the true representative of Kashmiri people (secondly) the Kashmiri for Pakistan side participating in the UN session was ISI sponsored (thirdly) the Kashmir Centre at London and Brussels were also being managed by ISI as Kashmir Centre. Although Nazir Gillani tried to foment poison against ISI and internationalized(One) Dr. Ghulam Nabi Fai was not the true representative of Kashmiri people (secondly) the Kashmiries for Pakistan side participating in the UN session were ISI sponsored (thirdly) the Kashmir Centre at London and Brussels were also being managed by ISI as Kashmir Centre.  But most of the Kashmiries present in the dinner objected the idea while commenting that they should not indulge in this controversy.

Notably, Akhtar Mengal, with the help of local and foreign media and some of represents of so called Baloch lords is playing double game. On one hand he is meeting with Israeli and US officials and on the other hand he has instructed his brother who is in London to raise their Lashkar-e-Balochistan, recruit more people, and equip them with more Arms. He has also decided in a meeting with members of central executive committee of his party to take part in elections. Akhtar Mengla wants to show US and others that he is the person who has political power in Balochistan as well as an armed group, so that he may get a big chunk from the organizations funding Baloch movement. Reportedly Akhtar Menngal will not come to Pakistan because there is threat to his life but his party will take part in elections. Reportedly Akhtar Mangle has discussed the future government of Greater Balochistan too. He has the desire to become the founder and first president, whereas Bramdagh Bugti would be asked to take over the portfolio of defence minister' future "Greater Balochistan". The sources further reveal that Indian masters have approved the idea of Akhter Mengle despite knowing that Bugti family would never be agreed to such type of arrangements.

On 10 and 12 March 2012, Bramdagh Bugti hosted a dinner for Baloch / Kashmiri / MQM sub nationalists at hotel President Wilson, Geneva which was attended by Mehran Baloch, Noor ud Din Mengal, Samad Baloch, Shukat Ali Kashmiri, Abdul Hameed Kha, Kakhu Lohana, Sange Sassan sering. Muhammad Anwar, Arif Ajiaka, Jameel Maqsood and Murtaza Shah, GEO Correspondent. Reportedly, Bramdagh Bugti has thanks the local and foreign media and US members for raising voice for the liberation of Balochistan.

It is worth mentioning here that Baloch are not more than 5 % of total population whereas so called lords are only representing few thousand of Baloch people. Majority of Baloch are patriotic and peaceful Pakistani. The atmosphere in the province of Balochistan is tense and exasperating duly marred with violent acts of killing innocent people / political opponents, looting and kidnapping unarmed fellow citizens for the purposes of getting payoffs and ransom, challenging the writ of the Govt through armed attacks against Law Enforcement Agencies / Frontier Constabulary and shifting blame on to military and FC, thereby creating further chaos and disorder in the province. Unfortunately the political leadership both at provincial and federal levels appears to be least bothered, though time is running out as foreign agencies are increasing their clout to destabilize the province.

The political leadership along with few media backers awkwardly go on reiterating that situation in Balochistan has been worsened due to mess created by Army / ISI / FC. This is extremely cynical and contemptuous, as political Govt is in place for the last over four years and it is about time for the civilian Govt to complete their five years' term. Media and the public opinion builders show bigotry / prejudice against Army / ISI / FC and still blame the previous Govt / Army / FC for their total failure to complete any of their developmental projects or to address the problem of law and order situation, political turmoil and foreign interference in the province. Huge amounts of developmental funds have been expended by political leaders who still govern the province but have failed to arrange / provide any relief to the people of Balochistan.

Media should suggest to all concerned to stop blaming Army / ISI / FC for matters related to failure of political leadership and give chance to pro-federation majority to express their views on unity of federation, patriotism and loyalty to Pakistan, rejecting the illegal demands of few delinquent separatists and wayward rebels.

In short, the recent UN Session came soon after the US congressional supporting the right of self-determination of Balochistan. Though, US government has distanced itself from the steps taken by the Congressmen but the move has augmented the activities of Baloch sub nationals who are now actively lobbying for a similar move in EU and UK parliaments. The support of US delegates for Ms. Neena Patek Swiss national during intervention under Agenda item 4 clearly indicates that US has made her mind to put pressure on Pakistan on Balochistan issue. Moreover, this was the first time that US diplomats interfered on Pakistan's point of order on independence of Balochistan.

Pakistan government should take steps to improve upon the situation while under taking development project and implementation on "Agaz-e-Haqooq-e-Balochistan". Pakistan should also file a case against the NGO's for going against the mandate of NGO's ECOSOC status and UN charter.

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