"Let there arise out of you a band of people inviting to all that is good enjoining what is right and forbidding what is wrong; they are the ones to attain felicity".
(surah Al-Imran,ayat-104)
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User Name: Haque
Full Name: Anwar Ul Haque
User since: 28/Mar/2007
No Of voices: 233
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The Light of Truth:

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News: Pakistan army is "considering' going to Daafar, Sudan as part of UNO.


As everyone knows that UNO is the real Zionist Global Organization to safe
guard the interests of Zionists and Israelis, Pakistan army will be required to shed
its blood and serve the worst enemies of Islam and humanity. Some with poor Iman (Faith) may like to go to make a few bucks. As they will be serving
enemies of Allah, Allah will rightly punish them both in this world and in the
It should be known that there is no real fight in Deafer except which is
artificially created by the Western Zionists forces. In the name of Churches and Health care facilities, a lot of ammunition is kept in the Churches and in
the hospitals there are no real patients. As you join the army of enemies, the rest of the Muslim Ummah will treat you as traitor and so if you are attacked by the local population one should not be surprised. The same is happening in
Afghanistan where the supporters of invaders are treated just like the invaders and their names and so called
religion makes no difference to the local defending population.

News: Mr. Abbas (phalistanian president) has created a new puppet Government with the help of Israel and the Zionist puppet USA Government.


Mr. Abbas has a reputation of being Baahi and hence a Non Muslims. He was a great friend and trusted puppet of Mr. Aerial Sharon, who soul is stuck in his
throat. Sharon was the butcher of Shatilla and Sabira Camps and
was the notorious commander of 101 Brigade which use to lock the cabins of Palestinian workers and then blast them! Mr. Abbas and alike i.e. Pervaiz and
Karzai etc. have sold themselves for little gain in this world. The Government of Abbas is totally illegal and does not enjoy the support of over 85%
Palestinians. However just like Pervaiz, his Government will be given full support by the Zionists. But it is going to fail because Abbas and his comrades will be as corrupt if not more as Yaser Arafat who was a gay and a full time
Israeli puppet just like Hasni Mubarak, Abdullah (Jordan) and Non Muslim Alwaite (
Syria). In the sight of Allah, the
Munafiqeen are worse than Kuffar. In all places wherever there is a fight between Haq and Baatil, the Battil has to be and will be defeated.
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