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User Name: drshabir
Full Name: dr shabir choudhry
User since: 5/Jun/2007
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KNP welcome challenge to Gilgit Baltistan Ordinance 2009

London           04 March 2010


KNP leaders Abbas Butt and Dr Shabir Choudhry have welcomed the petition filed in the Supreme Court of Pakistan by Shafqat Ali Khan who is a resident of District Ghizar of Gilgit Baltistan.


KNP leaders said Shafqat Ali Khan known as Shafqat Inquilabi has taken a daring step and made history by challenging this Ordinance which aims to change the legal and constitutional position of the territory.


KNP leaders said Gilgit Baltistan are part of former State of Jammu and Kashmir and are just as disputed as other parts of the State are; and no country has any right to unilaterally change legal status of any part of the State.


KNP leaders said all the historic documents including UNCIP Resolutions, Karachi Agreement and even past decisions of the Supreme Court clearly declare that these areas are not part of Pakistan. And in view of that Pakistan has no right to annex these areas through back door or by any other unconstitutional measure.


Any such action which aims to change legal status of these areas will be opposed by the people of the State, declared the KNP leaders.


KNP leaders said we will provide all technical and political help and support to Shafqat Ali Khan in his endeavours to seek justice for people of Gilgit Baltistan.  KNP leaders said we hope that judiciary of Pakistan which people claim has attained independence and has pro active role in providing justice to people will make history by settling the legal and constitutional status of these areas which have to date suffered immensely at the hands of Pakistani bureaucrats.


KNP leaders said the respected judges of the Supreme Court should note that the people of Gilgit Baltistan are still deprived of their fundamental human rights; and even in the 21st century they are treated as sub human beings. What government of Pakistan has done and what they have been doing in the past is clearly contrary to United Nations Human Rights Charter and even against constitution of Pakistan. END


Issued by Dr Shabir Choudhry


Dr Shabir Choudhry
"In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act." -- George Orwell.

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