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User since: 27/Oct/2012
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The Condition of my Homeland by A - Haq, London
Posted By: Exclusive Created On: 15/Feb/2014 Views: 1557 Replies: 0 
The children of my country who should have been studying books in the schools or playing in the grounds are bound to work as slaves and labourers. Some are seen begging, some appear searching food on the heaps of rubbish, some look helpless and desperate. These children, the future of the nation, are regretfully bound to lead such a miserable life. Click here to read Full Article

Pakistan: the only passage for America by A-Haq (London)
Posted By: Exclusive On: 24/Jan/2014 Views:1426 Replies:0 
Old and new era of Pak-American relations appear to me quite similar. The way America used to play foul with previous rulers of Pakistan, the same way she is repeating old strategy. Previously, When Ayub Khan soon after holding the reins of the government had declared Pro-American policies and frankly wrote in the journal of the Foreign Affairs, ‘ Pakistan has unequivocally identified Pakistan wit Click here to read Full Article
PTI, Electricity Theft & Abid Ali Sher by A- Haq, London
Posted By: Exclusive On: 17/Jan/2014 Views:1527 Replies:0 
Some people use the title of Sher (tiger) and consider themselves to be real lions. Will the people also start calling them to be tigers, brave and courageous? They may be behaving jackals like timid. Just like the jackals that eat the remains of the lions’ food as a habit, so many a false tigers (jackals) in the society who live on the repute of the others. The blame other reputed people with a v Click here to read Full Article
Imran Khan Pulled down willfully by Peter Pa
Posted By: Exclusive On: 8/May/2013 Views:1648 Replies:0 
London (A. Haq) In an accident Pakistan Tehreek e Insaf’s Chief Imran Khan has got severe head injuries when he was thrashed down from the lifter. Imran Khan was supposed to deliver address in a public meeting in line with election campaign. According to reports he was being lifted to the stage along with his 4 guards but meanwhile another 5th guard tried to climb up and the lifter could not keep Click here to read Full Article

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