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(surah Al-Imran,ayat-104)
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User Name: Sami_Malik
Full Name: Sami Malik
User since: 14/Oct/2006
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Facilitator of attacks on 3 brigadiers arrested: had links with DynCorp by Recorder Report

(It is indeed amazing that the Government of Pakistan has not yet revoked permission to Blackwater(or XE) and DynCorp to operate in Pakistan and has not arrested the foreigner agent handlers engaged in mayhem in Pakistan. The attack on mosque in Rawalpindi and yesterday’s explosion of two bombs in Lahore have the hallmark of DynCorp and yet it has not been named. Who is this Government of Pakistan working for? Who can act to stop the DynCorp and Blackwater organised? I urge the Supreme Court to take suo moto notice of the activities of foreign armed groups operating with the permission and consent of the Government of Pakistan. The SC must act to stop the daily slaughter on the streets of Pakistan by the foreign agencies and their hired hands. It must order the arrest of agent handlers of RAW and Mossad and other foreign law breakers and order the immediate expulsion of DynCorp and Blackwater (XE). Usman Khalid)

ISLAMABAD (December 01 2009): Law enforcement agencies (LEAs) have claimed to have arrested the main facilitator of the three terrorist attacks on military officers in Islamabad with links to foreign agencies. The detained facilitator, Subedar Zaffar Iqbal, a retired junior commissioned officer (JCO) of SSG was arrested from G-6 sector of Islamabad, when he was driving an International Committee of Red Cross (ICRC) vehicle with the number plate ICRC 72-31, intelligence sources told Business Recorder on Monday.

They said that Zaffar has admitted that he was the main facilitator of the terrorist attacks on the three Brigadiers of Pakistan Army in Islamabad. He undertook surveillance of the three targets prior to planning the place and timing of the attacks. He subsequently got the terrorists in place, provided them with bike and ammunition, and, after successful completion of the attacks, ensured their getaway by loading the bike on a Hilux pickup, sources said.

Zaffar Iqbal was questioned about the ICRC vehicle, and he failed to give any satisfactory reply as to how he got access to the ICRC vehicle, sources said, adding that the relevant authorities are investigating whether the number plate of the vehicle is genuine or fake.

Concerned citizens in Islamabad are reporting almost daily to Islamabad police about some foreign nationals of western origin who are accused of moving in the capital with fake number plates. However, Islamabad Police and civil administration are helpless to stop them, said an official of Islamabad Police.

He said that some foreigners and their local employees have been accused of using diplomatic vehicles with fake number plates for 'nefarious activities' but the police are being ordered to stop as and when it takes notice of such movement/activities. Dutch diplomats and American diplomat were arrested, along with sophisticated weapons and hi-tech cameras, but were allowed to go after intervention from their diplomatic missions, he added.

Intelligence sources said that Zaffar Iqbal was under surveillance for a long time, and added that during the course of the investigation it was learnt that he was the main motivator for recruiting retired servicemen for 'Xe Services' (previous named Blackwater World-wide), which is operating under cover with Inter-Risk Security company. Sources said that during the investigation it was learnt that Zaffar Iqbal owns three plots in Bahria Town , one of the posh areas of the capital, and three more in Beharia Town in Lahore with several luxury vehicles. He is said to have close links with a top builder and developer of, and is a regular visitor to, Dubai.

Sources said that detained Zaffar Iqbal has close links with Captain (Retd) Zaidi, owner of Inter-Risk Security Agency which was raided on September 19 and a huge cache of unlicensed sophisticated weapons was impounded. Captain Zaidi, a retired officer of SSG was arrested from Islamabad office of his security company.

Inter-Risk security agency is a partner of the Dyncorp, an American contractor company providing logistic support to US forces in Afghanistan Sources said that Zaffar Iqbal retired from SSG in 1989. Sources informed this scribe that the Interior Ministry has taken serious note of the hiring of retired commandos and directed the Inspector General of Islamabad Police to investigate the matter and submit a report in two weeks.
 Reply:   mister sami malik
Replied by(drkjke) Replied on (8/Dec/2009)

mister sami malik you have asked supreme court to take suo mouto action against terrorist activities of black water and dyncorp
it amazes me that how can you trust our supreme court to take any action against there america masters
iftikhar chaudery and our supreme court is also an american puppet
dont you remember iftikhar chauderys statements in favour of swat and waziristan operation and his statements against islamic law recently
iftikhar chaudery is a corrupt man ,no one should have any hopes from him regarding pakistan if you have any brain
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