"Let there arise out of you a band of people inviting to all that is good enjoining what is right and forbidding what is wrong; they are the ones to attain felicity".
(surah Al-Imran,ayat-104)
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User Name: webmaster
Full Name: webmaster
User since: 1/Jan/2007
No Of voices: 154
 Views: 44853   
 Replies: 23   
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Asslam O Alaikum

Dear All


We are running a small level web forum named as   , which portrays the independent voices of common man.

But now it seems govt of Pakistan has extended his hands to curb every voice of common man by ever mean.


We have come to know that in Pakistan most of the people are getting this message,


Site is restricted


While trying to access the site.  .

If you live in Pakistan then please check the above mentioned site and let us know that you are able to access the site or not.


If you are not able to access the site, then please forward this message to among your lists and register a protest against this illegal action of Govt of Pakistan because we haven't received any letter from Govt till today.


Any help to pursue this matter forward and to resolve this issue will be very highly regarded.


Thank you and waiting for your input and acknowledgment.




 Reply:   As per reports, site is again banned in Karachi
Replied by(webmaster) Replied on (12/May/2010)

Asslam O Alaikum Dear All we are again receiving complaints from different areas of Pakistan especially from Karachi that site is again banned there. please raise your voice... Thank you MrsSara for your encouraging comments. regards Allah Hafiz webmaster
 Reply:   not common ppl
Replied by(Mrssara) Replied on (12/May/2010)

AOA respected, mostly articles in ur site are written by educated ppl who r doing govt jobs, or at int'l levels.writers r never common ppl,,, dy r v precious property of country.... so this site may b banned due to govt ppl....officially. anyhow its nice to c it again. welcome back this is media war ..... move it forward.
 Reply:   Thankyou Drkjke
Replied by(webmaster) Replied on (2/Mar/2010)

we will take your advice and let us tell you, our ultimate goal is what, you have described. We want Islam to be there every where in world and Pakistan
 Reply:   its tragic
Replied by(drkjke) Replied on (2/Mar/2010)
for more than a month we were deprived of this site in all pakistan,without any valid reason,i am afraid that in future too those websites that write truth will be blocked in pakistan,as pakistan government only likes such slave parrot liar newspapers and channels like jang,dawn nawaiwaqt etc also you people should not expect any suo moto action or stuff from chief justice pakistan,he is also a part of this corrupt system,and all the struggle to reinstate him has gone wasted,you people must have struggled for islamic system not reinstatement of a person named iftikhar chaudery,if you had struggled for system of islam and khilafat than pakistans all problems would have been solved by now .i swear
 Reply:   AlhumdulilAllah, Government has lift the restrictions after 40 days
Replied by(webmaster) Replied on (27/Feb/2010)

Asslam O Alaikum


Dear All


It has been come to our knowledge that restrictions on your site , imposed by Pakistani government on 18-Jan-2010 has been removed and now site is accessible in Pakistan after 40 days.


This all has happened with the grace of Allah and with your prayers and efforts.


Site was un-accessible in Pakistan for almost 40 days, from 18-01-2010 to 26-02-2010.


On this special occasion we would like to thank to Allah and to all of you.


Our special Thanks to


Mr Syed Agha Ata Ullah,


Mr International Professor,


Mr Sami Ullah Malik,


Mr Amjad Malik,


Mr Asmat Hayat Alvi,


Mr Iqbal Hadi Zaidi,


 Mr Awab Alvi


and all of you.


Please be with us like you were this time and always.


Please check site's accessibility in your area and confirm to us.


for Details


Thank you once again


Allah hafiz



 Reply:   Thank you, Don't block the Blog team
Replied by(webmaster) Replied on (12/Feb/2010)

We highly appreciate (Don't block the blog team), for taking care of our appeal and for supporting us, against illegal ban on our website.
 Reply: has been blocked as per the orders of Member
Replied by(webmaster) Replied on (8/Feb/2010) has been blocked as per the orders of Member (Telecom) . images attached

Please help us and raise your voice and forward this order to all.

We are planning to open a case in court against this illegal order as well.

Please sign the petition and send one email to &

To be addressed to :- Agha Syed Atta-u-Allah Shah, Chairman, Raah-e-Raast Trust, "Agha House" Sector 8-A, Gulshan-e-Zahoor, Karachi,  and,  to  <> &  <> for legal and constitutional help

as this  promotes patriotism, peace, tolerance and character-building through 'Articles'  of  prominent writters / columnist - which are informative and have already been published in the News-papers & Magazines of Pakistan. It is also worth-mention that many immoral, obscene, indecent, erotic and porn websites are freely accessible in Pakistan with the courtesy of Minitry of IT & Telecom,  PTA, Zonal Directors PTA  and the ISPs operating within their jurisdictions, but,  has been unlawfully  blocked by PTA without any 'notice'  or 'show cause'  and without affording any opportunity to its 'webmaster' to explain his position in respect of any article available at the said website (if any). Besides, PTA has deprived millions of internet-users the fundamental right of freedom of access to knowledge.

Trace of site is also included.

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Non-authoritative answer:




C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>tracert


Tracing route to []

over a maximum of 30 hops:


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Trace complete.


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No file to print

 Reply:   It Will take hardly a minute of you so Please sign the on line Petition
Replied by(webmaster) Replied on (27/Jan/2010)
As you all are well aware that government of Pakistan has blocked the voice forum We are trying our best to make the issue resolve in peaceful manner and for this purpose w

Asslam O Alaikum

Dear Brother in Islam

As you all are well aware that government of Pakistan has blocked the voice forum We are trying our best to make the issue resolve in peaceful manner and for this purpose we have created on line Petition.

It Will take hardly a minute of you so Please sign the on line Petition

and forward this petition link to all your contacts as well.
Thank you


Allah Hafiz


 Reply:   Dear Mr. Ghulam Rasool & Mr. Noman
Replied by(nrqazi) Replied on (26/Jan/2010)

I can understand your high emotionalism but please understand that no state can function if the writ of government is challenged. The second point is that we should not make allegations without evidence; especially not against state institutions. No armed forces cannot function as something above the government. Yes the ISI reporting was changed but would you really like to be reporting to the un=elected, low IQ interior minister? I am not even a chowkidaar would like to report to him, let alone ISI. We unfortunately lake visionary leadership. Nma eone person on the horizon of our political leadership who has the vision to make Pakistan a developed state? JUST ONE NAME PLEASE? & please don't say Imran Khan. Yes he does say all the right things, but you and me both know he cannot win an election in our current political setup. In our election, a tehseeldar, a patwari, a DCO etc deicded who is going to win from which seat and the whole bridari simply votes for that candidate (talking about 90% of rural seats). In urban areas, its all down to who can get more fake identity cards made. As much as I am against the tactics of MQM, they are probably the only ones who win election by realistic voting. My sincere request is that have freedom of speech but please don't launch baseless accusations against state institutions. Just visit a front line army unit and see the everyday plight of a jawan to unit commander. Its easy to do army bashing sitting in air conditioned offices. Go and live with them for a week...................
 Reply:   Everyone Please, this post is not to bash Army but to support the site
Replied by(webmaster) Replied on (26/Jan/2010)

If you people want to discuss army and its acts then please start debate in some other article. Please leave this article unbiased and only for re-storation of the site. So, the focus of the article won't shift from the real issue. Br NrQazi, There are few, which we know personally and about them we know that won't use abusive language, but to give equal grounds to all, the report abuse button will flash for all. in future
 Reply:   And What about war crimes carried by Army
Replied by(Noman) Replied on (26/Jan/2010)

You very rightly said about the cruelties by Mujahideen but what about the cruelties and war crimes carried by Army. Mujahideen at least have courtesy to place the images of the killings they are doing, but army is blacking out everything. They are kidnapping and killing people without any trace... Baluchistan is still no go area from more then 5 years. If you really think Current Corrupt government is capable of directing and setting the course of Army, then you must be living in fool's paradise. I hope you still remember that this govt try to put ISI under interior ministry but within hours had to take back the decision and there are many other incidents as well. on the front we can see that their is political government but i and majority of people believes that current govt can't control Army and they are doing their own. secondly, even if they are doing everything at govt's directive then they shouldnt... But we all know that current actions of govt/army are totally un-justified. killing one terrorist at the cost of 20 civilians is not justifiable. in the last... no one remembers or blame the one who is behind the sniper, every one hangs the one who pulled the trigger
 Reply:   Don't discuss about your identity - it is tactic
Replied by(Ghulam_Rasool) Replied on (25/Jan/2010)

If anyone is using this venue to propagate american war and trying to justify barbarism of wild pakistan army generals and wolves in the skin of air force uniform than read stories of humiliation, target killings, kidnapping, torture and throat slitting by our so called brave army. Those are wild animals and don't deserve to live in Pakistan. All army and air force generals are anti-Pakitan agents of CIA, non-Muslim and crusaders. Their God is money and dollars nothing else. If terrorists are Islamic fundamentalists than army and air force is Christian fundamentalists, crusaders and involved in killing of Muslim. Term Islamic fundamentalist is borrowed from Neo-Cons and the use of word shows that some ISI agent is spreading hate. Same army killed Bengalis viciously, Baloch's, MQM at Karachi, eliminated Afghan ant-americans, helped in air attacks from inside Pakistan on poor Afghan peoples, earn money on dead bodies, sold Pakistani's, ISI & MI is a curse and wrath of God against poor Pakistani peoples. Cyber Army is product of ISI and like Lashkars, Pakistan army has criminal mentality and it is clear tactics of their cowardness. It is very dangerious to discuss real names and addresses on web, don't be trapped. It is drama of ISI paid agents.

Pakistan army and air force is non-Muslim and agents of Christian crusaders. Against Islam, Muslims and want to kill Muslims with the help of christians. 

 Reply:   But Army is acting on Government orders;
Replied by(nrqazi) Replied on (25/Jan/2010)

You and many other democracy supporters have had resertvations about Army's role in government when Musharraf was in power; but since we have been blessed with these gifts of his holiness, Army is definitely working in aid of government and not by their own will. So if anyone has to be questioned, it should be government. & by the way, have you seen the pictures of army men literally slaughtered by out so xcalled Islamic fundamentalists. I have seen them. They have taken pictures before, during & after and posted it on websites. complete with headless uniformed body hanging like a 'bakra'...may God show them the right path... & have you seen the uncircumcized dead 'mujahedeen? I have seen their pictures posted on Pak Alert Press. Do you really think that these so called jihaadis would wage a war in the name of Allah and yet not get circumcision? Lastly; I am also convinced that Mr. Noman is either the webmaster himself or closely linkedp; since He is the only writer who doesn't have a report abuse button with his posts..... If he is just an ordinary contributor like us, why does he have this preferential treatment? What is the criterion for not having a 'report abuse button' next to one's post. Please advertize it so all contributors can work towards achieving this status.
 Reply:   Dear Brother NRQazi
Replied by(webmaster) Replied on (25/Jan/2010)

This is Cyber Army who thinks Noman and webmaster are same person, We never acknowledge that. But due to security concerns we can't reveal the identities as well. People in past have make many other guesses as well and we don't feel it necessary to confirm or deny this. In our post, we have said, Tactics used by Army currently, so the main word is currently. We are not against Pakistan Army as Every country needs Army and so do we and every patriotic country man loves their Army, so do we. But the way Pak Army is Operating now a days, we don't feel is the correct way. We have our family men in Pak Army too.. but Love shouldn't be blind, if some one is doing wrong then we should call it wrong without any sugar coating. We hope that we have conveyed to you, our point of view aclearly and your concern has been properly addressed.
 Reply:   Report Abuse
Replied by(nrqazi) Replied on (25/Jan/2010)

Dear Webmaster I strongly protest you using the derogatory words for honourable men of Pakistan Army. Please remove this post in which you have used baseless allegations against army. I can see that you are very over motivated for the good cause, but you have the tendency to go over board. Please note the Army is just an instrument available to government. I also have love for our tribal people who have been defending our borders for decades and have been fighting for us on all fronts. However, what you probably don't know is that they don't pay any taxes yet want all facilities, they have electricity but don't pay a single penny of bill, all the afghan transit trade items are smuggled back in Pakistan and sold in bara markets without paying pajkistan custom its about time we harnessed them. Lastly, I have recently learnt that webmaster and Mr. Noman is the same person. Which is not ritght. If you are the moderator, you can't take sides and have to be totally please chose one role for yourself; either a moderator or a contributory writer........ regards
 Reply:   Pakistan Criminal Army
Replied by(Ghulam_Rasool) Replied on (24/Jan/2010)
Refuse to pass through scanners and stop drones

Threats to media and websites shows dirty mentality of elements within Pakistan Army, Air Force and Navy who failed to defend Pakistan and american drones are daringly vilolating Pakistani borders and involved in killings of innocent citizens. Daughters, mothers and wives of such army officials would pass through body scanners at american air ports.

Cyber army must look after nude bodies of their love ones scanned by americans. Now  day entire international spies network is working at PAF Kamra and those are involved in such dirty tactics. If Cyber Army would not stop its activities than we can contact Govt. of Pakistan officials with the names and ranks of Air Force and Army officials involved in hacking and threatening like business to websites. It shows how crimininal mentality our so called brave officers of Defence Forces have.

If Pakistan army or Air Force has any shame than first stop drones and refuse to send their families to pass through full body scanners. Otherwise live in Pakistan with your shameless face like prostitute, earn Haram american dollars and threat common peoples.

 Reply:   So-called Pakistan Cyber Army should be ashmed of itself
Replied by(webmaster) Replied on (23/Jan/2010)

Right now i will call you Paksitan Cyber Army as well becasue you are using the same dirty tactics without any moral values, used by Paksitan Army as well.
you are trying ot hack sites, which is illega, you are forcing Govt Of Paksitan to take site offline unofficially, you are using abusive languages etc.

Right now your acts are as dirty and im-moral as of Paksitan army currently.
I will only pray to Allah that he will guide you and do mercy upon you.
Allah hafiz

Dekhna hay zour kitnaa baaz-o-a-qatil may hay....

Tu nashmemun pay nashemun iss tarah tameer kurta jaa
kay bijli app he girtay girtay bayzaar ho jaayee

 Reply:   I have done my bit!
Replied by(nrqazi) Replied on (21/Jan/2010)

I have sent mail to Geo to take this banning in the same spirit as banning of any TV channel. The only way to send them mail was through a 'feedback' link on their site, which i have used to get the message across to them.

 Reply:   PTA blocked Mulk Dushmun or Muqtudir Dushmun site- Jang News
Replied by(Noman) Replied on (21/Jan/2010)
Point To be noted, Sites will be blocked who have anti-power contents not who have anti-Pakistan contents
News Item Jang 21-01-10

 Reply:   Ha & you had high hopes from this democratic government?
Replied by(nrqazi) Replied on (21/Jan/2010)
Ha & you had high hopes from this democratic government?

This is what I have been saying all along that democrats behave like dictators and vice versa (in our country)

We had better governance when we have military rulers. Except for his last folly of banning Geo etc; (when he got crazy) Musharraf never banend any media.....

& another ha

realize. We shall probably need to wait another 50 years or so when rule of law is rampant in our country...

till then, its might is right...

whatever little progress we have made, it has always been under military rulers by 'DANDA'

otherwise the likes of javed hashmi etc. are able to find a 'lacuna' in anything and everything and we wouldn't have beeen able to make one airport, one capital city, one motorway etc...

I am sorry to hear that your website is banned; it was a good way to vent ones frustrations out.

look for the site of supreme court and send them an email for suo moto action...I also sent it once but nothing try your luck.
wassalaam NRQ
 Reply:   Website is inaccessible
Replied by(Ghulam_Rasool) Replied on (20/Jan/2010)

Yes it is inaccessible in some areas of Punjab.
Please contact your friends in Pakistan to try to access website. Maximum number of clicks and refusal would be legally recorded. That would be base to catch real culprit behind the scene.
There are many mafia's that are against freedom of speech in Pakistan. It is not difficult to judge who is behind but let us wait and see, it could be mistake some where. Thugs and fascist mafia is coward who will never attack from front.
 Reply:   Thanx for the idea
Replied by(webmaster) Replied on (20/Jan/2010)

People can use hotspotshield software also to access the site. But this is not the solution. We want site to be accesses easily and freely by everyone. Government of Pakistan should lift the ban
 Reply:   please inform the right people that you can get around the government block
Replied by(Minhas) Replied on (20/Jan/2010)

please inform the right people that you can get around the government blockage by installing tor/vidalia/privoxy bundle. it helps find other computers around the world to connect to and uses them as a proxy system. if you have a slow connection you will have to wait a long time to access the sites through this bundled program. it works best on high speed connections


Please send your suggestion/submission to
Long Live Islam and Pakistan
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