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ایک ادبی ولیمہ ۔ فرخ شہباز
Posted By: farrukhshahbaz On: 25/Aug/2012 Views:1807 Replies:0 
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مزہبی منافرت کو ہوا نہ دیجیے ۔ مولانا محمد جہاں
Posted By: M.Jehan On: 25/Aug/2012 Views:1818 Replies:0 
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پنجہ آزمائی ۔ طارق حسین بٹ
Posted By: Tariq_Hussain On: 25/Aug/2012 Views:1940 Replies:0 
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Children of the soil by Tariq A. Al-Maeena
Posted By: TARIQA On: 25/Aug/2012 Views:1949 Replies:0 
A dilemma currently facing expatriates living in this country for decades is the uncertain fate of their children who reach the age of maturity. These families face forced breakups as new sponsorship rules come into effect.The result is often dreadful to the sanctity of the family unity. Click here to read Full Article
Cartoons And Images 25-08-2012 by International Professor
Posted By: International_Professor On: 25/Aug/2012 Views:5055 Replies:0 
01. Moulvi Jinnah, 02. Hocus Pocus, 03. Condi's war, 04. Bandlooters, 05. State Terrorism, 06. Kiani Jingo, 07. London Don, 08. Property NajamSethi -1, 09. Property 2 Click here to read Full Article
''گلشن ِاسلام''آج کی نصابی ضرورت ۔ محمد احمدترازی
Posted By: tarazi On: 25/Aug/2012 Views:1760 Replies:0 
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America and Israel Need Change: Animosity and Insanity cannot live for Ever by Mahboob A. Khawaja, PhD
Posted By: Mahboob_Khawaja On: 25/Aug/2012 Views:1994 Replies:0 
There are the times that try men’s soul”, noted Thomas Paine in his famous “Common Sense”, the lifeline to American independence. In situations of adversity and crises, competent leaders represent hope and optimism for change, not egoistic political agenda and animosity…………… Peace requires new THINKING and New VISIONS that American President and Israeli PM do not have except the WAR agenda. Both Click here to read Full Article
Third in line proved third graded by Iqbal Hadi Zaidi
Posted By: Iqbal_Hadi_Zaidi On: 25/Aug/2012 Views:1891 Replies:0 
Prince Hary of UK who is 3rd in line of succession to the throne has triumphed as third graded instead. The prince has been caught bare naked in a royal hotel suite in Las Vegas, USA and TMZ did not miss the chance to flash naked prince on its web site which was viewed by millions all over the globe including his home country. Today The Sun newspaper has flashed naked prince putting his hands on Click here to read Full Article
India's Waning Politics and Economy by DR. ABDUL RUFF
Posted By: abdulruff On: 25/Aug/2012 Views:1916 Replies:0 
In India rich are born to enjoy and other to suffer. Hindus are born to rule and Muslims to take all blames of regime's wrong politics, policies and inadequacies.Although there is no conclusive evidence about close relationship between politics and economics of a given country to show that positive politics contributes to better and healthy economics, in Indian context the hypothesis has been pro Click here to read Full Article
Indian Terror Fanaticism: Hindu Media Target Muslims by DR. ABDUL RUFF
Posted By: abdulruff On: 25/Aug/2012 Views:1858 Replies:0 
Fanaticism and terrorism have survived in India despite several regimes ruling the nation primarily because the media have stayed hard core fanatic, cold towards Muslims. Click here to read Full Article
New Egypt’s Efforts for Economic Revival by DR. ABDUL RUFF
Posted By: abdulruff On: 25/Aug/2012 Views:1754 Replies:0 
Arab Spring brought to Egypt havoc in terms of human losses and economic dislocation. People have been on the receiving end because their lives have been affected by economic depreciation. And the new elected president Mohamed Mursi is at work to revive economy of Egypt. Click here to read Full Article
Can Europe save Euro? by DR. ABDUL RUFF
Posted By: abdulruff On: 25/Aug/2012 Views:1809 Replies:0 
Western finances have been in shambles. For too long, euro-zone politicians have been discussing an alternative for increasing the means available to the rescue fund without national governments being required to provide further money. The trick is to provide the European Stability Mechanism (ESM) with a banking license that would allow it, in practice, to borrow as much money as it needs from the Click here to read Full Article
Common people globally suffer since Sept-11 NATO terror war in Afghanistan by DR. ABDUL RUFF
Posted By: abdulruff On: 25/Aug/2012 Views:1912 Replies:0 
Ordinary people across the globe are worst hit in terms of incomes. American scene is no better than elsewhere, including the third world where the life of common folk has steeply worsened since the onset of the Spet-11 hoax, perpetrated by anti-Islamic forces led by NATO terror gang, and consequent terror wars in the form of WW-III in Islamic world. Click here to read Full Article
London Olympics 2012: World champion Iran's Behdad Salimikordasiabi the strongest man on earthy by DR. ABDUL RUFF
Posted By: abdulruff On: 25/Aug/2012 Views:2235 Replies:0 
Iran has been in the forefront in sports for years now. World champion Behdad Salimikordasiabi if Iran (Persia) is now the strongest man on this earth and his outstadningperformace proved that in the just concluded 2012 Olympics in London. Behdad Salimikordasiabi needed just four lifts to secure the Olympics Gold ahead of Iran team-mate Sajjad Anoushiravani, sparking wild celebrations among score Click here to read Full Article
Who proved smarter-passenger or PIA or both? by Iqbal Hadi Zaidi
Posted By: Iqbal_Hadi_Zaidi On: 25/Aug/2012 Views:1755 Replies:0 
This has reference to the news flashed today Wed 22nd August, 2012 in few leading dailies that a lady passenger named Patrice Christine Ahmad boarded PIA flight from Lahore for Paris but she kept on sleeping in the aircraft and instead of disembarking at Paris she came back to Lahore after flying 12,000 kilometers. Click here to read Full Article
فحش اخلاقیات اور قوموں کا زوال ۔ اوریا مقبول جان
Posted By: Orya On: 25/Aug/2012 Views:2952 Replies:0 
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A Happy Augury by Col. Riaz Jafri (Retd)
Posted By: Riaz On: 25/Aug/2012 Views:1817 Replies:0 
A news ticker that might not have caught the attention of many was run by a TV channel that read, “Noor al Ameen Mangal (DCO Lahore) ordered immediate suspension of Dr. Sajid for negligence of duty on receiving complaints against him” (words to that effect). A happy augury that portends well for the good governance. Now-a-days one doesn’t come across many officers exercising their powers in cens Click here to read Full Article

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