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User Name: asherfawad
Full Name: LuvPakistan
User since: 10/Jan/2009
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Posted By: asherfawad Created On: 27/Mar/2011 Views: 2968 Replies: 0 

RAW Goons Give Life Threats to Pakistani Editor by Uzma Zafar
Posted By: asherfawad On: 16/Feb/2010 Views:4794 Replies:0 
ISLAMABADIt appears that the Indian government and its main intelligence agency Research and Analysis Wing (RAW) are feeling very much perturbed by the media endeavors of The Daily Mail, as The Daily Mail continues to expose the wrong doings of RAW, the Indian Army and the Indian government through special investigative reports and also through strict monitoring procedure as some unidentified call Click here to read Full Article
Shah Naimatullah Wali (RA) Predictions for Pakistan and the Military action in Swat
Posted By: asherfawad On: 14/May/2009 Views:24008 Replies:0 
I just came to know about this saint through Zaid Hamid. I did some research on him and found few of his predictions on the net. They are AMAZING. He had accurately predicted break up of Pakistan. He also mentioned Mujiburahman as (a treacherous muslim leader who will abett the Kaafirs in their trea Click here to read Full Article
Audio: Zaid Hamid on Current Affairs (Must Listen)
Posted By: asherfawad On: 28/Feb/2009 Views:4140 Replies:0 
This is a great interview taken online at Zaid Hamid covers important issues specially why Swat peace deal is good. Click here to read Full Article
Pakistan has the legitimate claim to Kashmir by Steven Meurrens
Posted By: asherfawad On: 27/Feb/2009 Views:4420 Replies:0 
At the beginning of 2002, Pakistan and India appeared to be on the verge of a nuclear war. This was the latest stage in over fifty years of conflict between the two nations. The greatest issue in thei Click here to read Full Article
Lawyers' Iftikhar: A Messiah Or A Pawn?
Posted By: asherfawad On: 27/Jan/2009 Views:3770 Replies:0 
It's almost two years. Iftikhar Chaudhry, the former Chief Justice of Pakistan, has not been restored to his old job. And chances are he will never be, at least not in any real sense. But meanwhile, h Click here to read Full Article
It is not all our fault by Asher Fawad
Posted By: asherfawad On: 23/Jan/2009 Views:4649 Replies:0 
I read the speech given by Mr. Hafez A.B. Mohammed from Al Baraka Bank. I don't full agree with him. The reason being he is 100% putting the blame on Muslims for the worst conditions they are in and i Click here to read Full Article
Save Pakistan
Posted By: asherfawad On: 10/Jan/2009 Views:21339 Replies:21 
Our beloved country Pakistan has been devoid of loving fathers (loyal leaders). Ever since the shahadat of Liaqat Ali Khan, we have had no one who would build the nation lovingly just the way parents Click here to read Full Article

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