"Let there arise out of you a band of people inviting to all that is good enjoining what is right and forbidding what is wrong; they are the ones to attain felicity".
(surah Al-Imran,ayat-104)
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User Name: SajidH
Full Name: Sajid Hussain
User since: 23/Dec/2010
No Of voices: 38
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Elections 2013 in FATA: Journey from Malik to Mullah.


Election campaign is continued in Federally Administrated Tribal Areas [FATA] located on Afghanistan Pakistan border [AfPak] for upcoming parliamentary elections to be held on May 11, 2013 like other parts of Pakistan.

People of FATA or Tribals have representations in National Assembly only the candidates of FATA can contest only for MNA’s seats while they have no representation in Provincial Assembly while majority of their officials works including pay and service structure of employs are concern with provincial government of Khyber Pakhtankhawa with addition to this Governor is also sitting in Peshawar the capital of Khyber Pakhtankhawa ex  NWFP province.

Current elections in FATA  is unique in this aspect that it is for the first time that political activities are allowed in FATA after implementation of  political parties act and some reforms made in British era jungle rule FCR[Frontier Crimes Regulations] by federal government, While earlier candidates from FATA can contest only as independent. This step of allowing political parties inside FATA is another breakthrough for the tribals in 21st Century after the tribals people were allowed to poll the vote in the last decade of 20th century while in past only few hundred Maliks or tribals eleders [most of them illiterate even can’t do signature and loyals to Political agents from British era] have right of vote for millions of population of FATA.  Earlier these Maliks or tribals eleders  were selling their vote on thousands of rupees while the elected candidates  with the help of these Maliks or tribals eleders instead of doing development work for FATA just increasing its assets and resaving the amount he paid to Maliks or tribals eleders with additions to selling his single vote with billions of rupes for electing Senator[member of Senate] and this process continued. At that time the Maliks or tribals eleders most of them illiterate and all males females have no representation [Gender discrimination] have a lot of value during elections and they were ready for sale to contesting candidates who pay them more.

In ongoing elections the same value is given to Mullah[Mullah in terms of Millitant Taliban Commanders and materialistic mullah not talking about true religious scholars or Ulema e Haq very rare in FATA] replacing the value of Maliks or tribals eleders most of them illiterate due to  ongoing militancy and talibinization or so called war against terrorism after 9/11  in FATA  bordering Afghanistan. Most of Mullahs in FATA[Millitant Taliban Commanders and materialistic mullah] are also illiterate even they did not attended any religious seminaries  or ordinary schools  like  past time Maliks or tribals eleders most of them illiterate. But these mullahs Millitant Taliban Commanders and materialistic mullah have greatest value and final authority in elections inside FATA after 9/11 as they have authority of verdict or Fetwas declaring any political party as infidel due to anti Taliban policies of that party…similarly asking people to vote for pro Taliban party considered as another episode of Jihad and greatest cause of Islam….While forbidding women to cast vote as they are deprived from rights of education by wrong interpretation of Islam and Quran [Gender discriminations]…. ,simply  in current elections the centre of power are Mullah Millitant Taliban Commanders and materialistic mullah as the implementation of  political parties act in FATA is just lips service and paper work while the ground realities inside FATA are completely opposite even the Federal Government Security Forces and Political Administrations with addition to Election Commission of Pakistan [ECP] are silent spectators on mentioned violations by  in current elections inside FATA  by Mullah Millitant Taliban Commanders .

Mullah Millitant Taliban Commanders always tried to imposed their version of Islam on tribals people throughout history of FATA like in era of cold war between USA and USSR during Zia regime dictatorship in decades of 1980’s these Mullah or that time Jihadi Commanders declared American CIA war as Holy Jihad by killings and injuring thousands of tribals as prey of American CIA ,Arab Countries and  Zia regime sponsored Jihad  by enjoying with the help of US dollars $ and Arab countries Royals, Similarly after 9/11 in so called war against terrorism  these Mullah or Millitant Taliban Commanders take u turn even declaring  Jihad against Pakistan state and security forces and America  its ex partners once again killing and injuring thousands of tribals in the name of so called war against terror with addition to this making thousands of Tribals as Internally Displaced People[IDPs] still living in miseries .

In current elections these Mullah Millitant Taliban Commanders are busy in declaring the election symbol of ordinary book allotted to pro Taliban JUI-F [Instructions by Election Commission of Pakistan ECP that book symbol should be Open book ] But mullahs are printing book symbol as close book Even Writing Word Quran and slogans Vote for Quran only inside FATA once again blackmailing people in the name of Quran and Islam While Election Commission of Pakistan [ECP] is silent spectator on this extreme violation is big question  mark???

Therefore the ongoing elections in Federally Administrated Tribal Areas [FATA] located on Afghanistan Pakistan border [AfPak] is really a change But in terms of Journey from Malik to Mullah, the whole power and authority which was with Maliks or tribals eleders [most of them illiterate even can’t do signature and loyal to Political agents from British era] is now with Mullah[ Millitant Taliban Commanders most of them illiterate even did not attended any religious seminaries or ordinary school] is really a change ……for  FATA suffering as usual.



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