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Pakistan: the only passage for America

A-Haq (London)

Old and new era of Pak-American relations appear to me quite similar. The way America used to play foul with previous rulers of Pakistan, the same way she is repeating old strategy. Previously, When Ayub Khan soon after holding the reins of the government had declared Pro-American policies and frankly wrote in the journal of the Foreign Affairs, ‘ Pakistan has unequivocally identified Pakistan with the West and unlike many other countries has decided to alienate completely from the communist countries and taken hands off from their allies. We don’t believe in any double game strategy.’

While addressing the American Congress in 1961, he had expressed very excitedly, ’ Pakistan is the only country in Asia which allows its lands for American Army to stay and defend the Free world (capitalist / Imperialist Block). Before that in 1959 a few months after coming into power President Ayub Khan had allowed America to establish its secret airport at Peshawar near Buda beer. The contract was kept secret and even Pakistanis didn’t k now about it least. This airport was actually a head-quarter of the CIA. U2 Planes flew from here to collect secret reports from Russian territory regarding Russian communication system and armed forces. Americans gad assured Ayub Khan that the U2 planes fly so high that the Russians airmen can’t chase them there; they will be beyond their reach.  This claim lost its strength when the Russian Air Force dropped a U2 and arrested alive its pilot ‘Garry Powers’. Garry opened his mouth and revealed all the secret deals regarding involvement of Pakistan in the matter. The incident led Russia to plan moving towards Afghanistan and Pakistan. Russian government also  threatened of marking Peshawar a red area to be attacked if needed and that  if Pakistan allowed the American planes to land on her territory , then Pakistan will have to face the consequences.’

If we look at America in the scenario of the old incidents, we see that America still wants to see Russia divided into pieces. Russia is the only country on the face of the globe which is still an important powerful country which can defy America. America can’t achieve the status of the only world-super-power till the existence of Russia. America is after this policy and working on it as yet. The Asian passage is the only viable and economical passage to get near to Russia otherwise a vast sea comes in between the two. America wants to come here through all the countries in the way to attack Russia just to safeguard her interests as the only super power.

If we just talk of Pakistan, she found numerous opportunities to escape from the clutches of American hegemony but American government didn’t let Pakistan go out of their hands. They continued their influence by one way or the other. She has strengthened her grip on the Pakistani politics as well. Pakistan is a passage which America has used multiple times and still using and will perhaps continue using to keep her feet firm in Asia.

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