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User Name: abdulruff
Full Name: Dr.Abdul Ruff Colachal
User since: 15/Mar/2008
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Why Islamic Pakistan Hugs Terror India?

By Dr. Abdul Ruff Colachal




New world has surprises in abundance, known and unknown. Recent Obama-Medvedev meeting in Russian capital is not one of them. But the agreement for using Russian territory for US-led NATO global state terrorism (GST) misadventures in Islamic world on mischievous Neocons pretexts is certainly one. Yes, also, US-led terror forces seem to have stopped searching for WMD and Osama. The announcement of Americans of departure of US terror forces from Islamic Iraq where the NATO had come to create democracy after catching Osama and clinching his WMD, was another surprise. Initial withdrawal, even if for a show, of a few troops from Saddam Hussein's Iraq is another.



India is a known state terrorist seeking favors from the anti-Islamic world for its genocides. Of late, Pakistan has intensified the US sponsored terror operations targeting the Islamic Muslims by just calling them “terrorists", although neither USA nor India - active GSTs (Global State Terrorists) - has confirmed so far that Pakistan is “doing enough”. Pakistan somehow longs for the Indo-US certification for every thing it does or does not.


Meanwhile, in a move of anti-climax, Pakistani president Zardari, with a view to appeasing terror India, has come out with a new revelation that like India, Pakistan, a close neighbor, is also promoting state terror activities inside Pakistan. The admission by the top most leader of the day makes it obligatory for Pakistan state to hand over all Pakistani politicians and military leaders for terror trials for their terror promotion activities immediately and all of them and their kith and kin plus distant relatives should be legally barred from occupying any office in Islamic Pakistan for which should be considering the implementation of Sharia’ and establishment of truly Islamic society as the chief goals.


GSTs hope to have an upper hand in terrorism activities eventually because they have more resources. One could not comprehend the logic behind support of the bulk of Pakistani media for the US-led state terrorism killing innocent and defenseless Muslims on US advice, but now their mischief is also justified because they are only hailing the state agenda which sounds anti-Islamic. That Pakistan is already a close strategic partner in global state terror related activities is fully revealed now should awaken the conscience of Pakistanis about their Islamic ambitions and general plight in the country which is moving away form Sharia' and longing for "strategic partnership" with GSTs led by the US super power. Meanwhile, both Pakistan and India can now hug openly without any inhibitions and fear whatsoever!



Apart from sensational, “classified" news from Islamabad about abetting terrorism of Pakistan, the world has some pleasant news as well. The South Asian tennis sensation Sania Mirza, who has been  trailing in his recent single, doubles and even mixed doubles,  has decided to embrace family life and live away from tennis courts.. Let us all wish her for your long and credible innings as a class wife now on. She will realize soon that Wimbledon won’t give you more happiness and pleasure than a truly married life.. May Allah bless her well and all the best; Yes, Sania, enough of courts and now...ENJOY LIFE ONLY...


Terror India continues to kill defenseless Kashmiris and Pakistan has not been able to stop that even with US help. Please don't ask me if state terrorism has something to do with marriage also. It is possibly to the contrary! Or, is State terrorism connected to an arranged marriage? If you ask me if Pakistan would like to be a part of terror India, the current game plan does not indicate that at all, and unless, perhaps, Americans instruct Islamabad to do so, Pakistan would like to be a sovereign state. But terror India would perhaps like Pakistan to be back in Indian Union account so that Kashmir problem is also resolved automatically without any further negotiations.  After all, like USA, UK, France, Israel and other anti-Islamc regimes, India is also a “democracy”, killing the Muslims at will.




(By Dr. Abdul Ruff Colachal, Researcher in International Affairs, occasional columnist, India)

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