"Let there arise out of you a band of people inviting to all that is good enjoining what is right and forbidding what is wrong; they are the ones to attain felicity".
(surah Al-Imran,ayat-104)
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User Name: abdulruff
Full Name: Dr.Abdul Ruff Colachal
User since: 15/Mar/2008
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A Note to a Kashmir reader
On my article on spunning cricket in Kashmiir.
Dear Kashmiri Friend:
Of course, if one wants to extend logic for fun to mock it, then, there is no end to it. What I want to stress is the fact that unless Kashmiris show in deeds that they are not with India, they are against its designs and dirty tricks, India would not realize that Kashiris require soveriengy and deserve any human dignity. Pro-India elements have done maximum harm to Kashmiris Muslims.
Cricket is no more a sport of gentlemen and it has beocome farce and the players do not showcase thier skills but only tricks and match-fixing.Indian cowardice is discernible in the matches with Australians.
In fact I had earlier argued to change the name of the capital form Srinagar to some other name, say Muhammadabad or Allahbagh, ete. In fact "nagar and sri" are parts of Hinduism. That gives Hindus the right to keep Srinagar under their burtal custody. When Kashmiri Muslms are brutally murderd by Indian by keeping terror forces there, Kashmiris should be more serious, but it is strange they are amking fun of their own fate. Dont they think it is alrady enough of pro-Indiansim and Hiinduism symbols.

If Kashmir Muslims want to suffer be tortured under Indian occupation for ever after killing over a lakh Kashmiris alive, then say it openly! Personaly I lose nohting!
Dont you, Kashmiris want to be free from Indian yoke ? Dont you want to decide your fate all by yourselves?
Indian media say Kashmiris are hypocrats. and double-speakers. Hypocricy is not good for Kashmiris
 Rise up, Oh Kashmiri Muslims!! Rise up to comprehend the hidden agenda of India in Kashmir!! Pull out of the chains and tell India to QUIT Kashmir!!! Plese read me in Kashsmir watch for m ore info.
(Dr.Abdul Ruff Colachal, Delhi/21 Nov 2008)
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