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User Name: 786Mediacell
Full Name: 786Mediacell
User since: 29/Dec/2010
No Of voices: 38
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حضرت عمر فاروقٌ ۔ پیر محمد افضل
Posted By: 786Mediacell Created On: 12/Nov/2013 Views: 1482 Replies: 0 
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کاروان نظام مصطفیٰ کو اسلام آبادداخلےسےروک دیا
Posted By: 786Mediacell On: 24/Apr/2012 Views:1965 Replies:0 
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دینی تعلیم ۔ عثمان افضل قادری
Posted By: 786Mediacell On: 14/Apr/2012 Views:1938 Replies:0 
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دینی تعلیم ۔ پیر عثمان افضل قادری
Posted By: 786Mediacell On: 8/Mar/2012 Views:1988 Replies:0 
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Sunni Ittihad Council Press Release 07-12-2011
Posted By: 786Mediacell On: 7/Dec/2011 Views:2163 Replies:0 
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امام حسین ٌ ۔ پیر محمد افضل قادری
Posted By: 786Mediacell On: 2/Dec/2011 Views:1954 Replies:0 
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Sunni Ettihad Council Press Release 07-11-2011
Posted By: 786Mediacell On: 7/Nov/2011 Views:2136 Replies:0 
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عید الاضحٰی اور قربانی کے احکام ۔ پیر محمد افضل
Posted By: 786Mediacell On: 7/Nov/2011 Views:2183 Replies:0 
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دینی تعلیم ۔ کالم 2۔ پیر عثمان افضل قادری
Posted By: 786Mediacell On: 5/Nov/2011 Views:2284 Replies:0 
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Sunni Ettihad Council Press Release 21-10-2011
Posted By: 786Mediacell On: 22/Oct/2011 Views:2126 Replies:0 
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دینی تعلیم ۔ کالم 1۔ پیر عثمان افضل قادری
Posted By: 786Mediacell On: 21/Oct/2011 Views:1770 Replies:0 
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