"Let there arise out of you a band of people inviting to all that is good enjoining what is right and forbidding what is wrong; they are the ones to attain felicity".
(surah Al-Imran,ayat-104)
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User Name: Yousafzai
Full Name: Manzoor Ahmad Yousafzai
User since: 20/Apr/2008
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Foreign Countries"”Should not be sanctuaries for the Political personalities of Pakistan.

            It is totally confusing and intolerable phenomenon for the people of Pakistan that those who rule at one time will take refuge in foreign countries for their safety. It is also astonishing that those who claim themselves popular figures of the countries are destitute to the intercession of the Heads of foreign States. It means that those who take refuge in foreign countries have no popularity or footing in the Country. There is hue and cry in the Country that America is interfering in our affairs but no one is opening lips that why Saudi Arabia has been dragged in the political arena of the Country. In Pakistan, Parliament exists, independent Judiciary exists, political wisdom exists then what justification is with those who implore the foreign heads and countries to come for their rescue? It is even duplicity in the characters of our leaders that they legislate and impose laws for the common man in the country but when those laws go against the interests of these leaders, then they resent and term the imposition of these laws as political victimization, political vengeance etc. Very strange! Either they should abrogate all the laws with a single stroke of a pen for not implementing them on the people across the board or they should submit themselves to it if they are accused under these laws. The dual treatment of the citizens is also against the Constitution of Pakistan and the Superior Judiciary should take notice of it. This is the actual point of contention between the common man and the elite class in this Country. If Nawaz Sharif had not gone to Saudi Arabia, today he would not have faced such a criticism of going to the Kingdom under a deal which he even have admitted, was of five years. Today he cannot morally reject the request of the rulers of the Kingdom with who he spent seven years along with his family. He has got the favours of the rulers of Kingdom and if the rulers interfered in the case of General Musharraf, at least, Nawaz Sharif has no moral ground to reject the request. Every one knows that Nawaz Sharif is in the mood of vengeance and that is why no one is committed to side with him on this issue. All the political parties of the Country are silent on issue of the trial of General Musharraf under Article 6 of the Constitution because they know that it will produce adverse results. Those who got themselves acquitted of all the charges under the NRO, have no courage to start the trial. Implementation of law needs proper atmosphere. Common man is brought under the implementation because he does not belong to any armed group or have no force to defend himself in the matter. That is why he is put under every trial and tribulation for the implementation of the laws of the Country. He is even put under the shelling of the Gunship helicopters and his every belonging is destroyed. But when the trial of a VIP is sought then every possible help is provided to him in his rescue from such hardship. I request for the full justice with every citizen of this Country.

In Iran, the names of the Cabinet Ministers are put before the Parliament for endorsement. In America, the names of the Secretaries are put before the Congress for approval and the Congress is at liberty to accept or reject their names. In our Country, most of the major decisions are taken by bypassing the Parliament. The Parliamentarians are crying against this trend but no one listens to them. I request the leadership of all the political parties not seek supporters in the outside the World but should depend on the people of Pakistan for their protection. I also request the foreign Countries to assist the people of Pakistan in minimization of the plight of the people of Pakistan instead of supporting either one personality or another.

          It is enough that the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is the centre of our religious guidance. Its rulers should not be our political mentors. We have our distinct political system, system of Judiciary, and way of democracy"”good or bad. Saudi Arabia should look to the people of Pakistan instead of looking at a few leaders. It should heavily invest its money in Pakistan in order to provide job opportunities to the people. The concept of Saudi friendship has yet to come down to the common man of the Country. What would be the sentiments of the people Saudi Arabia, America or any other Country, if we gave political asylum to their controversial leaders?

Manzoor Ahmad Yousafzai.

Thursday, September 03, 2009.


ISLAMABAD: The almost royal treatment given by the Saudi government to former president Gen (retd) Pervez Musharraf during his visit to Riyadh has thrown his opponents into total confusion. (Dawn news).

Reports that King Abdullah sent a special plane to bring the retied general from London to Riyadh have surprised a number of politicians many of whom had received Saudi favours and courtesy.

The reports have sparked speculations that the Saudi ruling family is taking keen interest to defuse tension in Pakistan and try to use its influence to persuade PML-N chief Nawaz Sharif to give up his demand for Gen (retd) Musharraf's trial for high treason.

It was because of these reports that a PML-N spokesman denied that any Saudi request relating to the former military leader had been made to Mr Sharif. "˜There has been no official message from the Saudi family to Mian Nawaz Sharif in this regard,' Senator Pervez Rasheed told reporters.

He refused to comment on Musharraf's visit to Saudi Arabia as a royal guest.

Some observers here attach great importance to the former president's visit and say that disturbed by the persistent demand for trial made by the PML-N, Gen Musharraf wanted King Abdullah to use his influence and bail him out.

Others say it was a routine visit because Gen Musharraf has good relations with the Saudi royal family and it has nothing to do with the current political situation in the country.

Barrister Mohammad Ali Saif, who claims to be spokesperson and representative of Gen Musharraf in Pakistan, said: "˜The PML-N should see and understand how the former president is being treated by the Saudi government and forget about his (Musharraf) trial for treason.'

He said it was not for the first time that the Saudi government had sent a special plane for Gen Musharraf. In the past also, he added, King Abdullah had offered the facility and Gen Musharraf kept the plane sent by king for some time for his travel to European countries.

Asked if the Saudi government had given any guarantee to the former president that he would not be tried, Mr Saif said: "˜I don't know anything about this, but there is little possibility of Gen Musharraf facing trial only because the PML-N is asking for that.'

A senior PPP leader pointed out that frequent visits by Saudi intelligence chief Prince Muqrin bin Abdul Aziz to Pakistan before and after the resignation of Gen Musharraf showed the level of Saudi government's engagement with Pakistan.

In reply to a question about any assurance given by the government to the Saudis about the fate of Gen Musharraf, he said: "˜I am not aware of this, but the way the former president is being treated in the kingdom means he cannot be touched in Pakistan.'

He said it was only the PML-N which was insisting on Musharraf's trial while other parties were either least concerned or not "˜very serious' about it.



Manzoor Ahmad Yousafzai

B.Sc; L.L.B. M.A. Political Science

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