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User Name: webmaster
Full Name: webmaster
User since: 1/Jan/2007
No Of voices: 154
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Posted By: webmaster Created On: 31/May/2020 Views: 1108 Replies: 0 
Starting with AGUH , Shaukat Khanum and all other Hospitals run on Foreign Funding and Zakat and all NGOS and Zakat collecting Madaris and Mosques , must be placed under a Board of Governance and be taken into Government vs Private Partnerships in order to end any mis-use Click here to read Full Article

پاکستان کا آنے والا بحران
Posted By: webmaster On: 7/Jul/2010 Views:17184 Replies:0 
. Click here to read Full Article has been blocked as per the orders of Member (Telecom) . images attached
Posted By: webmaster On: 8/Feb/2010 Views:18845 Replies:0 
With the help of our brother Syed Agha Ata , we have finally got the evidence of blocking the site in Pakistan as per the orders of government. Please check the image and help us in restoring the site. Click here to read Full Article
Pakistan Govt blocked, in an attempt to curb the voice of common people
Posted By: webmaster On: 20/Jan/2010 Views:44498 Replies:23 
Pakistan Govt blocked, in an attempt to curb the voice of common people Click here to read Full Article
تبدیلی، کیا یہ ممکن ھے ؟
Posted By: webmaster On: 12/Jul/2009 Views:10104 Replies:1 
. Click here to read Full Article
ذید حامد ۔ براس ٹیکس کی حقیقت
Posted By: webmaster On: 25/May/2009 Views:55556 Replies:13 
. Click here to read Full Article
Islam in 21st Century
Posted By: webmaster On: 10/Feb/2009 Views:6961 Replies:0 
In this booklet, Maulana suggests that in the first century after the Hijra Islam faced the challenge of Click here to read Full Article
Image of Pakistan Map, Now, After and Never inshahAllah
Posted By: webmaster On: 25/Nov/2008 Views:6036 Replies:0 
. Click here to read Full Article
A Quiet Deal With Pakistan
Posted By: webmaster On: 5/Nov/2008 Views:6372 Replies:0 
Pakistan is publicly complaining about U.S. airstrikes. But the country''s new chief of intelligence, Lt. Gen. Ahmed Shuja Pasha, visited Washington last week for talks with America''s top military and Click here to read Full Article
اب تو لوٹ آؤ مسلمانوں
Posted By: webmaster On: 5/Nov/2008 Views:5853 Replies:0 
اسلام علیکم میں ایک پاکستانی ہوں۔ایک عام شہری آج آپ کو اپنے ناقص علم کی روشنی میں کچھ بتانا چاھتا ہوں۔آج ہمارا ملک کس حال میں ہے۔اور کس لیے اس حال میں Click here to read Full Article
زلزلے کیوں آتےھیں
Posted By: webmaster On: 30/Oct/2008 Views:4134 Replies:0 
ھم لوگ کب اسلام کی طرف لوٹے گے؟؟؟؟ Click here to read Full Article

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