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RAW Goons Give Life Threats to Pakistani Editor by Uzma Zafar
Posted By: asherfawad On: 16/Feb/2010 Views:4794 Replies:0 
ISLAMABADIt appears that the Indian government and its main intelligence agency Research and Analysis Wing (RAW) are feeling very much perturbed by the media endeavors of The Daily Mail, as The Daily Mail continues to expose the wrong doings of RAW, the Indian Army and the Indian government through special investigative reports and also through strict monitoring procedure as some unidentified call Click here to read Full Article
Patriotic way, to prevail “Democracy in Pakistan”…? By Ilyas khan Baloch
Posted By: Ilyas_khan_Baloch On: 16/Feb/2010 Views:2464 Replies:0 
Democracy as a system of governance and interest representation demands respect for dissent and opposition. It recognizes the principle of majority rule and guarantees protection of minorities. Democracy also builds faith in electoral contestation to gain public office and gives legitimacy to political parties as primary instruments for acquisition and transfer of power from one set of individuals Click here to read Full Article
مشکوک کمیونٹی ۔ سمیع اللہ ملک
Posted By: Sami_Malik On: 16/Feb/2010 Views:1949 Replies:0 
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Legality of Indian Claim on Kashmir Dr. Raja Muhammad Khan
Posted By: Raja_Muhammad_Khan On: 16/Feb/2010 Views:2542 Replies:0 
Following the World War-II, there has been an unremitting resistance by the people of Subcontinent against the ruling British colonial power. Under the swelling pressure of the people of subcontinent, the British Government finally had to announce the partition of the Subcontinent on June 3, 1947. However, the British Parliament formally passed “The Indian Independence Act-1947” on July 17, 1947. Click here to read Full Article
Judges and Judges by Col. Riaz Jafri (Retd)
Posted By: Riaz On: 16/Feb/2010 Views:1987 Replies:0 
The present ongoing debate on the appointment of the judges of the higher courts has at least left me with a consternation beyond my comprehension. What is all this fuss in the matter of choosing between the judges? Are the judges going to be partisan in dispensing justice? Click here to read Full Article
جہاد بے وقوفی ھے(ایاز امیر)۔ شاہنواز فاروقی۔ جسارت
Posted By: Jasarat On: 16/Feb/2010 Views:2710 Replies:0 
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Obama's Secret Prisons in Afghanistan Endanger Us All
Posted By: chaudry On: 16/Feb/2010 Views:2402 Replies:0 
The revelations this week about how the CIA and British authorities handed over a suspected jihadi to torturers in Pakistan may sound at first glance like a hangover from the Bush years. Barack Obama was elected, in part, to drag us out of this trap -- but in practice he is dragging us further in. He is escalating the war in Afghanistan, and has taken the war to another Muslim country. The CIA and Click here to read Full Article
کیا پاکستان غریب ملک ھے؟ شاہد اقبال شامی
Posted By: chaudry On: 16/Feb/2010 Views:2310 Replies:1 
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شیر وشکر (ٹارگٹ کلنگ)۔ ظہیر احمد۔ جسارت
Posted By: Jasarat On: 16/Feb/2010 Views:2038 Replies:0 
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Posted By: chaudry On: 16/Feb/2010 Views:2468 Replies:0 
“If “Success” is the word labeled for Operation “Mushtarak” when that outcome means agony, death, disfigurement and disablement for life for mostly young men, who were children just a few short years ago, then how can the definition of winning hearts and minds be such heinous atrocities, atrocities tied to Karzai, tied to America and her allies, tied to them and remembered for generations. Any di Click here to read Full Article
یو این او کمیشن کی کارگزاری اور دخترمشرق۔ رؤف عامر
Posted By: Malik_Rauf On: 16/Feb/2010 Views:2021 Replies:0 
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انصاف کے المیے کا حل ۔ جاوید چوہدری
Posted By: Javed_Ch On: 16/Feb/2010 Views:1991 Replies:0 
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یہ محاز آرائی ۔ ڈاکٹر صفدر محمود
Posted By: Jang On: 16/Feb/2010 Views:1946 Replies:0 
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