"Let there arise out of you a band of people inviting to all that is good enjoining what is right and forbidding what is wrong; they are the ones to attain felicity".
(surah Al-Imran,ayat-104)
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User Name: Haque
Full Name: Anwar Ul Haque
User since: 28/Mar/2007
No Of voices: 233
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Anwar Ul Haque, MD

Every body has tested flu not once but several times in his/her life span. Some people are flu lovers and they catch the flu several times a year! Either flu catches them or they catch the flu! Their nose becomes red; they run temperature and feel aches, pain, lethargic, weak and fatigued! They cough and sneeze and spread the virus through air or handshakes.

Most flues cure themselves. The body has many mechanisms to deal with them and to get rid of them. We do not require vaccines against them. Little rest, a hot cup of tea (umm!) and perhaps a tablet of aspirin or paracetamol (Whatever you like and suitable) is all that need.

However when human intellect and greed interblend and combine with powerful pharmaceutical companies and American Armed Forces Institute by the name of “Center for Disease Control”, the things change. The material eye (The human and ethical eye is of course  closed) gets sparkling. Mere thought of making zillions of dollars in selling these so called vaccines make them alert, active and ‘smart”!

Most media in the world acts as parrots and monkeys. They just repeat what they hear and they just act like what they see acting others without slightly bothering the gray cells of their brain. They throw out what others have already chewed for them. They perhaps know that it is the safest course. If they started thinking; their foreign trips (paid of course through the blood and sweat of the poor through so called aids; in reality loans with heavy compound interest) will be cancelled and they will be deprived of this and that grants, scholarships (of being most obedient puppy) and green bucks!

Here we present the facts about so called Swine Flu for the understanding of common public. Hope the readers will find these interesting and useful. The internet has millions of articles on the subject. The opinion is my personal and you have all the right to not to agree with it and you can make your own mind if you like by going through the exhaustive search on internet. The “you tube” also has several mindboggling and revealing videos including those of the top virologists exposing not only the Swine Flu vaccines but also the role of CDC in these schisms and dramas. Please make up your won mind.

The myth and the facts are:

1.      The swine flu will become pandemic i.e. epidemic all over the world and you may get it some day (Absolutely wrong there is no such threat at all, every hospital and many houses have flu inflicted patients year around and swine flu is happened to be like one of them)

2.      The swine flu is deadly (Absolutely wrong. The suspected cases at many hospitals are as strong and as fit as strong horses. )

3.      The swine flu vaccines are safe (Absolutely wrong, their safety had not been adequately tests and there are several reports of extreme side effects like paralysis. The USA administration due to fear of many lawsuits has come up with new “laws” which will make it extremely hard if not impossible to sue these companies for the deadly side effects of the vaccines (See how they care for your. After all they are caring for Dr. Aafia and her 3 year and six month old child terrorists!)  

4.      The Swine flu carries a high mortality. (Far from truth. It has very very low mortality. It is not like Dengue and Cong fever which do have high mortality)

5.      The swine flu drama is different from SARS and Bird Flu (Not exactly; they are quite similar. With powerful media people are forced to swallow all so called scientific facts;  In reality plain rubbish. After all these media are keeping Osma alive and producing his and his comrades videos every other day. The White House is the clearing house of all such trash; it should be called House of White Lies. One female USA Air Force employee after seeing such nauseating lies resigned. Karen from North Carolina could not take all the garbage about Afghanistan and Iraq war and found these White House claims in total contradiction to truth and facts and against high American Ideals. She resigned despite liking her job in air force and after serving USA air force for so long.)

It should be known that a large number of American scientists have turned down the free offer of swine flu vaccines. Well you might have seen four legged swine but we do have two legged mutant pigs all around. I am not talking about those Israelites who violated Sabbath on trying to become over smart and the God All Mighty changed them into monkeys and swine; well they had gone to jungle and died natural death; I am talking about the present day mad cows and hogs which prey upon all kinds of rubbish and their tummy is not filled even if they eat up 100% of people’s money. It is quite understandable that such so called human hogs will play key role in pandemic of swine flu and selling of its vaccines for billions to those who do not have even simple flour, sugar and adequate supply of electricity. 

Prof. (Dr. ) Anwar Ul Haque is a consultant pathologist. His writings are not copyrighted and he does not accept any material reward for his writings. Please feel free to print without alterations. He can be contacted at: House 49 F 11/3 Islamabad 44000. Pakistan. Phone 03335129849 And 0512294099 

Replied by(Haque) Replied on (29/Sep/2009)
These are challenging times and we need to stay calm and think things through - not just panic and react. Fear, panic and emotional reaction got us into this mess and it is certainly not going to get



By David Icke

These are challenging times and we need to stay calm and think things through - not just panic and react. Fear, panic and emotional reaction got us into this mess and it is certainly not going to get us out of it.
We also need to realise - here, now - that we have long crossed the line into a fully-fledged fascist dictatorship. It has hidden itself to most people this far, but it is about to lift the veil.
It is no longer an option to do nothing or passively acquiesce to authority out of fear or apathy. Or, at least, it's not if we care about our freedoms and, most importantly, those of our children and grandchildren who will have to live almost their entire lives under a global jackboot of sheer, undiluted evil.
The word 'evil' is much overused and I don't say it lightly; but we are dealing with evil in the sense that the word is the reverse of 'live'. Those behind the conspiracy to cull the human population and turn the rest into little more than computer terminals are anti-life. They have no respect for it and no empathy with those who suffer the consequences of their actions, no matter how appalling.
I have been warning of what was coming for nearly 20 years and it is not 'coming' any more - it's here. No more excuses from anyone, please. We have to deal with it. We have to draw a line in the sand and say no more.
Never was this more important than with the conspiracy to force swine flu vaccination upon the global population. The swine flu virus was created in a laboratory to generate  mass panic with the specific intention of forcing everyone to have the vaccine. Problem-Reaction- Solution. This 'natural' swine flu virus apparently contains genes from humans, birds and pigs from several continents.

If you concoct and release a virus and then implement a clearly long-planned mass vaccination programme, there can be only one sensible conclusion: swine flu is not the biggest danger here - it's the vaccine.
The scale and speed of the planned vaccination programme is insane given that the overwhelming majority of those who have contracted the virus have had very mild symptoms. Dr Peter Holden of the Rothschild-controll ed British Medical Association said that although swine flu was not causing serious illness they were eager to start a mass vaccination campaign, beginning with 'priority groups'. Ugh?? This is not about public health and never was.
Those administering the vaccinations have no clue what is in them or their potential effect. They are just repeaters thinking what they are told to think and doing what they are told to do. Only those at the core of the conspiracy, and those who bother to research it, know what the game is.

'Get yer flu shot, get yer flu shot, get yer flu shot ...'

The Austrian journalist, Jane Bürgermeister, has filed criminal charges with the FBI against the World Health Organization (WHO), United Nations, Barack Obama, a Rockefeller, a Rothschild, and others, over a plot she uncovered to cull the population with a deadly swine flu vaccine.
She said that bird flu and swine flu have been developed in laboratories and released on the public with the aim of mass murder through vaccination. Her filed document is called Bioterrorism Evidence. She writes here about the United States, but what she says applies everywhere:
'There is evidence that an international corporate criminal syndicate, which has annexed high government office at Federal and State level, is intent on carrying out a mass genocide against the people of the United States by using an artificial (genetic) flu pandemic virus and forced vaccine program to cause mass death and injury and depopulate America in order to transfer control of the United States to the United Nations and affiliated security forces (UN troops from countries such as China, Canada, the UK and Mexico).
There is proof many organisations - World Health Organisation, UN as well as vaccine companies such as Baxter and Novartis - are part of a single system under the control of a core criminal group, who give the strategic leadership, and who have also funded the development, manufacturing and release of artificial viruses in order to justify mass vaccinations with a bioweapon substance in order to eliminate the people of the USA, and so gain control of the assets, resources etc of North America.
The motivation for the crime is classical robbery followed by murder although the scale and method are new in history. The core group sets its strategic goals and operative priorities in secret using committees such as the Trilateral Commission, and in person to person contact in the annual Bilderberg meeting.'
Jane Bürgermeister is a rare real journalist, so much so that she was sacked from her job as European correspondent of the Renewable Energy World website after she filed the charges with the FBI. Renewable Energy? It is their backbone and sense of decency that need renewing, but it shows how controlled everything is.
What Bürgermeister describes in her FBI submission is a ......

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