"Let there arise out of you a band of people inviting to all that is good enjoining what is right and forbidding what is wrong; they are the ones to attain felicity".
(surah Al-Imran,ayat-104)
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User Name: Mathal
Full Name: Dj Mathal
User since: 14/Apr/2008
No Of voices: 115
Time to speak up by DJ Mathal
Views:2415 Replies:0
Provincial status a fool's paradise by Dj Mathal
Views:4351 Replies:0
GB’s independence: a lesson from Karbala by DJ Mathal
Views:4962 Replies:0
Stop HR violations by DJ Mathal
Views:5199 Replies:0
The shattered hopes by Dj Mmathal
Views:5190 Replies:0
The youth and our destiny by dj mathal
Views:5079 Replies:0
The tax bomb by DJ Mathal
Views:5248 Replies:0
Hollowness of the system by DJ Mathal
Views:5325 Replies:0
Whispers of a vagabond by DJ Mathal
Views:4848 Replies:0
The essence of freedom by DJ Mathal
Views:5005 Replies:0

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 No to governor's rule by Dj Mathal

After facing growing public pressure, the ruling PPP has started hoodwinking the people of Gilgit-Baltistan through its local chapter under the pretext of giving them a package. The draft of the proposed package has been leaked and spread in the region by the PPP through one of its representatives. According to the draft, the name of the chairman will be changed to governor. This shows that like a communist party a new viceroy will be appointed in place of a chairman. The PPP seems to follow in the footsteps of former rulers including Benazir Bhutto, nawaz Sharif and Pervez Musharraf in playing with the papers and for this it is using the local party leadership. The PPP always shows itself as a champion of democracy and human rights but it remains blind to the rights violations of two million people of Gilgit-Baltistan. In the name of package, the PPP government ahs started acting like the comedy film Mr Bin where there is a king but no chief minister, where there are minister but they have no powers but act in flattery.
The most effective reform introduced in the region so far was brought by Zulfikar Ali Bhutto. It was Mr Bhutto who abolished the black law of FCR. Besides, it was also Mr Bhutto who introduced subsidy on the basic food item of wheat. However, it was also Mr Bhutto who while addressing a public meeting in Diamer the name of Gilgit-Baltistan to Northern Areas. Since then the people of the region have been fighting to regain their identity.
Now the people have realized that enough is enough. Two many injustices were done with the people and despite the passage of over 62 years the masses in the region remain deprived of all basic rights including education and healthcare facilities. We advise the so-called representatives of the region not to play with the destiny of the people by working at the behest of their masters sitting in Islamabad. Time has come the people of the region should get united and fight for their lost rights. The drama of packages should be stopped as these are not the guarantee to ensure basic rights of the people.


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