"Let there arise out of you a band of people inviting to all that is good enjoining what is right and forbidding what is wrong; they are the ones to attain felicity".
(surah Al-Imran,ayat-104)
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User Name: Iqbal_Hadi_Zaidi
Full Name: Iqbal Hadi Zaidi
User since: 26/Aug/2008
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Tits & bits copied from News at 1919 on Sun 11 Mar, 2012


While going through The News, following three were very much striking and worth reading hence I simply cannot be silent on them. Each of them are independent news which emanated at different places so they are not linked as such but yet the news individually and collectively give us lot of food for thought provided our moral conscious is not dead or at least not rusty.


RAWALPINDI: Police officials in Rawalpindi have taken an oath not to take bribes. This was stated by Inspector General Punjab Police while speaking to the media. 

The IG Punjab said that officials had been directed to investigate and act against illegal detention in prisons and regularly visit their receptive police stations. 


a.  What does it mean and how should it be interpreted, may I ask honorable Inspector General Punjab Police? He while addressing the media in Rawalpindi said that since police officials have taken oath not to take any bribery be in cash or kind or favor hence he has directed them not to breach their oath which is commendable but why he had to say so is my question? Isn’t it quite but natural that anyone who takes oath is to keep the oath and not break it so where is the need to remind the same? Why and how is it applicable to Rawalpindi police only and not the rest police force so far as Punjab is concerned is my another question? Why did he say so now and not on the day when he took over as IGPP is yet another question? Isn’t ii half cooked simply because he did not say at all as to what would be the punishment for those policemen and policewomen who work against the oath? Don’t you agree with me that this one statement has given birth to many questions which are unanswered but need answers.



PESHAWAR: At least 15 people were killed and dozens others injured in Peshawar's Budh Bher area when a suicide bomber blew himself up during funeral prayers, Geo News reported.

The blast went off near a graveyard where people were offering funeral prayers in the Budh Bher area on the outskirts of Peshawar.

Police and rescue teams reached the scene and cordoned off the area. 

The victims were shifted to the nearby hospitals including Lady Reading Hospital.

Deputy Speaker Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Assembly Khushdil Khan also attended the prayers and left the spot minutes before the blast.

b. How shocking and heart breaking is the news that some suicide bomber blew himself in grave yard amongst those who were already offering final prayers for someone who has died? 15 mourners died in just one go as the suicide bomber blew off him at the grave yard where many had come to bury someone. It reminds me that earlier many a time places of worship like mosques, imam barghas and churches have been targeted and so many innocent lives had been lost at those holy places and now even the grave yard is not spared. How can any human, leaving apart that the bomber is a Muslim, even think to attack none but grave yard? What should we do now when our grave yard also is not safe? Should none die so that grave yard is not needed and when none goes to grave yard then the bomber is not to target it in any case but it is against the nature that none dies meaning by that people will die as they are dying from the day when 1st human was born and buried so grave yard is something we simply cannot avoid come what may? Traditionally speaking, none goes to attend any wedding unless he or she is invited but one does not need an invitation to offer condolence and or attend funeral hence many unknown can be seen on death but now the most important question is as to how to keep off the bomber then? Shouldn’t we refuse all the unknowns to either offer condolence or attend funeral so that the devil bomber does not come near to us? Shouldn’t we bodily search each and every mourner? What suggestion you have to keep off the suicide bomber?


KABUL: Afghan President Hamid Karzai condemned a shooting rampage by Western soldiers in southern Kandahar province on Sunday as "intentional murders" and demanded an explanation from the United States.

The victims of the shooting spree, which left up to 16 civilians dead, included nine children and three women, Karzai's office said in a statement. (Reuters)

c.  Hamid Karzai, Afghanistan president complains to US President Obama saying that western soldiers have killed 16 civilians in Kandhar province.  Why western soldiers are in Afghanistan? Aren’t they, to the best of my knowledge and belief, deputed there to enforce peace? Aren’t they sent to Afghanistan as peace keepers and not killers? This is way beyond anybody’s imagination that those who have sent out from thousands of miles to Afghanistan to protect the lives of Afghanis have themselves turned as killers. Those who are entrusted to enforce and maintain peace and tranquility in the troubled Afghanistan have started behaving just the opposite way and killed locals as against protecting them. Afghanis can kill themselves if the situation so demands and they do not need westerns to come all the way to kill their own compatriots. The western soldiers who killed 16 Afghanis for no reason and rhyme must be killed alike at the same spot so that tit for tat is enforced in its true spirit and application. Perhaps all those western soldiers who have been accused killing 16 should have been killed and then the news must have been relayed to Obama by Karzai to keep balance and maintain equilibrium.


Who differs with me and on which point-a or b or c or all?


Iqbal Hadi Zaidi / Kuwait /
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