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User Name: Ghulam_Rasool
Full Name: Ghulam Rasool Ch:
User since: 28/Feb/2009
No Of voices: 5
Ghulam Rasool Ch:'s Favorite Voices
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Tahir Qadri is a biggest fraud of current Century
Posted By: Ghulam_Rasool Created On: 27/Sep/2009 Views: 15273 Replies: 3 
Probably in 1990 Lahore High Courts declared him "Hungry of fame", "Greedy", "Immoral" and many other titles in a judgment against him. The case presented by Mr. Basit Lawyer and full judgment would b Click here to read Full Article

Kerry-Lugar Bill By Shaheen Sehbai
Posted By: Ghulam_Rasool On: 27/Sep/2009 Views:6235 Replies:0 
Essence of US demands - give us AQ Khan, don't finger India, forget Kashmir, close the terror shops of Lashkar-e-Taiba and Jaish-e-Muhammed and cooperate in the war on terror on our terms. Click here to read Full Article
Images : Disgrace to tomb of Syedna Amir Muawia & Other Sahaba e karam
Posted By: Ghulam_Rasool On: 17/Sep/2009 Views:10020 Replies:2 
The place ruined in Basra has more than ten thousand Sahaba Karam buried including all of those who participated in Jang e Jummal with Hazrat Ayesha Siddiqa and who were martyred by munafiqeen who als Click here to read Full Article
Creation of new terrorists and war lords to eliminate Taliban – US is repeating its old mistakes
Posted By: Ghulam_Rasool On: 9/May/2009 Views:4612 Replies:1 
Government of Pakistan has re-energized some extremists and reshaped them in a mould of monsters to replace Taliban. Apparently all of new Jihadists have confirmed to join American war of Terror. It is also said that new groups have financial backing of Americans agencies. Each faction has their own Click here to read Full Article
Consecrate portrait of Benazir? What nonsense By Ghulam Rasool
Posted By: Ghulam_Rasool On: 2/Mar/2009 Views:3788 Replies:1 
Whether Benazir was saint, prophet or Devi? She was a simple politician, nothing else. Thugs of PPP cleverly invaded on Govt. properties and named it after Benazir. Majority of properties are in Rawal Click here to read Full Article

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