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User Name: TARIQA
User since: 23/May/2011
No Of voices: 53
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Bangladeshi politics mired in regression by Tariq A. Al-Maeena
Posted By: TARIQA Created On: 5/Oct/2016 Views: 2008 Replies: 0 
There is a simmering divide in the political landscape of Bangladesh. It is one that could potentially drive the country toward civil war. Critics of the government contend that the government is on a witch-hunt to eliminate any opposition to their policy, an action that undoubtedly will bear terrible consequences. Syed Abdul Bais, a human rights activist and a self-proclaimed “agent of change” Click here to read Full Article

High Noon in Pakistan by KHALED ALMAEENA
Posted By: TARIQA On: 6/Sep/2014 Views:2474 Replies:0 
In Pakistan a Mexican standoff is taking place. Opposition politician Imran Khan, who recently called off talks with the elected government of Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, and populist cleric Tahir ul-Qadri are parked in front of Parliament in Islamabad with both demanding that Sharif quit. Click here to read Full Article
Through the eyes of a 15-year-old by Tariq A. Al-Maeena
Posted By: TARIQA On: 20/Mar/2014 Views:2018 Replies:0 
Earlier this month, the Israeli Defense Forces gunned down and killed a Palestinian near the border with Gaza. What was so heinous about this act was that the victim was a 57-year-old mentally retarded woman who had wandered close to the border only to be shot several times until she died. The Israeli spin machine tried to cover up this cold-blooded act by claiming that their forces intended to Click here to read Full Article
When royalty comes under fire by Tariq A. Al Maeena
Posted By: TARIQA On: 3/Feb/2014 Views:2040 Replies:0 
There have been critical reports of the British royal family’s spending in the past. But such criticism was forgotten and details soon evaporated out of memory Click here to read Full Article
If you cannot win them over, buy them! by TARIQ A. AL-MAEENA
Posted By: TARIQA On: 22/Jan/2014 Views:1939 Replies:0 
It has been industry practice in many countries for authorities to curry favors from news personalities. Such a practice becomes more evident when their institutions are under fire and they need all the good press they can cultivate. But a few independent news publications and individuals do stand out and do not fall for the financial windfalls doled out in exchange for good print. Click here to read Full Article
Ariel Sharon: Death comes to an assassin by Tariq A. Al Maeena |
Posted By: TARIQA On: 19/Jan/2014 Views:2019 Replies:0 
Sharon realised that all he had to do was provoke besieged Palestinians for him to carry out his dastardly acts Click here to read Full Article
The innocent victims of senseless acts
Posted By: TARIQA On: 12/Jan/2014 Views:1943 Replies:0 
It is unfortunate that in the war of ideology and the evil quest for power, children fall victim to the crossfire of needless violence Click here to read Full Article
If a housewife can figure it out, why can’t the Municipality? by Tariq A. Al-Maeena
Posted By: TARIQA On: 24/Jul/2013 Views:1924 Replies:0 
Jeddah Municipality has come to be known by the residents of the city as a lot of things. Unfortunately most of them are not very flattering. That is not to say that the reputation earned has been unjust. Residents have had a long list of woes that have now stretched over four decades with no reprieve in sightIn the early days of Ramadan as motorists had barely begun to adjust to the demands . Click here to read Full Article
In search of the true meaning of Ramadan by Tariq A. Al-Maeena
Posted By: TARIQA On: 18/Jul/2013 Views:2065 Replies:0 
How does Ramadan in this country appear to a female expatriate who is a first-time visitor from a Nordic country and who had no inkling of what the essence of Ramadan was until she set foot on this soil? Layla, a Finnish national and the author of the blog Blue Abaya, shares her story: Click here to read Full Article
Some things just don’t change by Tariq A. Al-Maeena
Posted By: TARIQA On: 3/Jul/2013 Views:2172 Replies:0 
I remember watching the visit of King Abdullah to the Jeddah Airport directorate a few years ago on state TV. He was there to review the plans in progress to turn this pitiful airport into a state-of-the-art facility that would welcome guests from the world over. I also seem to recollect that when asked point-blank as to when this project would be completed, the airport director confidently replie Click here to read Full Article
Pre-emptive strike poses great danger by By Tariq A. Al Maeena
Posted By: TARIQA On: 3/Jun/2013 Views:1708 Replies:0 
Not a person living anywhere in the Gulf region would be safe from exposure 
in the event Iran’s nuclear facilities are bombed Click here to read Full Article

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