"Let there arise out of you a band of people inviting to all that is good enjoining what is right and forbidding what is wrong; they are the ones to attain felicity".
(surah Al-Imran,ayat-104)
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User Name: Ahsan_Siddiqui
Full Name: Ahsan Siddiqui
User since: 3/Jul/2008
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I just come to know the performance of Pakistan Air Force are the main points...not discussed publicly ever.


- PAF pilots are engaged on Jordan border for 4 months against Israel
- PAF pilots has engaged 3 Israel Air Force planes , in Air to Air combat and none of them was escaped. All 3 Israeli Air Force Planes were destroyed.
- Israeli Air Force was refrain from encountering PAF Pilots and didn't attempt to cross the Jordanian border again.

- Once again PAF was engaged against Israel and Air defense batteries was launched along the border of Jordan.
- Being known that PAF is there, IAF wasn't attempted to enter into Jordan.


- After successful bombardment at Iraq nuclear program in 1981, Israel was planned to have an air attack on Pakistan Neclear Program.
- This attack was scheduled with the help of India Air Force.
- Israeli Air force and India Air Force both have to engaged their fighter planes and attack was scheduled from two sides.
- Pakistan was informed just before 4 hours of attack.
- Attack was scheduled at 4 am in morning and Pakistani Authorities was informed at 1200 AM..just four hours before scheduled attack
- During these 4 hours, PAF has sent all it's fighter planes in air , PAF was engaged aggressively.
- Whole night , PAF monitored Pakistani Air Bases, Kahota Nuclear Plant , boundaries of Pakistan. cities of Pakistan, Pakistan defense strategic assets were continuously monitored by PAF.
- PAF stay in air for 72 hours patrolling.
- PAF Pilots has scheduled to offer an counter attack on Indian and Israeli Nuclear assets by the same time, same day.
- In case of atatch on Pakistani Nuclear assets. PAF pilots had offered one sided operation on Indian and Israeli Nuclear assets, as that time Pakistan don't have the faciliy to refuel during flight.
- So PAF pilots were offered one sided attack mission, NO Chance to Come back to home, No Chance to see their beloved again.
-  Being known that India and Israel Air force refrain to atatck Pakistani Nuclear Assets.


Thanks to PAF "“ We, Pakistanis are pround of YOU.

Ahsan Siddiqui
 Reply:   We have the ability to stop Missile and Drone, but it is government to dec
Replied by(Noman) Replied on (25/Nov/2008)
.We have the ability to stop Missile and Drone, but it is government to decide, when and how

 Reply:   And this PAF is not doing anything to prevent darone plane attacks
Replied by(Noman) Replied on (24/Nov/2008)

They are good for nothing at the moment. They can act good if some one is paying them like Egypt and others but for their own country they are not ready to do anything, why?
where were our PAF during Kargil mission?

 Reply:   PAF latest duty
Replied by(naveedraja007) Replied on (24/Nov/2008)

And now PAF has a duty to bombar their own people in Wazirastan, Bajore and various areas of NWFP. They are doing this mission as a sacrad duty to kill their own people and failed to present a single body of any militant to meadia.
 Reply:   still proud ?
Replied by(Umerkhan) Replied on (24/Nov/2008)

in 1960s, 70s, 80s,90s there was some other PAF now its dome thing else. wot r they doing now a days killing their own innocent citizens ??? they r not allowing any one in PAF with beards according to sunnat (though small r allowed).?? still u r proud `?
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