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User Name: abdulruff
Full Name: Dr.Abdul Ruff Colachal
User since: 15/Mar/2008
No Of voices: 1852
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Bangladesh cricket in shambles!


So-called "democracy" may be back, probably with outside support, but Bangladesh cricket team remains weak and does not make any credible progress in matches. In the ongoing tri-series in Bangladesh Sri Lanka (210) defeated Zimbabwe (80) with an easy win. Earlier Zimbabwe (205) defeated host Bangladesh (167). The fact is that Zimbabwe is the weakest among the teams and without any credible ratings, while, going by the global ratings and Bangladesh has the least ratings among the world players.  Now since Bangladesh has been beaten by the weakest team the foregone conclusion would be that Bangladesh does not stand any where now and has to revamp its various departments and try to play good cricket at home first, in view of the changed political climate there, for some specified period before embarking upon international matches.


It is important to note that under the present level of playing ability, Bangladesh would be defeated very badly by the teams of Australia, South Africa and West Indies, Pakistan and India. Hence it is time Bangladesh team now concentrated on domestic tournaments region wise and re-equipped the team to meet the world teams without difficulty as they are encountering now. Eventually the Bangladesh players would gain a lot confidence and learn skills and tricks of cricket.. 


If, however, Bangladesh plays now against South Africa or Australia it would lose very badly and they would perhaps defeat Bangladesh on both ends: either their openers would reach the target set by Bangladesh  or finish off Bangladesh team by using just about 10 overs. So, it is high time Dhaka sat back to find out the pitfalls and make good practices in domestic matches. Good luck in future. 

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